Keith Pringle

Professor at Department of Sociology; Emeritus Faculty

Visiting address:
Engelska parken
Thunbergsvägen 3H
Postal address:
Box 624
751 26 UPPSALA

Short presentation

Emeritus Professor in sociology with a specialism in social work at Uppsala University; Professor Emeritus at London Metropolitan University; Honorary Professor at Warwick University; Affiliated Professor at Mälardalen University. The foci of his research are: intersectional power relations; comparative welfare analysis; child welfare and men’s practices. Currently his primary teaching role at Uppsala University is as a doctoral supervisor.


Keith Pringle is Emeritus Professor in sociology with a specialism in social work at Uppsala University. In addition, he is also Professor Emeritus at London Metropolitan University; Honorary Professor at Warwick University; Affiliated Professor at Mälardalen University. Previously he has held professorial chairs at London Metropolitan University (2007- 2012, Social Policy and Social Work); Aalborg University (2003 - 2006, Social Work); and University of Sunderland (1998 - 2003, Social Policy). In addition he has held guest professorships at a range of Swedish univerities including Stockholm, Uppsala and Södertörns Högskola.

The foci of his research are: intersectional power relations; comparative welfare analysis; child welfare and men’s practices. To date (February 2013) in these fields he has published 41 book chapters (mainly with english language publishers but also some Swedish and Danish), 22 official reports (primarily for the European Commission), 22 refereed journal articles (largely in mainstream english language international publications in the fields of sociology, gender studies, social policy and social work); 7 edited/co-edited books (mainly with international publishers including Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan) and 5 authored/co-authored books (ditto).

He is currently on the International Advisory Board of the International journal "Men and Masculinities" and on the Advisory Board of NORMA: the Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies.

In 2011 and 2012 he was a member of the Expert Group on Gender at the Swedish Research Council.

He has led/co-ordinated a range of major research projects funded by, for instance, the ESRC in the UK and the Research Directorate of the European Commission including two large transnational research networks. In Sweden, a major critical study of Swedish research infrastructures, of which he was a partner, funded by the Swedish Research Council concluded in December 2012.

He has both supervised a considerable number of PhD theses in the UK, Sweden and Denmark as well as undertaken a range of PhD examinations in the same countries.

Previously, he has taught at Uppsala on a range of courses/undertaken supervision at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. In previous positions he has also developed PhD teaching modules. Moreover, earlier in his academic career he originated, developed and maintained several cross-European international modules in the fields of social policy and social work.

Keith Pringle only entered academia professionally in 1991. After a bachelors degree in history from Pembroke College, University of Cambridge (First in Part One of the Tripos, Upper Second in Part Two), he undertook a range of jobs between 1974 and 1979 including computer systems analyst, personnel officer and civil servant (involving management training based at the Department of Extra-Mural Studies, Oxford University). From 1979 to 1981 he undertook a Masters in Social Work at University of Manchester and thereafter, from 1981 to 1991, was a qualified practising social worker in the field of child and youth welfare. This included setting up and developing an internationally recognised, innovative project whereby young people at the crisis point of disclosing sexaul abuse could be provided with specialist family placement services.


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Keith Pringle

