Anna Jonsson Cornell
Professor at Department of Law; Professors, Instructors, Researchers
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- 0000-0001-5061-9045
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Short presentation
Anna Jonsson Cornell is professor of comparative constitutional law and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law at Uppsala Univeristy. She is also the Secretary General of the International Association of Constitutional Law. She is the funder of the Human Rights Clinic at the Law Faculty. Between 2010 and 2015 she was Research Director of Uppsala Forum for Democracy, Peace and Justice.
- comparative constitutional law
- constitutional law
- demokrati
- eu constitutional law
- eu konstitutionell rätt
- eurasian studies
- eus lagstiftningsprocess
- grundlagstolkning
- internationell rätt
- ipmihr010
- komparativ konstitutionell rätt
- konstitutionell rätt
- människohandel
- mänskliga rättigheter
- personlig integritet
- polisiärt samarbete
- russian constitutional law
- rysk konstitutionell rätt
- ryssland
- rättsstat
- subsidiaritetsprincipen
Anna Jonsson Cornell is professor in comparative constitutional law at the Faculty of Law, and associate professor in constitutional law. Between 2010 and 2015 she was Research Director of Uppsala Forum for Democracy, Peace and Justice. She is one of the editors of the Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studies. She is the editor and author of European Police and Criminal Law Cooperation (Hart 2014), National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-Legislative Procedure Post-Lisbon: The Impact of the Early Warning Mechanism (Hart 2016) and Human Trafficking and Human Security (Routledge 2009). Cornell is a member of the Folke Bernadotte Academy Rule of Law Research Group. In 2008 she served as senior advisor at the Swedish National Police Board. She is currently running a Human Rights Clinic at the Law Faculty.
Professor in Comparative Constitutional Law (2016-)
Senior Lecturer in Comparative Constitutional Law (2010-2016)
Associate Professor in Constitutional Law, 2009
LL.D. 2005
LL.M. 1999
Internal Appointments
Member of the Teaching Committee
External Appointments
Research Director of Uppsala Forum for Democracy, Peace and Justice (2010-2015)
Member of the Martin H:s Homdahl Scholarship Committee (2014-)
Member of the Steering Committee for the Forum for China Studies (2014-)
Member of the FBA Rule of Law Research Working Group (2010-)
Member of the international academic committee for ICCEES VIII world congress 2010
Board Member Civil Rights Defenders (2005-)
Term Course 1: Basic legal methodology, constitutional law and constitutional EU law (lecturer)
Comparative Constitutional Law (course director and lecturer)
Democracy and Human Rights in European Context (lecturer)
European Constitutional Law (lecturer)
Russia and the International Legal Order (course director and lecturer)
Security and Constitutional Law (course director and lecturer)
Doctoral Supervision
Main Supervisor for doctoral student Åsa Elmerot
Main Supervisor for doctoral student Anni Kolehmainen
Main Supervisor for doctoral student Tom Mulisa
Supporting Supervisor for doctoral student Yaffa Epstein
Supporting Supervisor for Johanna Popjanevski, Ilia State University, Tiblsi, Georgien, "Unrecognized States in International Law and Relations"
The Martin H:son Holmdahl Scholarship for the promotion of human rights and liberty (2008)
Nominated by vice-chancellor of Uppsala Univeristy to Pro Futura (2007)
The von Bahr Scholarship for dissertation (2005)
The STINT Scholarship for doctoral students (2002-2003)
International Society of Public Law
International Association of Constitutional Law
The Swedish Society for the Study of Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
The Swedish Section of the Nordic Society for Constitutional Law
The Swedish Society for Comparative Legal Research
The FBA Rule of Law Research Working Group
Research Interests
Comparative constitutional law, EU constitutional law, international socialization processes, transnational law, constitutional pluralism, international police cooperation, human trafficking, democracy and rule of law, human rights
Recent publications
- Legislative Powers in a Peace Time Crisis (2024)
- Yttrande-, mötes-, och demonstrationsfrihetens gränser i kris (2024)
- Regeringsformen 50 år (2024)
- Sweden and Covid-19 (2023)
- Sverige och rättsstaten (2023)
All publications
- COVID-19 in Sweden: A Soft Power Approach (2021)
- Power and Law in Russia (2021)
- Författningsberedskap i praktiken (2020)
- Föreningsfrihet och förbud mot rasistiska organisationer (2020)
- Fredstida kriser i en konstitutionell kontext: En komparativ analys och en försiktig framåtblick för Sveriges del (2020)
- Bokanmälan (2018)
- Forska för en bättre värld (2018)
- Emergency Laws in Comparative Constitutional Law (2018)
- Terroristbrott - en översikt (2017)
- The Swedish Riksdag as Scrutinizer of the Principle of Subsidiarity (2016)
- EU:s lagstiftningsprocess och subsidiaritetsprövningen (2011)
- Irregular migration from the Former Soviet Union to the United States,by Saltanat Liebert,London, Routledge, 2010, £85.00, 176 pp., ISBN 978-0-415-5776929. (2011)
- Karinna Moskalenko (2010)
- Gemensamma utredningsgrupper i gränsöverskridande brottsutredningar (2010)
- Minsta möjliga tystnad, tack! (2007)
- Countering Narcotics and Organized Crime in the Baltic Region (2007)
- ”Stop hykleriet om Rusland” (2006)
- Sluta hyckla om Ryssland (2006)
- Gangsterligor stärker greppet (2005)
- Risk för Folkmord i Tjetjenien (2004)
- Putin Skadar Demokratin (2004)
- Bokrecension av Anne Nivat. Chienne de Guerre - A Woman Reporter Behind the Lines of the War in Chechnya (2003)
- Putin's Power Play (2003)
- Nödvändiga bilder av kriget (2003)
- Den enskilde och staten - att påverka eller påverkas (2003)
- Lagprövning och individuell rättslig aktivism (2002)
- Regeringsformen 50 år (2024)
- Rättsstatens principer (2023)
- The Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studies III (2022)
- Komparativ konstitutionell rätt (2020)
- Forward! – Bперёд! – Framåt! (2019)
- National and Regional Parliaments in the EU-Legislative Procedure Post-Lisbon (2017)
- The Uppsala Yearbook of Eurasian Studies I (2016)
- European Police and Criminal Law Co-operation (2014)
- Komparativ konstitutionell rätt (2012)
- Interests and Actors in European Police and Criminal Justice Cooperation (2011)
- Human Trafficking and Human Security (2009)
- Russia in a 10-20 Year Perspective (2009)
- Ryssland (2009)
- The Baltic states joining Schengen (2008)
- The Wider Black Sea Region (2006)
- Judicial Review and Individual Legal Activism (2005)
- Legislative Powers in a Peace Time Crisis (2024)
- Yttrande-, mötes-, och demonstrationsfrihetens gränser i kris (2024)
- Sweden and Covid-19 (2023)
- Sverige och rättsstaten (2023)
- Rättsstatens utmaningar och möjligheter (2023)
- Rättsstatsprincipens framtid, övervintring och blom (2023)
- Rättsstaten, krisberedskap och krishantering (2022)
- Konstitutionellt självförsvar (2022)
- Konstitutionellt självförsvar på 2000-talet (2022)
- Dealing with COVID-19 in Sweden (2022)
- Den akademiska friheten (2022)
- Författningsberedskap (2022)
- Sweden (2021)
- Rättskliniken som pedagogisk metod (2020)
- Revisiting Old Ideas in the Quest for New Ones (2019)
- The National Security Challenge to EU Legal Integration (2019)
- Sweden (2019)
- Sweden (2018)
- Sweden (2017)
- Terrorist- och hatbrott – en översikt (2017)
- The Right to Privacy (2017)
- Similar But Different: Comparing the Scrutiny of the Principle of Subsidiarity in Sweden, Denmark and Finland (2017)
- Russia's Annexation of Crimea (2016)
- Human Trafficking as a Result of Global Imbalances (2016)
- Privacy Rights and Data Protection in Law Enforcement Cooperation (2015)
- Processes of International and Constitutional Socialization (2015)
- Ryssland (2015)
- Introduction (2014)
- Människohandel som uttryck för globala obalanser (2014)
- EU Police Co-operation post-Lisbon (2014)
- Ryssland och Europarådet - 17 år senare (2013)
- Introduktion (2012)
- Sammanfattning och avslutande reflektioner (2012)
- Den komparativa konstitutionella rättens teori och metod (2012)
- Russia and Europe (2012)
- Ryssland (2012)
- Rättsstatlighet och rättsutveckling i Ryssland (2009)
- Rysk politisk utveckling (2009)
- Human trafficking in the Baltic Sea region (2009)
- Introduction (2009)
- Conclusions and Looking Ahead (2009)
- Ryssland - att brottas med en stormaktsidentitet (2009)
- Expanding the European Area of Stability and Democracy to the Wider Black Sea Region (2008)
- Combating Transnational Organized Crime (2008)
- Legal Responses to Human Trafficking for Sexual Purposes in the Baltic Sea Region (2008)
- International efforts to Combat Human Trafficking (2008)
- Judicial Review of Governmental Actions: A Tool for Russian NGOs? (2006)
- Förvaltningens självständighet och förbud mot ministerstyre (2006)
- The Tenth Anniversary of the Russian Constitution of 1993: An Appraisal (2005)
- The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and Individual Legal Activism (2004)
- Russia A Fragile Legal System (2003)
- Challenging the LEgality of Secret Surveillance for National Security Purposes (2017)
- Terroristbrott och hatbrott (2016)
- Den komparativa rättens betydelse för det nordiska samarbetet i konstitutionell rätt (2016)
- Роль Конституционного Суда РФ в применении и развитии Конституции (2013)
- In search of a theory on constitutional interpretation (2013)
- Countering the Spread of COVID-19 by Means of Recommendations and its Constitutional Implications (2021)
- Developments in Swedish Constitutional Law: The Year 2015 in Review (2016)
- In Search for a Theory of Constitutional Interpretation in Congruence with European Human Rights Law (2014)
- Processes of International and Constitutional Socialization in Russia (2014)
- Russia after Putin (2008)
- Det internationella narkotikasamarbetet (2007)
- Return (2006)
- Konstitutionellt självförsvar på 2000-talet (2022)
- Sweden and COVID 19: A Constitutional Perspective (2020)
- Inget stöd i forskningen för påståeendena (2017)
- Repliker. Inget stöd i forskningen för påståendena. (2017)
- Kriget i Ukraina tydliggör att EU:s värdegrund är utmanad (2014)
- Russia's Police Reform - Medvedev's Test? (2010)