Santa Slokenberga
Universitetslektor i förvaltningsrätt, Docent i medicinsk rätt vid Juridiska institutionen; Professorer, lärare, forskare
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Kort presentation
Santa Slokenberga, LL.D., is an associate professor in Medical Law and a senior lecturer in administrative law. Her research, teaching, and supervision interests focus on questions on the human genome and biobanking, AI, privacy and personal data protection, the quality of pediatric health care, as well as governance of rare diseases. She is an EAHL board member and a board member of the Nordic Permed Law and is engaged in health policy questions nationally and internationally.
Urval av publikationer
- The standard of care and implications for paediatric decision-making (2021)
- Latvia (2020)
- Biobanking and data transfer between the EU and Cape Verde, Mauritius, Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia (2020)
- Medicinsk rätt (2020)
- Protecting the Rights of Children with Intersex Conditions from Nonconsensual Gender-Conforming Medical Interventions (2019)
- THE RIGHT TO SCIENCE AND HUMAN GERMLINE EDITING. Sweden, its external commitments and the ambiguous national responses under the Genetic Integrity Act (2019)
- The Regulation of Human Germline Genome Modification in Sweden (2019)
- EU data transfer rules and African legal realities (2019)
- The GDPR and the research exemption (2019)
- Data Portability in Health Research and Biobanking (2018)
- Legislation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe: (2018)
- Final Ethics and Legal Framework (2018)
- Book review - T.K. Hervey, C.A. Young and L.E. Bishop (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Health Law and Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017), ISBN 978-1785364716, 592 pp. (2018)
- Biobanking between the EU and Third Countries - Can Data Sharing Be Facilitated via Soft Regulatory Tools? (2018)
- Legal and ethical governance of intercontinental biobanking (2017)
- The Rights of Children in Biomedicine (2017)
- European Legal Perspectives on Health-Related Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing (2016)
- Direct-to-consumer Genetic Testing (2015)
Senaste publikationer
- The European Health Data Space (2024)
- A comparative ethical analysis of the Egyptian clinical research law (2024)
- Ethical and social reflections on the proposed European Health Data Space (2024)
- Ethical, legal, and social implications in research biobanking (2024)
- Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning (2023)
Alla publikationer
- A comparative ethical analysis of the Egyptian clinical research law (2024)
- Ethical and social reflections on the proposed European Health Data Space (2024)
- Ethical, legal, and social implications in research biobanking (2024)
- A proposal for an international Code of Conduct for data sharing in genomics (2023)
- EVDT regulas priekšlikumsun Datu otrreizējās izmantošanaslikumprojekts (2023)
- Veselības datu tiesiskā regulējuma transformācija (2023)
- Harmonization after the GDPR? Divergences in the rules for genetic and health data sharing in four member states and ways to overcome them by EU measures: insights from Germany, Greece, Latvia and Sweden (2022)
- What Would It Take to Enable Germline Editing in Europe for Medical Purposes? (2022)
- Scientific research regime 2.0? (2022)
- Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing (2022)
- Appropriate Safeguards and Article 89 of the GDPR (2022)
- Case C-243/19, A v Veselibas ministrija, Judgement of the Court (Second Chamber) of 29 October 2020, EU:C:2020:872 (2021)
- You can't put the genie back in the bottle (2021)
- Biobanking and data transfer between the EU and Cape Verde, Mauritius, Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia (2020)
- Protecting the Rights of Children with Intersex Conditions from Nonconsensual Gender-Conforming Medical Interventions (2019)
- THE RIGHT TO SCIENCE AND HUMAN GERMLINE EDITING. Sweden, its external commitments and the ambiguous national responses under the Genetic Integrity Act (2019)
- EU data transfer rules and African legal realities (2019)
- The GDPR and the research exemption (2019)
- Data Portability in Health Research and Biobanking (2018)
- Legislation of direct-to-consumer genetic testing in Europe: (2018)
- Book review - T.K. Hervey, C.A. Young and L.E. Bishop (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Health Law and Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017), ISBN 978-1785364716, 592 pp. (2018)
- Biobanking between the EU and Third Countries - Can Data Sharing Be Facilitated via Soft Regulatory Tools? (2018)
- Legal and ethical governance of intercontinental biobanking (2017)
- Valsts prezidenta veselība: divas slimnīcas un divas atšķirīgas reakcijas [President’s health: two hospitals and two differnt approaches (concerning health data sharing with media)] (2016)
- Problemātika ar ES pievienošanos Eiropas Cilvēktiesību konvencijai [The EU accession to the ECHR: Opinion 2/2013 and related issues] (2015)
- Direct-to-consumer Genetic Testing (2015)
- Medical Aid in dying in Quebec - legal considerations (2014)
- Ārstniecības personu administratīvā atbildība: slazds, kas ietverts LAPK [Healthcare professionals’ administrative liability: trap in the law’] (2013)
- Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning (2023)
- Governing, Protecting, and Regulating the Future of Genome Editing (2022)
- Medicīnas tiesības (2022)
- Medicinsk rätt (2022)
- GDPR and Biobanking (2021)
- Medicinsk rätt (2020)
- European Legal Perspectives on Health-Related Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing (2016)
- What Would It Take to Enable Germline Editing in Europe for Medical Purposes? (2023)
- Introduction (2023)
- Ārstniecības iestāžu darbības tiesiskie aspekti (2022)
- EU regulatory responses to medical machine learning in paediatric care: A missed opportunity to overcome a therapeutic gap? (2022)
- Genetik (2022)
- Pacienta datu aizsardzība (2022)
- Eiropas Savienība un veselība (2022)
- Genetik (2022)
- Nobeigums (2022)
- Pacientu tiesības (2022)
- Ievads (2022)
- Ārstniecība cilvēka dzīves nogalē (2022)
- Vid vägs ände (2022)
- Inledning (2022)
- The standard of care and implications for paediatric decision-making (2021)
- Setting the Foundations (2021)
- Latvia (2020)
- Genetiska interventioner inom och utanför hälso- och sjukvården (2020)
- Vid vägs ände (2020)
- Inledning (2020)
- The Regulation of Human Germline Genome Modification in Sweden (2019)
- Country report: an overview of animal protection in Latvia (2017)
- Pārskats par seksuālajām un reproduktīvajām tiesībām (2015)
- Veselības aprūpe un Eiropas Savienība (EU law and health care) (2015)
- Ārstniecība cilvēka dzīves nogalē un nāves tiesiskie aspekti (2015)
- The European Health Data Space (2024)
- D5.6: Recommendations for the enhancement of the existing legal frameworks for genomics, human enhancement, and AI and robotics (2020)
- Analysis of the legal and human rights requirements for genomics in and outside the EU (2019)
- Final Ethics and Legal Framework (2018)
- The Rights of Children in Biomedicine (2017)