Moa Yngve
Forskare vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Arbetsterapi
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Kort presentation
Universitetslektor i arbetsterapi vid institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa.
Disputerade 2021 med avhandlingen "Participation and ICT - Students with special educational needs in Upper secondary school" vars övergripande syfte var att öka kunskapen om delaktighet i skolaktiviteter för gymnasieelever i behov av stöd innan och efter de erhöll en IKT-intervention, och sedermera elevernas deltagande i arbete och vidare studier.
Idag arbetar jag i forskningsprojektet Partnering for Change (P4C) in Sweden - Intervention to Increase Pupils´ Engagement and Participation samt med psykometrisk prövning och utveckling av olika arbetsterapeutiska bedömningsinstrument.
Senaste publikationer
- Long-term outcome and rehabilitation needs after acquired brain injury in children and adolescents (2025)
- Feasibility of Partnering for Change (P4C) to create inclusive learning environments in Swedish compulsory schools (2025)
- Initial evaluation of measurement properties of the Work Environment Impact Questionnaire (WEIQ) - using Rasch analysis (2024)
- Partnering for change (P4C) in Sweden- a study protocol of a collaborative school-based service delivery model to create inclusive learning environments (2023)
- Implementation of information and communication technology to facilitate participation in high school occupations for students with neurodevelopmental disorders (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Long-term outcome and rehabilitation needs after acquired brain injury in children and adolescents (2025)
- Feasibility of Partnering for Change (P4C) to create inclusive learning environments in Swedish compulsory schools (2025)
- Initial evaluation of measurement properties of the Work Environment Impact Questionnaire (WEIQ) - using Rasch analysis (2024)
- Partnering for change (P4C) in Sweden- a study protocol of a collaborative school-based service delivery model to create inclusive learning environments (2023)
- Implementation of information and communication technology to facilitate participation in high school occupations for students with neurodevelopmental disorders (2023)
- Establishment in productive occupations and perceived work ability among former students with special educational needs one year after upper secondary education (2023)
- Psychometric evaluation of the Finnish version of the Worker Role interview (WRI-FI) (2023)