Lisa Bukhave Jensen
Doktorand i religionshistoria och global kristendom vid Teologiska institutionen; Religionshistoria och global kristendom
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Kort presentation
I am a PhD-student in the History of Religion focusing on Indo-European religions and religious evolution. My main interests are ancient religions and languages, but I am also interested in theories and methods in the Study of Religion.
- cognitive science of religion
- cultural evolution
- historical linguistics
- history of religion
- indo-european studies
- indo-iranian studies
- language development
- methodology in the study of religion
- theory in the study of religion
Jag har en kandidat utbildning i Religionsvetenskap och Klassiska studier från Aarhus Universitet (Danmark), och en master i Religionsvetenskap från samma universitet. Dessutom har jag varit student på Indoeuropeiska studier, Avdeling för Lingvistik, Köpenhamns Universitet.
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
My research area is the religions of Indo-European-speaking groups. The linguistic relationship between the Indo-European cultures provides a unique opportunity to study how cultures from a shared point of departure develop and adapt when faced with new milieus and social realities. Thus, I wish to combine cognitive, cultural, and human evolution theories with classical Indo-European linguistics and comparative text analysis.
My thesis will mainly explore the relationship between developments in language, religion, and power structures in Indo-European cultures by focusing on ways of addressing gods and kings. My point of departure will be the Indo-Iranian title *asura and its later developments in Vedic and Avestan religion. This I will compare to studies of the (linguistically) related Hittite title Ḫaššu (meaning "king") and the Old Norse Æsir. Through comparing these studies, I hope to discuss how religious symbolic systems are affected by societal developments and different milieus, creating distinguished cultures through selection- and adaptation processes.