Moa Mårtensson
Forskare vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
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Kort presentation
Moa Mårtensson, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, where she currently teaches courses on European Union politics and comparative politics, and previously taught methods. She defended her doctoral thesis, Political Representation in the European Union: A Multi-Channel Approach, in January 2016. Mårtensson's research interests are in the areas of European Union politics, political opposition, social and political equality, and citizen attitudes to climate policy. During the years 2011-2015 she was the coordinator of the Swedish Network for European Studies in Political Science and the editorial secretary of its annual yearbook, Europaperspektiv, with the primary responsibility for editing its content. During the years 2017-2019, she participated in the REMINDER project, a consortium of 14 organizations that received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 program to explore the economic, social and political challenges of free movement within the EU. From 2017 to 2023, she worked on "The Paradox of Political Opposition in Multilevel Europe" and ”Minority and Female Politicians as Role Models”, in projects funded by the Swedish Research Council. She currently leads the project "Shifting the Calculus of Candidacy? Assessing the Impact of Hostile Political Climates on the Political Ambitions of Marginalized Groups", and participates in three projects exploring if and how the welfare state shapes citizen attitudes to costly climate measures: "Climate Policy as a Social Question" and "Can social policy reduce the risk of polarization over climate change mitigation?, both funded by Formas, and "Do welfare systems shape public support for climate action? A cross-country experimental assessment", funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation.
Urval av publikationer
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2024)
- Combating climate change through the welfare state (2024)
- Drivers of parliamentary opposition in European Union politics: Institutional factors or party characteristics? (2024)
- Shielding Free Movement? Reciprocity in Welfare Institutions and Opposition to EU Labour Immigration (2023)
- The influence of Eurosceptic challenger parties on mainstream party behaviour (2023)
- Välrepresenterade, välkomna och uppdragsvilliga? (2022)
- Political Representation in the European Union (2015)
Senaste publikationer
- How Does Supervision Shape Student Thesis Outcomes? (2025)
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2024)
- Is Oppositional Behaviour in European Union Affairs Gendered? Evidence from Plenary Debates and Committee Deliberations in Four Legislatures (2024)
- Do Members of Parliament Express More Opposition in the Plenary than in the Committee? (2024)
- Do Minorities Feel Welcome in Politics? A Cross-Cultural Study of the United States and Sweden (2024)
Alla publikationer
- How Does Supervision Shape Student Thesis Outcomes? (2025)
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2024)
- Is Oppositional Behaviour in European Union Affairs Gendered? Evidence from Plenary Debates and Committee Deliberations in Four Legislatures (2024)
- Do Members of Parliament Express More Opposition in the Plenary than in the Committee? (2024)
- Do Minorities Feel Welcome in Politics? A Cross-Cultural Study of the United States and Sweden (2024)
- The empowerment effect of visible political representation (2024)
- Combating climate change through the welfare state (2024)
- Drivers of parliamentary opposition in European Union politics: Institutional factors or party characteristics? (2024)
- Shielding Free Movement? Reciprocity in Welfare Institutions and Opposition to EU Labour Immigration (2023)
- The influence of Eurosceptic challenger parties on mainstream party behaviour (2023)
- Eurosceptic Challenger Parties and Political Opposition in European Union Politics (2019)
- EU har inte råd att blunda för klyftorna (2017)
- Mixed Representation and Legitimacy in the European Union (2007)
- How are the EU’s Three Channels of Representation Coordinated?
- Linkage in the EU’s Mixed System of Representation: Bottom-Up or Top-Down?
- Bridging the Prosperity Gap in the EU (2018)
- The EU's Role in Fighting Global Imbalances (2015)
- The EU's Role in Fighting Global Imbalances (2015)
- Political Representation in the European Union (2015)
- Parlamentet som arena för opposition i EU-politiken (2022)
- Välrepresenterade, välkomna och uppdragsvilliga? (2022)
- Hur mycket opposition finns det i svensk EU-politik? (2019)
- Analysing the Prosperity Gap (2018)
- The EU and Global Imbalances (2015)
- Reciprocity in welfare institutions and normative attitudes in EU Member States (2019)
- Reciprocity in welfare institutions and attitudes to free movement in EU receiving countries (2019)
- Hur mycket opposition finns det i svensk EU-politik? (2018)
- Indicators of Normative Attitudes in Europe (2018)