Anna-Carin Nordvall
Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor at Department of Business Studies; Professors, teachers, researchers
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 83 97, +46 498 10 83 97
- Mobile phone:
- +46 70 191 46 07
- E-mail:
- Visiting address:
- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
SE-62157 Visby
Sweden - Postal address:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
SE-62167 Visby
- Academic merits:
- PhD, Docent, Excellent Teacher
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Short presentation
This text is not available in English, therefore the Swedish version is shown.
Jag arbetar som forskare och lektor i företagsekonomi med inriktning mot marknadsföring, konsumentbeteende och beslutsfattande på Campus Gotland sedan hösten 2017. Jag disputerade i psykologi och blev docent i företagsekonomi 2015. Mitt forskningsområde är beslutsfattande vilket har många tillämpningsområden inom företagsekonomi. Min forskning forskning innefattar konsumenters beslutsfattande och behavioral finance där jag undersöker investerares riskbedömningar.
- behavioral finance
- beslutsfattande
- konsumentbeteende
Recent publications
- Measuring rural tourist behaviour and engagement (2025)
- The Status Quo Problem and the Role of Consumers Against Antimicrobial Resistance (2022)
- Pre-merger acquisition capabilities (2022)
- Consumer behaviour and antibiotic resistance (2021)
- Consumer Behaviour and antibiotic resistance (2021)
All publications
- The Status Quo Problem and the Role of Consumers Against Antimicrobial Resistance (2022)
- Pre-merger acquisition capabilities (2022)
- Is consumer behaviour research in a state of social value crisis? (2020)
- do they really measure what they intend to measure? (2019)
- Young consumers' considerations of healthy working conditions in purchasing decisions (2017)
- Importance ratings of grocery store attributes (2015)
- Who shops groceries where and how? (2015)
- Consumer demand as a driver of improved working conditions (2014)
- Customer satisfaction with socially responsible investing initiatives (2014)
- Recycling is good! – Sharing knowledge from one individual to another in a multiple-cue judgment task (2014)
- Consumer Cognitive Dissonance Behavior in Grocery Shopping (2014)
- Determinants of customer satisfaction with socially responsible investments (2010)
- The information search process of socially responsible investors (2010)
- Go with the flow: How to master a nonlinear multiple-cue judgment task (2006)
- Exemplar effects in categorization and multiple-cue judgment. (2003)
- Tourists’ vacation choice structure
- Measuring rural tourist behaviour and engagement (2025)
- The use of intuitive expertise in acquisition-making (2020)
- The information search process of social responsible investors (2017)
- Consumer behaviour and antibiotic resistance (2021)
- Consumer Behaviour and antibiotic resistance (2021)
- Intuition and the Role of Contexts (2020)
- Examining consumer purchase judgment with multiple cue judgment (2015)
- Consumer Cognitive Dissonance behavior in Grocery Shopping (2012)
- Multiple-cue judgment: A new way of examining consumer decision making? (2012)
- Why consumers don´t like neuroeconomics (2011)
- Swedish Consumers’ Satisfaction with Grocery Store Attributes (2010)
- Utslagsbedömningar för polisutbildningen. Pest eller Kolera? (2009)
- Why teaching in a different language is so hard. Pedagogical seminar (2007)
- Social Decision Making Strategies in Internet Poker Playing (2007)
- Non-linear Multiple Cue Judgment tasks (2005)
- Non-linear Multiple Cue Judgment tasks (2005)
- Rules and Exemplars in Multiple-Cue Judgment (2001)