Skills supply in healthcare at a crossroads

Part of a doctor's upper body with arms crossed holding a stethoscope

More well-trained and qualified staff are needed in the health sector, but fewer and fewer people are applying to health programmes. Photo: Getty Images

The need for highly educated and skilled healthcare workers will increase over the coming decades. But how can the skills supply be solved? This will be the subject of the panel discussion "Från ord till handling - vårdkompetensförsörjning vid ett vägskäl" organised by Uppsala University at Almedalen.

During the event, Ann-Marie Wennberg Larkö, Chair of the National Health Competence Council, will present the draft national plan for healthcare skills provision, which the Council submitted as a final report to the government in late May. The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion between representatives from academia, healthcare and politics on the future challenges of guaranteeing healthcare skills.

“We are facing major challenges due to an ageing population, but also medical advances and improvements that allow us to do much more. This requires more staff who are highly educated and know their area. However, we also have a declining student population. We are facing increasing competition from other disciplines and societal needs. We need innovative ways of working. We need different procedures, different conditions and so on,” explains Målqvist, Professor of Global Health and contact person for the event.

Åsa Malmberg and Daniel Olsson

Facts about the event:

Name of event: Från ord till handling – vårdkompetensförsörjning vid ett vägskäl (“From words to action – skills supply in healthcare at a crossroads)
Uppsala University
28 June, 11:30 – 12:30
D Building, Uppsala University, Kaserngatan 1, “Torget”

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