
Infrastructure is a key resource for education and research at an internationally leading university. Access to learning environments, research facilities, experimental equipment, databases, libraries, collections and biobanks paves the way for scientific and scholarly breakthroughs and knowledge creation. Access to world-class facilities lays a foundation for strengthening the position of Uppsala University as an internationally leading and attractive research university. The University will continue to develop strong education and research infrastructure to support and contribute to the renewal of education and research. This requires a long-term perspective that takes account of existing national and international strategies for education and research infrastructure.

Appropriate infrastructure will support education

The University will provide appropriate and flexible physical and digital infrastructure for education. All types of teaching premises need development and modernisation to accommodate new teaching technology for both on-campus and distance education, new teaching and learning methods, and advanced apparatus and computer infrastructure for education. The learning environments and educational resources offered must be accessible to all students regardless of any disabilities.

Strategy work and processes for prioritisation in research infrastructure will be strengthened

The University will develop its internal strategy work on research infrastructure to reinforce systematic and coordinated efforts, whether national or local, such as prioritisation processes and structures to guarantee long-term funding and governance. Uppsala will be a clear voice in the shaping of national research infrastructure strategies.

More use will be made of existing research infrastructures

Existing research infrastructure and facilities need to be given greater visibility and prominence to improve use and coordination and to enhance the University’s attractiveness. Conditions will be improved for collaboration on research infrastructure, for example in education, industry and society. This will benefit the University through increased knowledge transfer and by making the usefulness of research more visible.

The above text is an excerpt from Uppsala University: Mission, Goals and Strategies.

Research infrastructure at Uppsala University

Uppsala University hosts various infrastructure resources that are accessible nationally and internationally, and by the same token, researchers at the University make extensive use of infrastructure elsewhere in Sweden and abroad. Infrastructure for research and education includes everything from large research facilities to collections at the University Library, the museums’ historical collections, databases and IT systems.

Uppsala University’s research infrastructure


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