Fan Yang Wallentin
Professor vid Statistiska institutionen
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Fan Y. Wallentin is a Professor in Statistics at the department of Statistics, Uppsala University. She is the Coordinator for International Exchange Programs. Her Ph.D. in Statistics was earned at Uppsala University, Sweden, 1997. She has received Arnberg Prize from the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences for her PhD thesis “Non-linear structural equation models: Simulation studies of the Kenny-Judd model” year 2000. Prof. Wallentin's research interests focus on the theory and applications of structural equation modeling and other types of multivariate statistical analysis, particularly their applications in the social and behavioral sciences. She has published research articles in several leading statistics and psychometrics journals on these and related topics. Prof. Wallentin has broad experiences in statistical consultation for researchers in social and behavioral sciences; she has been responsible for the statistical consultant service at the department of statistics since 2009.
Senaste publikationer
- Opening the black box of demand response (2024)
- COVID-19 pandemic waves (2024)
- The statistical evidence missing from the Swedish decision-making of COVID-19 strategy during the early period (2022)
- Generalized Linear Factor Score Regression (2021)
- Robust nonlinear structural equation modeling with interaction between exogenous and endogenous latent variables (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Opening the black box of demand response (2024)
- COVID-19 pandemic waves (2024)
- The statistical evidence missing from the Swedish decision-making of COVID-19 strategy during the early period (2022)
- Generalized Linear Factor Score Regression (2021)
- Robust nonlinear structural equation modeling with interaction between exogenous and endogenous latent variables (2021)
- A unified model-implied instrumental variable approach for structural equation modeling with mixed variables (2021)
- Does Foreign Aid Improve Gender Performance In Recipient Countries? (2020)
- Achieving sustainable development goals (2020)
- Specification issues in nonlinear SEM (2020)
- Confirming the Structure of the Survey of Attitudes Toward Statistics (SATS-36) by Swedish Students (2019)
- Psychometric Validation of the PerceivedPerioperative Competence Scale-Revised inthe Swedish Context (2018)
- Approximated penalized maximum likelihood for exploratory factor analysis (2018)
- The Swedish Safety Attitudes Questionnaire—Operating Room Version (2018)
- The impact of microfinance on factors empowering women (2017)
- Asymptotic Robustness Study Of The Polychoric Correlation Estimation (2017)
- Psychometric analysis of the Swedish version of the General Medical Council's multi source feedback questionnaires (2017)
- A Simulation Study of Polychoric Instrumental Variable Estimation in Structural Equation Models (2016)
- Asymptotic Efficiency of the Pseudo-Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Multi-Group Factor Models with Pooled Data (2016)
- Errors-in-variables system identification using structural equation modeling (2016)
- Measuring unobservable factors in residential developments (2016)
- Swedish translation and psychometric testing of the safety attitudes questionnaire (operating room version) (2013)
- ADHD symptoms, academic achievement, self-perception of academic competence and future orientation (2013)
- Factors Empowering Women in Indian Self Help Group Program (2012)
- Pairwise likelihood estimation for factor analysis models with ordinal data (2012)
- ML Versus MI for Missing Data With Violation of Distribution Conditions (2012)
- Personality and Social Psychology Factors Explaining Sexism (2011)
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Ordinal Variables With Misspecified Models (2010)
- Does microfinance empower women? (2009)
- Ethnic prejudice (2009)
- Managing Mandated Adoption (2019)
- Errors-in-variables identification using covariance matching and structural equation modeling (2013)
- The impact of microfinance on factors empowering women: Differences in regional and delivery mechanisms in India’s SHG programme (2014)
- The impact of microfinance on factors empowering women: Regional and Delivery Mechanisms in India’s SHG Programme (2014)
- Pairwise Likelihood Estimation for factor analysis models with ordinal data (2011)
- On the identification of the unrestricted Thurstonian model for ranking data (2011)
- Economic or Non-Economic Factors – What Empowers Women? (2008)
- Does Microfinance Empower Women?: Evidence from Self Help Groups in India (2007)