Michelle Gordon
Forskare vid Historiska institutionen; Uppsala centrum för Förintelse- och folkmordsstudier
- Telefon:
- 018-471 57 81
- E-post:
- michelle.gordon@uu.se
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- Engelska parken, Thunbergsvägen 3D, 1 tr
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- Box 521
751 20 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
Michelle Gordon är forskare vid Uppsala centrum för Förintelse- och folkmordstudier. Hon leder för närvarande forskningsprojektet ’Sammanflätade historier: Det brittiska imperiet, Förintelsen och förövandet av extremt våld’ finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet. Hon har en doktorsexamen i historia från Royal Holloway, University of London, och har specifik forsknings- och undervisningsexpertis i studier av folkmord och massvåld, med fokus på brittiska och tyska förövare, och imperiets historia.
- british empire
- british representations of violence
- european colonial violence
- extreme violence
- german colonialism
- holocaust and genocide studies
- imperial wars
- kaiserreich
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Entanglements of the British Empire, the Holocaust and the Perpetration of Extreme Violence
This three-year project analyses the entanglements of the British Empire and the Holocaust, related to contexts of racial violence and colonial worldviews. The central focus of this project is British troops who fought in colonial contexts during World War II and after. It analyses what British soldiers knew about the Holocaust throughout World War II and how they discussed, disseminated and processed this information, particularly in relation to racial perspectives. Drawing on a theoretical framework from studies on mass violence and transimperial history, this project examines how these troops understood and rationalised this violence. Not only did British troops fight Nazi Germany, they also fought in colonial contexts and many went on to participate in colonial warfare in the post-war period. These events are analysed within one analytical framework which assesses these men and their careers within a continuity, rather than treating their WWII and imperial careers as separate phenomena. This project works towards a more nuanced understanding of the historical contexts of the Holocaust and racism, as well as new knowledge on the entanglements of the British Empire, its World War II campaign and the Holocaust.
The 'Civilised' Nature of Nineteenth-Century Warfare? British and German Practices of Violence in Colonial and Intra-European Wars
This research project reassesses the role of British and German troops in committing extreme violence and atrocities in intra-European and colonial conflicts in nineteenth-century warfare. These research areas are traditionally studied separately but by comparing ‘civilised’/European warfare and ‘uncivilised’/colonial warfare my research will investigate how these two types of war informed one another. This research will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of how European colonial practices ‘came home’ in the genocidal intra-European violence of the twentieth century.
Senaste publikationer
- Persecution, Oppression and Subjection (2025)
- 'Un barniz sobre el salvajismo' (2024)
- Colonial Paradigms of Violence (2022)
- Introduction (2022)
- Extreme Violence and the 'British Way' (2020)
Alla publikationer
- 'Un barniz sobre el salvajismo' (2024)
- Prospects for a Bewältigung of Extreme Violence in Britain's Imperial Past (2020)
- Viewing Violence in the British Empire (2019)
- Harming Others: The Dynamics of Everyday Aggression and Genocide (2017)
- Colonial Violence and Holocaust Studies (2015)
- Review of Carroll P. Kakel, III, The Holocaust as Colonial Genocide: Hitler’s ‘Indian Wars’ inthe ‘Wild East’ (2014)