Sten Hagberg
Professor in cultural anthropology at Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology; Cultural Anthropology; Employees
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- 0000-0001-7239-1221
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Short presentation
Professor in Cultural Anthropology, who have conducted long-term ethnographic research in Burkina Faso (since 1988) and in Mali (since 2008). In 1998, I defended a PhD-thesis on dispute settlement between farmers and herders in Burkina Faso. Poverty has been another focus. Nowadays my research concerns ethnicity, local politics, democracy, development, popular struggle, and security, as well as methodological developments. I am the Director of Uppsala University's Forum for Africa Studies.
- africa
- anthropology
- ethnography
- everyday politics
- human security
- methodology
- west africa
Since 1988 I have conducted anthropological research in Burkina Faso and since 2008 also in Mali. In September 1998, I defended a PhD-thesis on dispute settlement between farmers and herders in Burkina. Nowadays my research concerns political culture, municipal democracy, local development, and popular struggle. Theoretically and practically, I am interested in methodological developments including field research in insecure terrains and epistemological challenges of team research. Due to changing geopolitical contexts in West Africa, I am also working with security from below in Burkina Faso and Mali. I am the Director of Uppsala University's Forum for Africa Studies.
Nowadays I am particularly involved in PhD education, such as PhD-supervisor and research leader. In the period 2017-22, I lead research programs in Mozambique where five PhD students in Cultural Anthropology from the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo will be trained at Uppsala University. In 2018-22, I led the programme Burkina Faso seen from below in collaboration with the Institute of Sciences of Sociétés in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
Currently, I lead Citizen Perspectives on Societal Challenges in Mali, a program conducting engaged research and developing partnerships between Malian and Swedish researchers. Another program is Decolonizing Research Methodologies that aims to build up a research school between Burkinabe, Malian, Swedish, and Tanzanian Universities.
Since 2016, I am Associate Senior Fellow at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Since 2019, I am member of the Advisory Group of the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy.
Since its beginnings in 2012 I have led Uppsala University's Forum for Africa Studies: 2011-17 I was the chair-person and since 1 July 2017 I am the Director of this interdisciplinary research centre.
My work as editor has become a key part of my research commitment. I am one of the founders and Editors-in-Chief of kritisk etnografi: Swedish Journal of Anthropology, a peer-review journal owned and published by Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi. Since 2017, I am the Series Editor of Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology of the Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, and of Uppsala Papers in Africa Studies. I am a strong advocate for real open access: always, everywhere, and for everyone.
Since 2020, I am the Director of the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Comparative, Engagée et Transnationale (LACET), a research initiative founded by Burkinabe, Malian and Swedish colleagues to create a common research environment around engaged anthropology. More information in English here.
I have taken up leadership positions in scientific associations and societies. Between 2007 and 2013, I was President of the Association for the Anthropology of Social Change and Development (APAD). For four years (1 Jan. 2013- 31 Dec. 2017), I was the President of Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG). I was President-Elected (2017-20) and is President (2020-23) of the Mande Studies Association (MANSA).
I am regularly intervene in media, as I consider that it is of utmost importance to reach out with anthropological knowledge.
When it comes to undergraduate teaching nowadays I am particularly involved in African Studies, but I do also give occasional lectures in the basic education in anthropology. I like teaching and have also been on ERASMUS staff mobility in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, and Tunisia.
Recent publications
- Biståndsministerns Twitter-diplomati skadar Sverige (2024)
- Introduction (2024)
- Résistance, alternance, souveraineté (2024)
- « C’est à Badalabougou seulement qu’on peut le protéger » (2024)
- Preface (2023)
All publications
- Biståndsministerns Twitter-diplomati skadar Sverige (2024)
- Memory making, memory marketing (2023)
- « Vérité et Justice ! » (2023)
- Introductory Note of the Editors-in-Chief (2023)
- Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief (2023)
- Le Sahel (en)quête de changement (2023)
- Fatou Souraté i Balai citoyen (2022)
- Hur krossas glastaket i Burkina Faso? (2022)
- Analys (2022)
- Burkina Faso (2022)
- Militärkupp (2022)
- Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief (2022)
- Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief (2021)
- Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief (2021)
- Forskning om säkerhet underifrån i Burkina Faso (2020)
- Kan Burkina Faso bli en demokratisk förebild? (2020)
- Mali (2020)
- Hur går det i valen i Burkina Faso? (2020)
- Burkina Faso (2020)
- Le travail en équipe en zone rouge (2020)
- Debatt (2020)
- Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief (2020)
- Introductory Note by the Editors-in-Chief (2020)
- Même pas peur! (2019)
- Performing Tradition while Doing Politics (2019)
- Ethnography in/of the Red Zone (2019)
- The Rise and Fall of a Political Party (2019)
- Introduction (2019)
- Diaspora-Driven Development and Dispute (2019)
- La commune rurale à l'épreuve (2019)
- Beyond regional radars (2018)
- Burkina Fasos sak är vår (2018)
- Fostering Engaged and Responsible Scholarship (2018)
- Slopa ordet jihadist (2017)
- The Legacy of revolution and resistance in Burkina Faso (2016)
- Urban land contestations and political mobilisation (2016)
- "Thousands of New Sankaras" (2015)
- Militärkupp hotar att stoppa en afrikansk revolution (2015)
- A Burkina Faso where "nothing should be as before" (2015)
- Folklig resning i Burkina Faso (2015)
- Burkina Faso (2015)
- Popular resistance stopped the coup (2015)
- Smart svenskt stöd till Burkina Faso (2015)
- Kuppmakarnas tid är ute (2015)
- Folkets mostånd knäckte kuppen (2015)
- Smart svenskt stöd till demokratisk övergång i Burkina Faso (2015)
- Die Macht des Strasse (2015)
- Au coeur de la révolution burkinabè (2015)
- Terrains inaccessibles (2015)
- Popular Uprising led to Political Turnover in Burkina Faso (2014)
- En gräsrotsdemokrati (2014)
- Inaccessible Fields: Doing Anthropology in the Malian Political Turmoil (2014)
- The Politics of Engagement (2013)
- Riv upp beslutet om Burkina Faso (2013)
- En osmaklig och rasistisk nidbild (2012)
- Has Sweden abandoned the poverty goal? (2012)
- Ifrågasätt svenska mediebilder av Afrika (2012)
- Maktens opposition och oppositionens makt (2012)
- Migrationsverket diskriminerar (2012)
- Har Sverige övergett fattigdomsmålet? (2012)
- Socio-political Turmoil in Mali: The Public Debate Following the Coup d’État on 22 March 2012 (2012)
- Trajectoires de l'anthropologie du développement à la suédoise (2011)
- Berättande och makt i burkinska byar (2010)
- The Role of Farmers and Informal Institutions in Microcredit Programs in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia (2010)
- Unravelling the dynamics of access to farmland in Tigray, Ethiopia (2010)
- Be like bees (2009)
- Bönder, jordpräster och lokalpolitiker (2008)
- Skämtrelationer (2008)
- Demokratins dubbla fasad och den ekonomiska tillväxten (2007)
- Karité - en källa till rikedom? (2007)
- Faso flash (2006)
- The Politics of Joking Relationships in Burkina Faso (2006)
- "Bobo buveurs, Yarse colporteurs" (2006)
- Presidentvalet i Burkina Faso (2006)
- The Transformation of Ritual Boundaries in Resource-Use Practices in Burkina Faso (2006)
- ‘It was Satan that Took the People' (2006)
- Nybyggd vårdcentral i Sidéradougou (2005)
- Compte Rendu de KUBA, R., C. LENTZ & K. WERTHMANN (dir.) 2001. Les Dagara et leurs voisins: Histoire de peuplement et relations interethniques au sud-ouest du Burkina Faso (2004)
- Political Decentralization and Traditional Leadership in the Benkadi Hunters’ Association of Western Burkina Faso (2004)
- Spekulation, korruption och drömmen om ett eget hus (2004)
- Burkina och krisen i Elfenbenskusten (2003)
- Riksdagsvalet och dess politiska efterspel (2002)
- "Institutions do not drink coffee" (2002)
- 'Enough is Enough': an ethnography of the struggle against impunity in Burkina Faso (2002)
- Learning to Live or to Leave? (2002)
- In search for nyo: Lyela farmers’ perceptions of the forest in Burkina Faso (2001)
- A l’ombre du conflit violent: processus de règlement et de gestion des conflits entre agriculteurs karaboro et agro-pasteurs peul au Burkina Faso (2001)
- Droits à la terre et pratiques d’aménagement dans la forêt de Tiogo (2000)
- Kommentar: Biståndsarbete är inte bara att pytsa ut pengar! (1996)
- Lokala konfliktlösningsmetoder i Afrika. (Local Conflict Resolution Methods in Africa) (1996)
- Résistance, alternance, souveraineté (2024)
- kritisk etnografi (2023)
- kritisk etnografi (2023)
- Security from below in Burkina Faso (2023)
- "Il faut qu'ils reviennent" (2023)
- kritisk etnografi (2022)
- kritisk etnografi (2021)
- kritisk etnografi (2021)
- "Femmes de devant!" (2021)
- kritisk etnografi (2020)
- kritisk etnografi (2020)
- kritisk etnografi (2019)
- Sécurité par le bas (2019)
- Démocratie par le bas et politique municipale au Sahel (2019)
- kritisk etnografi (2018)
- 'Nothing will be as before!' (2018)
- Transformations sociopolitiques burkinabè de 2014 à 2016 (2017)
- Vers une sécurité par le bas? (2017)
- YMER 2014 (2014)
- Engaging Anthropology for Development and Social Change (2012)
- Inventing and Mobilising the Local (2009)
- Ethnographic Practice and Public Aid (2009)
- Poverty in Burkina Faso: Representations and Realities (2001)
- Bonds and Boundaries in Northern Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso (2000)
- Forêts classées et terres des ancêtres au Burkina Faso (1996)
- Introduction (2024)
- « C’est à Badalabougou seulement qu’on peut le protéger » (2024)
- Preface (2023)
- Epilogue (2023)
- Governance and Democratization (2021)
- Alternatives to Consultancy and NGOing (2021)
- Le tsunami électoral d'Arba Diallo (2019)
- Introduction (2019)
- "Si tu leur donnes ma chair ils vont la manger" (2019)
- En quête de la députation (2019)
- Resurser och politik i Afrika (2014)
- Politique des partis, développement local et lutte de pouvoir des femmes à Bobo-Dioulasso (2013)
- Blaise Compaoré (2012)
- Introduction (2012)
- Organising Fulbe-ness (2011)
- Conclusion (2010)
- Vigilantes in War (2010)
- Anonymity and Familiarity (2009)
- Introduction (2009)
- Traditional Chieftaincy, Party Politics, and Political Violence in Burkina Faso (2007)
- Comprendre sans légitimer (2007)
- Money, Ritual and the Politics of Belonging in Land Transactions in Western Burkina Faso (2006)
- Dealing with Dilemmas (2005)
- La chasse aux voleurs (2004)
- Ethnic Identification in Voluntary Associations (2004)
- Mobilisation of Rights through Organisational Structures (2003)
- Memories in the making: Ritual boundaries and resource use practices in Burkina Faso (2003)
- Amoro et Guimbé (2003)
- Learning to Live or to Leave? Education and Identity in Burkina Faso (2002)
- Burkina Faso (2002)
- Strangers, Citizens, Friends: Fulbe Agro-pastoralists in Western Burkina Faso (2000)
- Introduction (2000)
- Money and meaning in forest management (1998)
- Ägande och nyttjande i ett jämförande perspektiv (Ownership and Use Right in Comparative Perspective) (1995)
- « Ils parlaient le dioula des Peuls » (2021)
- « Vérité et Justice ! » (2021)
- Beyond Crisis and Insecurity in West Africa (2021)
- Partnership on a shoestring (2021)
- Prospects for Peace and Democracy in Mali, and Burkina Faso (2020)
- Security from below and local democracy (2019)
- Citizenship and Ethnic Stigmatization in contemporary Security Regimes in Mali and Burkina Faso (2019)
- Ensemble, on n’est jamais seul (2019)
- The Rise and Fall of a Political Party (2018)
- Forêts classées et terres des ancêtres au Burkina Faso (1996)
- Whose Forest Counts? Rhetoric and realities in participatory forest management in Burkina Faso (1995)