Erika P Björkdahl new Professor of Private Law
The Vice-Chancellor recently decided to promote Erika P Björkdahl to Professor of Private Law at the Faculty of Law in Uppsala.
Erika P Björkdahl, Juris Doctor in 2007 and Associate Professor in Private Law in 2011 at the Faculty of Law, has for several years been the director of IFF - Institutet för fastighetsrättslig forskning. Erika has had many external assignments, including as a member of the Disciplinary Board of the Swedish Real Estate Inspectorate and as an expert in several investigations. Most recently, she was appointed by the government as a special investigator on a new Pre-purchase Act.
For a long period, Björkdahl's research has mainly been in the field of real estate law. In recent years, she has also conducted research in contract law on the theme of "Adaptation and specification of contracts". The project is in its final stages and will be published in a monograph in the autumn.
According to tradition, Björkdahl will be inaugurated at the annual inauguration of professors, which this year will take place in the University Auditorium in Uppsala on 18 November 2022. All of the University's new professors will be inaugurated at this ceremony.
More about Erika P Björkdahl
More about the inauguration of professors
Maria Cicilaki