Emma Hovén
Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Fysioterapi och beteendemedicin
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-167 96 30
- E-post:
- emma.hoven@uu.se
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- MTC-huset
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752 37 Uppsala - Postadress:
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Kort presentation
Docent i medinsk psykologi
Forskare inom forskningsprogrammet UPIC (Ungas Psykiska hälsa I Centrum)
Föreståndare för det tvärvetenskapliga forskningscentret WOMHER – ett unikt tvärvetenskapligt centrum med målet att stärka kvinnors psykiska hälsa.
Jag är verksam inom det tvärvetenskapliga forskningsprogrammet UPIC - Ungas Psykiska hälsa I Centrum. UPIC:s mål är att förbättra kunskapen om ungas psykiska hälsa och uttryck av såväl välmående och psykisk ohälsa för att bättre kunna förutsäga, förebygga och behandla de som är i behov av stöd och vård i tid. Genom att kombinera olika vetenskapliga perspektiv och metoder arbetar UPIC för att stärka ungas psykiska hälsa och ge dem framtidstro och livsglädje.
Min forskning bedrivs därtill inom det psyko-onkologiska forskningsfältet där psykologisk ohälsa, krisbearbetning, psykosociala besvär, socioekonomiska konsekvenser och behov av stöd från vård och samhälle i samband med en cancerdiagnos är i fokus. Gemensamt för dessa studier är att undersöka, förebygga och behandla psykosocial ohälsa hos de som drabbas av cancer själva samt deras anhöriga.
Senaste publikationer
- Educational outcomes school year nine in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A nationwide registry‐based study from Sweden (2024)
- Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the PROMIS Sexual Function and Satisfaction Measures in clinical and nonclinical young adult populations (2023)
- Losing a child to adolescent cancer (2023)
- The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home (2023)
- Psychosocial interventions targeting parenting distress among parents with cancer (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Educational outcomes school year nine in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A nationwide registry‐based study from Sweden (2024)
- Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of the PROMIS Sexual Function and Satisfaction Measures in clinical and nonclinical young adult populations (2023)
- Losing a child to adolescent cancer (2023)
- The Complexity of Being a Parent in the Hospital and a Patient at Home (2023)
- Psychosocial interventions targeting parenting distress among parents with cancer (2023)
- Psychotropic medication use in parents of survivors of adolescent cancer (2022)
- Siblings of children diagnosed with cancer (2021)
- "There should be some kind of checklist for the soul" - A qualitative interview study of support needs after end of treatment for gynecologic cancer in young women (2021)
- What makes it work? (2020)
- Psychological distress in parents of children treated for cancer (2019)
- Parents' needs of support following the loss of a child to cancer (2019)
- Feeling excluded and not having anyone to talk to (2019)
- Exploration of psychological distress experienced by survivors of adolescent cancer reporting a need for psychological support (2018)
- Information needs of survivors and families after childhood CNS tumor treatment (2018)
- Prevalence and predictors of symptoms of anxiety and depression, and comorbid symptoms of distress in parents of childhood cancer survivors and bereaved parents five years after end of treatment or a child's death (2018)
- Fifteen Challenges in Establishing a Multidisciplinary Research Program on eHealth Research in a University Setting (2017)
- Impact of a child’s cancer disease on parents’ everyday life (2017)
- Perceptions of support among Swedish parents of children after end of successful cancer treatment (2017)
- Posttraumatic stress and attentional bias towards cancer-related stimuli in parents of children recently diagnosed with cancer (2016)
- Posttraumatic Stress in Parents of Children Diagnosed with Cancer (2016)
- Impressions that last (2016)
- Parents of children diagnosed with cancer (2016)
- Does time heal all wounds? A longitudinal study of the development of posttraumatic stress symptoms in parents of survivors of childhood cancer and bereaved parents (2015)
- Persistent impact of illness on families of adult survivors of childhood central nervous system tumors: (2013)
- A longitudinal assessment of work situation, sick leave, and household income of mothers and fathers of children with cancer in Sweden (2013)
- The met and unmet health care needs of adult survivors of childhood central nervous system tumors (2011)
- Attentional bias towards cancer-related stimuli is related to symptoms of posttraumatic stress in parents of children recently diagnosed with cancer (2015)
- Swedish parents’ need and opportunity to talk to a psychologist after end of their child’s cancer treatment: a longitudinal study (2015)
- Does Time Heal all Wounds? (2014)
- U-CARE: Economic late effects for mothers and fathers of children diagnosed with cancer (2013)