Matilda Frick
Researcher at Department of Medical Sciences; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10
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- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10, plan
751 85 UPPSALA
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Short presentation
My research concerns self-regulation and its' relation to ADHD and typical development. Since January 2020 I am doing my post-doc, studying aquisition and extinction of fear across the lifespan, to understand the increase of anxiety during adolescence. In a project together with King’s College I aim to study how context affects regulation in children, to better understand why some present self-regulatory deficits in one context only, while others have deficits in several contexts.
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Min forskning rör olika aspekter av självreglering, t ex hur miljön (t ex olika aspekter av föräldraskap) och egenskaper hos barnet påverkar utvecklingen av både emotionsreglering och kognitiv reglering över tid. Jag är också intresserad av ADHD och dess tidiga utveckling. Jag är sedan 2019 doktor i psykologi och legitimerad psykolog sedan 2007. Sedan januari 2020 gör jag min post-doc knuten till avdelningen för Emotionspsykologi, finansierad av ett stipendium från The Sasakawa Young Leader's Fellowship Fund. Där studerar jag inlärning och utsläckning av rädslor i ett livsperspektiv. Syftet är att försöka förstå varför ångestnivåerna är förhöjda hos tonåringar, och mer specifikt hur hjärnans utveckling samt olika självregleringsförmågor påverkar uttryck av oro/ångest. I ett samarbetsprojekt med King’s College avser jag också studera hur kontext påverkar uttryck av barns reglering för att förstå varför vissa barn uppvisar regleringssvårigheter i bara en miljö, medan vissa uppvisar svårigheter i flera miljöer, så som både i skolan och i hemmet.
Jag undervisar också på 20 %, främst inom utredningsmetodik och utvecklingspsykologi.
Post-doc påbörjat 2020
Doktorsexamen 2019
Doktorandutbildningen påbörjad 2013
Arbete som psykolog inom elevhälsan 2009-2013
Arbete som psykolog inom vuxenpsykiatrin 2006-2009
Psykologexamen 2006
Selection of publications
- Mind-wandering in children with and without ADHD (2020)
- Can auditory warning signals normalize eye movements in children with ADHD? (2020)
- Do Individual Differences in Early Affective and Cognitive Self-Regulation Predict Developmental Change in ADHD Symptoms From Preschool to Adolescence? (2019)
- Self-Regulation in Childhood (2019)
- Can reactivity and regulation in infancy predict inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive behavior in 3-year-olds? (2019)
- Temperament and Cognitive Regulation During the First 3 Years of Life as Predictors of Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity at 6 Years (2019)
- A multi-factorial perspective on ADHD and ODD in school-aged children (2019)
- The role of sustained attention, maternal sensitivity, and infant temperament in the development of early self-regulation (2018)
- Early Aspects of Self-Regulation as Predictors of Adolescent ADHD Symptoms (2014)
Recent publications
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Adolescent Peer Victimization and Mental Health on Academic Achievement in Early Adulthood: A 6-Year Longitudinal Cohort Study (2024)
- The influence of anterior cingulate GABA+ and glutamate on emotion regulation and reactivity in adolescents and adults (2024)
- Disrupted Attention to Other’s Eyes is Linked to Symptoms of ADHD in Childhood (2023)
- The Role of Comorbid Symptoms in Perceived Stress and Sleep Problems in Adolescent ADHD (2023)
- Pupil dilation during negative prediction errors is related to brain choline concentration and depressive symptoms in adolescents (2023)
All publications
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Adolescent Peer Victimization and Mental Health on Academic Achievement in Early Adulthood: A 6-Year Longitudinal Cohort Study (2024)
- The influence of anterior cingulate GABA+ and glutamate on emotion regulation and reactivity in adolescents and adults (2024)
- Disrupted Attention to Other’s Eyes is Linked to Symptoms of ADHD in Childhood (2023)
- The Role of Comorbid Symptoms in Perceived Stress and Sleep Problems in Adolescent ADHD (2023)
- Pupil dilation during negative prediction errors is related to brain choline concentration and depressive symptoms in adolescents (2023)
- Eye-movement indices of arousal predict ADHD and comorbid externalizing symptoms over a 2-year period (2023)
- Williams syndrome (2023)
- Cognitive Development in Single-Suture Craniosynostosis - A Systematic Review (2023)
- Attachment in older adults is stably associated with health and quality of life: findings from a 14-year follow-up of the Whitehall II study (2023)
- Emotion dysregulation in ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions (2022)
- Can attachment predict core and comorbid symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder beyond executive functions and emotion regulation? (2022)
- Inhibitory control and problem solving in early childhood (2022)
- Psychotic-like experiences from adolescence to adulthood (2022)
- Increased pupil dilation to happy faces in children with hyperactive/impulsive symptoms of ADHD (2021)
- Mind-wandering in children with and without ADHD (2020)
- Can auditory warning signals normalize eye movements in children with ADHD? (2020)
- Do Individual Differences in Early Affective and Cognitive Self-Regulation Predict Developmental Change in ADHD Symptoms From Preschool to Adolescence? (2019)
- Can reactivity and regulation in infancy predict inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive behavior in 3-year-olds? (2019)
- Does child verbal ability mediate the relationship between maternal sensitivity and later self-regulation? (2019)
- Temperament and Cognitive Regulation During the First 3 Years of Life as Predictors of Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity at 6 Years (2019)
- A multi-factorial perspective on ADHD and ODD in school-aged children (2019)
- The role of sustained attention, maternal sensitivity, and infant temperament in the development of early self-regulation (2018)
- The role of sustained attention, maternal sensitivity, and infant temperament in the development of early self-regulation (2017)
- A Multi-Factorial Perspecitve on ADHD and ODD in School-Aged Children: What is the Role of Cognitive Regulation, Temperament, and Parental Support?
- Assessing mind wandering in children with ADHD: A validation of the Mind Excessive Wandering Scale (MEWS) (2018)
- Can reactivity and regulation in infancy predict inattention and hyperactive/impulsive behavior in 3-year-olds? (2017)
- Can early inhibition, persistence, and activity level predict inattention and hyperactive/impulsive behavior in 6-year-olds? (2017)
- Maternal Sensitivity, Infant Temperament, and Inhibition, as Interactive and Independent Predictors of Early ADHD Symptoms (2016)
- Early Aspects of Self-Regulation as Predictors of Adolescent ADHD Symptoms (2014)