Keith Pringle
Professor emer. i sociologi med inriktn mot socialt arbete 08 vid Sociologiska institutionen; Emeriti
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Emeritus Professor in sociology with a specialism in social work at Uppsala University; Professor Emeritus at London Metropolitan University; Honorary Professor at Warwick University; Affiliated Professor at Mälardalen University. The foci of his research are: intersectional power relations; comparative welfare analysis; child welfare and men’s practices. Currently his primary teaching role at Uppsala University is as a doctoral supervisor.
Senaste publikationer
- Virtual Invisible Men (2014)
- StudyingMen’s Violences (2013)
- Educazione sessuale e affettiva: una sfida per la mascolinità. Tavola rotonda con Jeff Hearn, Bob Pease, Keith Pringle (2013)
- Men and Masculinities in Europe (2013)
- Hegemonic masculinity and beyond (2012)
Alla publikationer
- Virtual Invisible Men (2014)
- StudyingMen’s Violences (2013)
- Educazione sessuale e affettiva: una sfida per la mascolinità. Tavola rotonda con Jeff Hearn, Bob Pease, Keith Pringle (2013)
- Hegemonic masculinity and beyond (2012)
- His helping hands (2011)
- Swedish welfare responses to ethnicity (2010)
- Trouble in paradise (2010)
- Men in Europe (2009)
- A Reconsideration of Two "Welfare Paradises": Research and Policy Responses to Men's Violence in Denmark and Sweden (2009)
- Gender and Child Harm (2009)
- Keeping the family balance (2009)
- "It feels like a defoliation..." (2008)
- Men, masculinities and children (2006)
- Hvorfor har vi brug for flere mandlige pædagoger? (2005)
- Critical Studies on Men in Ten European Countries (2003)
- Critical Studies on Men in Ten European Countries: (2) (2002)
- Critical Studies on Men in Ten European Countries: (1) (2002)
- Critical Studies on Men in Ten European Countries (2002)
- Pornography and Men's Practices (2000)
- Current Profeminist Debates Regarding Men and Social Welfare (1998)
- Men Challenging Gender Oppression on Social Work Programmes In Higher Education (1997)
- Child sexual abuse perpetrated by welfare personnel and the problem of men (1993)
- Men and Masculinities in Europe (2013)
- European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities (2009)
- Special issue on "Gender and Child Harm" of the refereed journal "Child Abuse Review" Volume 18, number 6, pp. 367 - 447 (2009)
- At forstå det sociale (2008)
- International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities (2007)
- Magt og forandring i socialt arbejde (2007)
- Men and Masculinities in Europe (2006)
- European Perspectives on Men and Masculinities (2006)
- Tackling Men's Violence in Families (2005)
- A Man's World? (2001)
- Through Two Pairs of Eyes (1999)
- Children and Social Welfare in Europe (1998)
- Protecting Children in Europe (1997)
- Men, Masculinities and Social Welfare (1995)
- Fadrande, mansforskning och sexualiserat våld i det ”jämställda” Sverige (2012)
- Working with Men in a Gender Equality Paradise? (2011)
- Comparative Studies of Well-Being in Terms of Gender, Ethnicity and the concept of ”Bodily Citizenship” (2011)
- Transforming Men’s Practices Around the World (2011)
- Children’s perspectives informing professional welfare practice (2010)
- Epilogue (2009)
- Intersektionalitet og det sociale arbejdes praksis (2008)
- Future research on gender equality in the Scandinavian countries (2008)
- At forstå det sociale (2008)
- De velfärdsstatslige betingelser for empowerment I England og Danmark (2007)
- The strange case of the absent topic in Swedish research: Doing (oppressive) gender via men’s relationship with children (2012)
- The elephant in the room (2012)
- A European Project to Explore Empowerment Among Children in Day Care (2009)
- Turning Esping-Andersen on his Head (2008)
- Sweden and England (2008)
- Some dynamics of social exclusion within the swedish child and family welfare system (2007)
- Rethinking the Role of Women and Men in Society (Keynote Address) (2007)