Jameson Garland
Universitetslektor i medicinsk rätt, Docent vid Juridiska institutionen; Professorer, lärare, forskare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 20 16
- E-post:
- Jameson.Garland@jur.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Dag Hammarskjölds väg 7
- Postadress:
- Box 512
751 20 UPPSALA
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Kort presentation
Docent i medicinskrätt, universitetslektor i familjerätt, Uppsala universitet (LL.D., Uppsala Univ., J.D., Harvard Univ. )
Fellow, Center for the History of Medicine, Harvard University (2014-15); Visiting Professor & Lecturer, CUNY School of Law (2006-2010); Visiting Professor & Lecturer, Hofstra Law School (2000-2006)
Kungliga Vitterhetsakademiens pris för förtjänta vetenskapliga arbeten (2015–2016)
Martin H:son Holmdahl-stipendiet för främjande av mänskliga fri- och rättigheter (2017)
- Grundnivå: T3 (Juristprogrammet) - Familjerätt, Immaterialrätt och marknadsrätt; Genus och rätt; T5 (Läkarprogrammet); Genusmedicin
- Avancerad nivå: Medicinsk rätt; Barnrätt; Komparativ konstitutionell rätt; Ekonomisk analys av civilrätt; Demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter; Likabehandling och diskriminering: EG handelsrätt och processrätt.
- Medicinsk rätt
- Genus, sexualitet och rätt
- Familjerätt
- Komparativrätt
- Kritisk teori
- Konstitutionellrätt och mänskliga rättigheter
- Sakrätt
Urval av publikationer
- Equality and Protection for Gender Identity and Characteristics (2022)
- The Governance of Clinical Research in Sweden (2020)
- Informed Consent in Clinical Practice in Sweden (2019)
- Testing the Bounds of Lawful Medicine in Sweden (2019)
- Protecting the Rights of Children with Intersex Conditions from Nonconsensual Gender-Conforming Medical Interventions (2019)
- The Legal Status of Intersex Persons in Sweden (2018)
- Informed Consent as a Right (2018)
- Evidence-Based Reviews of Medical Interventions Relative to the Gender Status of Children with Intersex Conditions and Differences of Sex Development (2018)
- A Role for Critical Legal Theory in Swedish Family Law? (2017)
- The Rights of Children in Biomedicine (2017)
- On Science, Law, and Medicine (2016)
- Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery on infants (2014)
Senaste publikationer
- Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning (2023)
- Equality and Protection for Gender Identity and Characteristics (2022)
- The Governance of Clinical Research in Sweden (2020)
- Informed Consent in Clinical Practice in Sweden (2019)
- Testing the Bounds of Lawful Medicine in Sweden (2019)
Alla publikationer
- The Governance of Clinical Research in Sweden (2020)
- Informed Consent in Clinical Practice in Sweden (2019)
- Testing the Bounds of Lawful Medicine in Sweden (2019)
- Protecting the Rights of Children with Intersex Conditions from Nonconsensual Gender-Conforming Medical Interventions (2019)
- Informed Consent as a Right (2018)
- Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery on infants (2014)
- Response to 'Re. Evidence regarding cosmetic and medically unnecessary surgery on infants' (2014)
- Sex as a Form of Gender and Expression after Lawrence v. Texas (2006)
- Breaking the Enigma Code: (2003)
- The Low Road to Violence: Governmental Discrimination as a Catalyst for Pandemic Hate Crime (2001)
- Equality and Protection for Gender Identity and Characteristics (2022)
- Ethical and Legal Aspects of DSD/Intersex (2018)
- The Legal Status of Intersex Persons in Sweden (2018)
- Evidence-Based Reviews of Medical Interventions Relative to the Gender Status of Children with Intersex Conditions and Differences of Sex Development (2018)
- A Role for Critical Legal Theory in Swedish Family Law? (2017)
- Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet as a threshold for safety and efficacy (2016)
- The legal status of transsexual and transgender persons in Sweden. (2015)
- The Legal Status of Transsexual and Transgender Persons in the United States (2015)