New Preses of the Academy of Culinary Arts and Meal Science



Professor Agneta Yngve, Department of food studies, nutrition and dietetics at Uppsala University, was on Thursday October 18th elected as Preses (chair person) of the Academy of Culinary Arts and Meal Science. At the same time Dr Christina Wedén, at the Department for Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala University, elected as vice preses.

Agneta Yngve replaces Professor Sverker Sörlin, from the Royal Technical University of Stockholm as Preses for the Academy in Stockholm, Sweden. She has previously worked at Karolinska Institutet and at Örebro University and has based her research on children’s eating habits. During the last few years, she has created a Network for Commensality Research at Uppsala University. This network has developed to include scholars from other universities nationally and internationally.

Christina Wedén wrote her dissertation on truffle and is one of the most renowned experts in Sweden in this field.

The Academy of Culinary Arts and Meal Science was founded the 19th of October 2000, aiming at promoting research around, and development of the meal from a holistic perspective. This means that the Academy is encouraging research within higher education institutions in Sweden, collaboration between food producers in a broad sense and scientists and communication of results to the public.

The Academy consists of about 40 scholars in many different disciplines, and a number of representatives from the hospitality and gastronomic industry. The Academy is receiving support from Uppsala University, The Agricultural University of Sweden and Örebro University as well as support from research funding organizations.

Among the important tasks is to collect and communicate published literature each year, including cookery books, textbooks and academic thesi. The Academy is an important partner in funding proposals and arranging scholarly meetings, seminars and symposia. Seminars for PhD students are arranged once per year, in collaboration with several universities and with the Gastronomic Academy Sweden.

Collaboration is ongoing with the Commensality Research Network at Uppsala University and with Future Foods, at the Agricultural University of Sweden. Collaboration with the Gastronomic Academy is currently developed in regards to the Swedish contribution to the World Exhibition in Dubai 2020.


Annica Hulth

