Stina Bergman Blix
Professor at Department of Sociology; Faculty
- Telephone:
- +46 18 471 50 89
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- +46 72 999 97 09
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- Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H - Postal address:
- Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA
Download contact information for Stina Bergman Blix at Department of Sociology; Faculty
- Academic merits:
- PhD, Docent in Sociology
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Short presentation
Stina Bergman Blix' research concerns the sociology of emotions and her theoretical interest includes rationality, social interaction, decision-making, emotional cultures, and professionalization processes. Her latest projects investigate emotions in court from several perspectives: in and around court hearings, and how objectivity is constructed in legal decision-making. She leads the ERC-project JUSTEMOTIONS (2018-2025) and coordinates the Research Group Emotion-Justice-Interaction (EmoJI).
- emotion theory
- empathy
- law and emotion
- professionalization
- qualitative methods
- rationality
- social interaction
- theatre and acting
Stina Bergman Blix is a professor in sociology. She has been a visiting scholar at Bologna University, Italy; a visiting professor at London School of Economics and Political Science, England; a Score Fellow at Stockholm University; and an Honorary Visiting Scholar at Flinders University, Australia. She has previously worked as a researcher at Stockholm University
Bergman Blix is co-founder and coordinator of the research group Emotion-Justice-Interaction (EmoJI), and she currently leads the ERC-project "The Contruction of Objectivity: An International Perspective on Judicial Decision-Making" (2018-2025) involving 10 researcher in four countries. In 2015-17, she was the coordinator of the European Sociological Association Emotion Research Network, and she is still an active member and part of the advisory board. She is Editor in Chief of Frontiers in Sociology - Emotions Section and member of the Editorial Board of the journal Emotions & Society.
Forthcoming project
Emotions and rituals in practitioner-client interaction in a heterogenous society (2025-2029), financed by the Swedish Research Council
For more details, see project webpage
Ongoing projects
Police and crime victim interactions - a study of the emotional dynamic in preliminary investigations of intimate partner violence (2024-2027), financed by the Swedish Crime Victim Authority
For more details, see project webpage
JUSTEMOTIONS - The Construction of Objecitivity - An International Perspective on the emotive-cognitive process of judicial decison-making (2018-2025), financed by ERC.
For more details, see project webpage
Completed projects
The Construction of Objectivity (2017-2020), financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR), and made in collaboration with Åsa Wettergren and Moa Bladini from Gothenburg University and Nina Törnqvist at Uppsala University.
For more details, see project webpage
Emotions in Court (2012-2016), financed by The Swedish Research Council (VR) and by the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), and made in collaboration with Åsa Wettergren from Gothenburg University.
For more details, see project webpage
Rehearsing Emotions (2004-2010), PhD project, faculty funded
For more details, see project webpage
Justemotions: a short introduction
Must a judge be able to doubt, and how do they become certain in their ruling? What emotions do prosecutors and judges use when making decisions in criminal cases?
(O)uttalade känslor – från teatern till domstolen
Professor installation - Lecture in Swedish from 2023 about the professionalization of emotions in different arenas.
Recent publications
- Navigating Uncertainty and Negotiating Trust in Judicial Deliberations (2024)
- Integrating Rationality and Emotion in Legal Institutions (2024)
- Artificial intelligence and real decisions (2024)
- Uppmärksamma kroppar (2023)
- Emotional Community and Estrangement in the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023)
All publications
- Navigating Uncertainty and Negotiating Trust in Judicial Deliberations (2024)
- Artificial intelligence and real decisions (2024)
- Making Independent Decisions Together (2022)
- (Dis)passionate law stories (2022)
- Expanding emotional capital in court (2022)
- Prosecutors’ habituation of emotion management in Swedish courts (2022)
- Law's insistence on dispassion as the mother of theoretical curiosity (2021)
- Different Roads to Empathy (2019)
- Introducing an Interdisciplinary Frontier to Judging, Emotion and Emotion Work (2019)
- The Emotional Interaction of Judicial Objectivity (2019)
- Martine Herzog-Evans, French Renentry Courts and Rehabilitation: Mister Jourdain of Desistance (2017)
- Pros and Cons of Different Publishing Strategies (2017)
- A sociological perspective on emotions in the judiciary (2016)
- Observing judicial work and emotions (2016)
- Empathy and Objectivity in the Legal Procedure (2016)
- Professional emotion management as a rehearsal process (2015)
- The emotional labour of gaining and maintaining access to the field (2015)
- Researching Emotion in Courts and the Judiciary (2015)
- Facilitating emotion management (2014)
- Äkta och falska känslor (True and false emotions) (2013)
- Emotional Participation (2009)
- Stage Actors and Emotions at Work (2007)
- Skådespelarens yrkeskunnande (2004)
- Integrating Rationality and Emotion in Legal Institutions (2024)
- Uppmärksamma kroppar (2023)
- Emotional Community and Estrangement in the COVID-19 Pandemic (2023)
- The Judge Under Pressure (2022)
- Comparing Culturally Embedded Frames of Judicial Dispassion (2021)
- Access (2019)
- Humour in the Swedish Court (2018)
- Emotional insights in the field (2015)
- Bengt Ohlsson (2015)
- Arlie Russell Hochschild (2013)