Mette Lillie
Forskare vid Institutionen för ekologi och genetik; Zooekologi
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- Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum (EBC)
Norbyvägen 18 D - Postadress:
- Norbyvägen 18 D
752 36 UPPSALA
Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Mette Lillie vid Institutionen för ekologi och genetik; Zooekologi
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Senaste publikationer
- Contrasting segregation patterns among endogenous retroviruses across the koala population (2024)
- Spatiotemporal variations in retrovirus-host interactions among Darwin’s finches (2022)
- Expansion of a retrovirus lineage in the koala genome (2022)
- Whole genome sequencing reveals high differentiation, low levels of genetic diversity and short runs of homozygosity among Swedish wels catfish (2021)
- A genomic inference of the White Plymouth Rock genealogy (2019)
Alla publikationer
- Contrasting segregation patterns among endogenous retroviruses across the koala population (2024)
- Spatiotemporal variations in retrovirus-host interactions among Darwin’s finches (2022)
- Expansion of a retrovirus lineage in the koala genome (2022)
- Whole genome sequencing reveals high differentiation, low levels of genetic diversity and short runs of homozygosity among Swedish wels catfish (2021)
- A genomic inference of the White Plymouth Rock genealogy (2019)
- Bidirectional Selection for Body Weight on Standing Genetic Variation in a Chicken Model (2019)
- Exploring the genetics of trotting racing ability in horses using a unique Nordic horse model (2019)
- Genotyping by low-coverage whole-genome sequencing in intercross pedigrees from outbred founders (2019)
- Past and potential future population dynamics of three grouse species using ecological and whole genome coalescent modeling (2018)
- Genomic signatures of 60 years of bidirectional selection for 8-week body weight in chickens (2018)
- Multiple major histocompatibility complex class I genes in Asian anurans (2017)
- Variation in Major Histocompatibility Complex diversity in invasive cane toad populations (2017)
- Genome-wide standing variation facilitates long-term response to bidirectional selection for antibody response in chickens (2017)
- Artificial Selection Response due to Polygenic Adaptation from a Multilocus, Multiallelic Genetic Architecture. (2017)