Caisa Öster
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper; Klinisk psykiatri
- Telefon:
- 018-611 98 49
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- Besöksadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10, plan 3
- Postadress:
- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10, plan 3
751 85 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD MD, Docent
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Kort presentation
Sjuksköterska specialiserad i psykiatrisk vård, PhD, Docent i vårdvetenskap, Excellent lärare
Min forskning handlar om att utveckla metoder och interventioner relaterade till människors hälsa, livskvalitet, funktions- och aktivitetsförmåga. Främst inom psykiatrisk vård men även i efterförlopp efter svåra kroppsskador. Jag deltar i forskningsprojekt på flera institutioner med bland annat metodkunskap och kvalitativa analyser.
Jag undervisar i psykiatrisk omvårdnad, psykiska sjukdomar och psykisk ohälsa i ett flertal utbildningar och är kursledare och examinator i specialistsjuksköterskeinriktningen mot psykiatrisk vård. Dessutom undervisar jag i organisation och ledarskap samt samtalsfärdigheter. Jag har ett uppdrag som programansvarig för specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med 12 inriktningar och är ledamot av programkommittén för sjuksköterskeprogrammen. År 2019 blev jag antagen som excellent lärare.
Urval av publikationer
- Patients' Perspectives on Coming Off Opioid Agonist Treatment (2022)
- How Adolescents Think When Responding to Alcohol-Related Questionnaires (2022)
- Staff experiences related to implementation of a recovery-oriented nursing programme in psychiatric inpatient care (2022)
- Nursing and medical students’ experiences of interprofessional education during clinical training in psychiatry (2022)
- Ways of understanding nursing in psychiatric inpatient care (2019)
- Drinking motives of adult patients seeking treatment for problematic alcohol use (2017)
- The Drinking Motives Questionnaire among Swedish psychiatric patients (2017)
Senaste publikationer
- How to improve patient recovery after complex endovascular aortic repair (2025)
- Parental satisfaction with hospital care for children with non-syndromic craniosynostosis (2024)
- Mental disorders in former street-working boys (2024)
- Mental disorders in former street-working boys (2024)
- Patients' health and quality of life after complex endovascular aortic repair (2023)
Alla publikationer
- How to improve patient recovery after complex endovascular aortic repair (2025)
- Parental satisfaction with hospital care for children with non-syndromic craniosynostosis (2024)
- Mental disorders in former street-working boys (2024)
- Mental disorders in former street-working boys (2024)
- Patients' health and quality of life after complex endovascular aortic repair (2023)
- Caregivers' Attitudes Toward Treatment Length for Persons in Swedish Opioid Agonist Treatment (2023)
- Brief internet-delivered skills training based on DBT for adults with borderline personality disorder (2023)
- “Opioids are opioids” – a phenomenographic analyses of physicians’ understanding of what makes the initial prescription of opioids become long-term opioid therapy (2022)
- Patients' Perspectives on Coming Off Opioid Agonist Treatment (2022)
- How Adolescents Think When Responding to Alcohol-Related Questionnaires (2022)
- Staff experiences related to implementation of a recovery-oriented nursing programme in psychiatric inpatient care (2022)
- Nursing and medical students’ experiences of interprofessional education during clinical training in psychiatry (2022)
- “When the surgery was over, I felt like the worst part had passed” (2022)
- Former street-working boys in Iraq highlight the importance of receiving education, training and support from families and other adults (2022)
- 'Sick and tired' (2021)
- Stability in personality after physical trauma (2021)
- Sharing and connecting with others – patient experiences of radically open dialectical behavior therapy for anorexia nervosa and overcontrol (2021)
- An observational study of ad-hoc anaesthesia teams (2020)
- You are not alone (2020)
- Report from an Effort to Optimize Feedback in Undergraduate Psychiatry Training (2020)
- Overcoming Heroin Addiction without the Use of Pharmaceuticals (2020)
- Improved and standardized method for assessing years lived with disability after burns and its application to estimate the non-fatal burden of disease of burn injuries in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands (2020)
- Recovery of health-related quality of life after burn injuries (2020)
- Parents' Experiences of Their Child's Craniosynostosis and the Initial Care Process (2020)
- How do adolescents with ADHD perceive and experience stress? (2020)
- How Anesthesiologists and Nurse Anesthetists Assess and Handle Patients' Perioperative Worries Without a Validated Instrument (2019)
- Identifying the Needs of Family Members in Burn Care (2019)
- Patient perception of long-term burn-specific health and congruence with the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (2019)
- Measuring drinking motives in undergraduates (2019)
- Ways of understanding nursing in psychiatric inpatient care (2019)
- Older Patients' Worries in Connection With General Anesthesia and Surgery - A Qualitative Study (2018)
- Patients' Experiences of Using a Cellular Photo Digital Breathalyzer for Treatment Purposes (2018)
- How do people with mood and anxiety disorders perceive and interpret the Drinking Motives Questionnaire? (2018)
- Nursing staff-led behavioural group intervention in psychiatric in-patient care (2018)
- Drinking motives of adult patients seeking treatment for problematic alcohol use (2017)
- The Drinking Motives Questionnaire among Swedish psychiatric patients (2017)
- Health-related quality of life (EQ-5D) early after injury predicts long-term pain after burn (2016)
- Impact of personality disorders on health-related quality of life one year after burn injury (2015)
- Prevalence and prediction of prolonged pruritus after severe burns (2015)
- The patient´s perspective on the link between ADHD and substance use (2015)
- Alcohol Consumption After Severe Burn (2015)
- Psychiatric patients' perspectives of student involvement in their care (2015)
- Is sexuality a problem? (2015)
- Health-related quality of life in family members of patients with burns (2014)
- Health-related quality of life in Swedish pediatric burn patients and associations with burn and family characteristics (2014)
- Response to Letter to the Editor (2014)
- Parents' perceptions of adaptation and family life after burn injuries in children (2014)
- The psychiatric sequelae of burn injury (2014)
- Young female psychiatric patients' reasons for excessive alcohol use (2013)
- Burn-specific health 2 to 7 years after burn injury (2013)
- Return to work after burn (2011)
- Health-related quality of life 2 years to 7 years after a severe burn (2011)
- Return to Work After Burn Injury (2010)
- Validation of the EQ-5D questionnaire in burn injured adults (2009)
- Health-related quality of life after a severe burn (2009)
- Healthcare professionals’ descriptions of contextual factors affecting patients’ postoperative recovery
- Assessing parents’ perceived stress, psychological distress and health-related quality of life before and one year after their child´s craniosynostosis surgery