Martin Ryberg
Professor at Department of Organismal Biology; Systematic Biology
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 26 47
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- Visiting address:
- Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, Norbyv. 18D
75236 Uppsala - Postal address:
- Norbyv. 18D
75236 Uppsala - Available:
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- Academic merits:
- PhD, Docent
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Short presentation
Researcher in systematic biology with focus on Fungi. Teaching bioinformatics and macroevolution.
Recent publications
- The evolution of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis and host-plant switches are the main drivers for diversification of Amanitaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) (2024)
- High rate of gene family evolution in proximity to the origin of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in Inocybaceae (2024)
- A new species of Inosperma, and first record of I. afromelliolens (Inocybaceae, Fungi) from West Africa (2023)
- Historical biogeography and diversification of ringless Amanita (section Vaginatae) support an African origin and suggest niche conservatism in the Americas (2023)
- Cytological studies reveal high variation in ascospore number and shape and conidia produced directly from ascospores in Morchella galilaea (2023)
All publications
- The evolution of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis and host-plant switches are the main drivers for diversification of Amanitaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) (2024)
- High rate of gene family evolution in proximity to the origin of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in Inocybaceae (2024)
- A new species of Inosperma, and first record of I. afromelliolens (Inocybaceae, Fungi) from West Africa (2023)
- Historical biogeography and diversification of ringless Amanita (section Vaginatae) support an African origin and suggest niche conservatism in the Americas (2023)
- Cytological studies reveal high variation in ascospore number and shape and conidia produced directly from ascospores in Morchella galilaea (2023)
- Phylogenetic diversity and affiliation of tropical African ectomycorrhizal fungi (2023)
- Global consortium for the classification of fungi and fungus-like taxa (2023)
- How, not if, is the question mycologists should be asking about DNA-based typification (2023)
- The curse of the uncultured fungus (2022)
- Paxilloboletus gen. nov., a new lamellate bolete genus from tropical Africa (2022)
- Amanita sect. Phalloideae (2022)
- Phylogeny and evolution of morphological structures in a highly diverse lineage of fruiting-body-forming amoebae, order Trichiales (Myxomycetes, Amoebozoa) (2022)
- Stage-specific transposon activity in the life cycle of the fairy-ring mushroom Marasmius oreades (2022)
- On the evolution of ectomycorrhizal fungi (2022)
- Impact of model assumptions on the inference of the evolution of ectomycorrhizal symbiosis in fungi (2022)
- Three new species of Inosperma (Agaricales, Inocybaceae) from Tropical Africa (2021)
- Mallocybe africana (Inocybaceae, Fungi), the first species of Mallocybe described from Africa (2021)
- Long- and short-read metabarcoding technologies reveal similar spatiotemporal structures in fungal communities (2021)
- ARBitR (2021)
- Soil fungal communities of ectomycorrhizal dominated woodlands across West Africa (2021)
- Multigene phylogeny and taxonomic revision of Atheliales s.l. (2021)
- Morphology, Multilocus Phylogeny, and Toxin Analysis Reveal Amanita albolimbata, the First Lethal Amanita Species From Benin, West Africa (2020)
- When mycologists describe new species, not all relevant information is provided (clearly enough) (2020)
- The genus Catathelasma (Catathelasmataceae, Basidiomycota) in China (2020)
- Naming the untouchable - environmental sequences and niche partitioning as taxonomical evidence in fungi (2020)
- FungalTraits (2020)
- Fruiting body form, not nutritional mode, is the major driver of diversification in mushroom-forming fungi (2020)
- Maintenance of High Genome Integrity over Vegetative Growth in the Fairy-Ring Mushroom Marasmius oreades (2019)
- Two new African siblings of Pulveroboletus ravenelii (Boletaceae) (2018)
- Structure and function of the global topsoil microbiome. (2018)
- The genome and microbiome of a dikaryotic fungus (Inocybe terrigena, Inocybaceae) revealed by metagenomics (2018)
- Host genetic variation strongly influences the microbiome structure and function in fungal fruiting-bodies (2018)
- New light on names and naming of dark taxa (2018)
- High-level classification of the Fungi and a tool for evolutionary ecological analyses (2018)
- Complex effects of mammalian grazing on extramatrical mycelial biomass in the Scandes forest-tundra ecotone (2018)
- Ranking higher taxa using divergence times (2017)
- Read quality-based trimming of the distal ends of public fungal DNA sequences is nowhere near satisfactory (2017)
- Annotating public fungal ITS sequences from the built environment according to the MIxS-Built Environment standard - a report from a May 23-24, 2016 workshop (Gothenburg, Sweden) (2016)
- Into and out of the tropics (2016)
- Top 50 most wanted fungi (2016)
- The evolution of Massarineae with Longipedicellataceae fam. nov. (2016)
- Detection of signal recognition particle (SRP) RNAs in the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) of three lineages of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Agaricomycetes, Basidiomycota) (2016)
- Phylommand - a command line software package for phylogenetics [version 1; referees: awaiting peer review] (2016)
- Dating the emergence of truffle-like fungi in Australia, by using an augmented meta-analysis (2016)
- Global Multilocus Sequence Type Analysis of Chlamydia trachomatis Strains from 16 Countries (2015)
- A Comprehensive, Automatically Updated Fungal ITS Sequence Dataset for Reference-Based Chimera Control in Environmental Sequencing Efforts (2015)
- Molecular phylogenetics and taxonomy in Psathyrellaceae (Agaricales) with focus on psathyrelloid species (2015)
- Molecular operational taxonomic units as approximations of species in the light of evolutionary models and empirical data from Fungi (2015)
- Improving ITS sequence data for identification of plant pathogenic fungi (2014)
- Global biogeography of the ectomycorrhizal/sebacina lineage (Fungi, Sebacinales) as revealed from comparative phylogenetic analyses (2014)
- The distance decay of similarity in communities of ectomycorrhizal fungi in different ecosystems and scales (2013)
- Improved software detection and extraction of ITS1 and ITS2 from ribosomal ITS sequences of fungi and other eukaryotes for analysis of environmental sequencing data (2013)
- A systematic, morphological and ecological overview of the Clavariaceae (Agaricales). (2013)
- Incorporating molecular data in fungal systematics (2013)
- Evolution of the toxins muscarine and psilocybin in a family of mushroom-forming fungi. (2013)
- Scaling up (2012)
- Asynchronous origins of ectomycorrhizal clades of Agaricales. (2012)
- Towards global patterns in the diversity and community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi. (2012)
- Rethinking taxon sampling in the light of environmental sequencing (2011)
- Weak habitat specificity in ectomycorrhizal communities associated with Salix herbacea and Salix polaris in alpine tundra. (2011)
- Dealing with incomplete taxon sampling and diversification of a large clade of mushroom-forming fungi. (2011)
- DivBayes and SubT (2011)
- Tidying up international nucleotide sequence databases (2011)
- Long- and short-read metabarcoding technologies reveal similar spatio-temporal structures in fungal communities
- Both ectomycorrhizal tree diversity and soil characteristics structure ectomycorrhizal mushroom communities, and production in Sudanian savanna woodlands
- Comparison of wild mushroom use by ethnic groups surrounding the Upper Ouémé Reserve Forest in Benin, West Africa.
- Dynamics of transposon activity and genomic rearrangements in natural and cultured isolates of the fairy-ring fungus Marasmius oreades
- No inheritance of vegetative mutations into sexual spores of the fungus Marasmius oreades
- Another dark taxon comes to light: Eludereomycetes, class nov. (Pucciniomycotina, Basidiomycota), and its first known living representative, Eluderea minerophilus, gen. et sp. nov.