Inger Sundström Poromaa
Professor i obstetrik och gynekologi vid Institutionen för kvinnors och barns hälsa; Reproduktiv hälsa
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Professor, prefekt och verksam vid det tvärvetenskapliga forskningscentret Womher Women's Mental Health during the Reproductive Lifespan, centrum för kvinnors psykiska hälsa
Det övergripande målet med min forskargrupps studier är att studera hur könshormoner påverkar CNS funktioner som kan relateras till ångest och depression, samt det omvända, hur reproduktiva händelser under en kvinnas liv påverkar hennes risk att drabbas av ångest och depression. De flesta studier beskrivs i bättre detalj av mina medarbetare, men sammanfattningsvis rör vi oss mellan genexpressionsstudier av placenta hos deprimerade/SSRI behandlade gravida kvinnor till imagingstudier av patientgrupper som genomgår stora hormonella förändringar eller påverkas negativt av kvinnliga könshormoner.
Senaste publikationer
- Mid-pregnancy allopregnanolone levels and trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms (2024)
- Estradiol modulates changes in effective connectivity in emotion regulation networks (2024)
- Cortical morphology variations during the menstrual cycle in individuals with and without premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2024)
- Breastfeeding in primiparous women with congenital heart disease (2024)
- Self-rated health in primiparous women with congenital heart disease before, during and after pregnancy (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Mid-pregnancy allopregnanolone levels and trajectories of perinatal depressive symptoms (2024)
- Estradiol modulates changes in effective connectivity in emotion regulation networks (2024)
- Cortical morphology variations during the menstrual cycle in individuals with and without premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2024)
- Breastfeeding in primiparous women with congenital heart disease (2024)
- Self-rated health in primiparous women with congenital heart disease before, during and after pregnancy (2024)
- Time to childbirth and assisted reproductive treatment in women with congenital heart disease (2024)
- Electroencephalography findings in menstrually-related mood disorders (2024)
- White matter volume and treatment with selective progesterone receptor modulator in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2024)
- Combined maternal central adiposity measures in relation to infant birth size (2024)
- Sex-Specific Transcriptomic Changes in the Villous Tissue of Placentas of Pregnant Women Using a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (2024)
- Pre-pregnancy participation and performance in world's largest cross-country ski race as a proxy for physical exercise and fitness, and perinatal outcomes (2023)
- Acute nicotine exposure blocks aromatase in the limbic brain of healthy women (2023)
- Triple network model of brain connectivity changes related to adverse mood effects in an oral contraceptive placebo-controlled trial (2023)
- Sex differences in distribution and identity of aromatase gene expressing cells in the young adult rat brain (2023)
- Advanced gynecological cancer (2023)
- Lower affective empathy in oral contraceptive users (2023)
- Study protocol (2023)
- Early Mid-pregnancy Blood-Based Proteins as Possible Biomarkers of Increased Infant Birth Size in Sex-Stratified Analyses (2023)
- Maternal early mid-pregnancy adiponectin in relation to infant birth weight and the likelihood of being born large-for-gestational-age. (2023)
- Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Risk of Depression Among Young Women With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (2023)
- Women's decision-making related to induced abortion (2023)
- Contraceptive use among women seeking an early induced abortion in Sweden (2023)
- Multiple induced abortions (2023)
- Hyperandrogenic Symptoms Are a Persistent Suffering in Midlife Women with PCOS; a Prospective Cohort Study in Sweden (2023)
- Towards a more comprehensive neuroscience of hormonal contraceptives (2023)
- Effect of cosmetic hair treatment and natural hair colour on hair testosterone concentrations (2023)
- Individual participant data meta-analysis to compare EPDS accuracy to detect major depression with and without the self-harm item (2023)
- Levonorgestrel intrauterine device and depression (2023)
- Emotion-induced brain activation across the menstrual cycle in individuals with premenstrual dysphoric disorder and associations to serum levels of progesterone-derived neurosteroids (2023)
- New Pharmacological Approaches to the Management of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2023)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome and risk of pre‐eclampsia (2023)
- Negative childbirth experience in relation to mode of birth and events during labour: a mixed method study (2023)
- Overall childbirth experience (2023)
- Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes in Singleton Nulliparous Spontaneous Preterm Birth with and without Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes—A National Population-Based Cohort Study (2022)
- Ex vivo assessment of cancer drug sensitivity in epithelial ovarian cancer and its association with histopathological type, treatment history and clinical outcome (2022)
- Longitudinal assessment of inflammatory markers in the peripartum period by depressive symptom trajectory groups (2022)
- Differential grey matter structure in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- Grey matter correlates of affective and somatic symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- White matter microstructure and volume correlates of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2022)
- Grey matter morphology in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder treated with a selective progesterone receptor modulator. (2022)
- No Evidence for a Role of Oral Contraceptive-Use in Emotion Recognition But Higher Negativity Bias in Early Follicular Women (2022)
- Working Memory During Late Pregnancy (2022)
- Maternal blood-based protein biomarkers in relation to abdominal fat distribution measured by ultrasound in early mid-pregnancy (2022)
- The neuroanatomy of pregnancy and postpartum (2022)
- Hormonal contraception and risk of breast cancer and breast cancer in situ among Swedish women 15-34 years of age (2022)
- Induced abortion and access to contraception in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
- Association Between Objectively Assessed Sleep and Depressive Symptoms During Pregnancy and Post-partum (2022)
- Pregnancy and brain architecture (2022)
- Effect of internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy among women with negative birth experiences on mental health and quality of life (2022)
- Antepartum and labour-related single predictors of non-participation, dropout and lost to follow up in a randomised controlled trial comparing internet-based cognitive-behaviour therapy with treatment as usual for women with negative birth experiences and/or post-traumatic stress following childbirth (2022)
- Negative childbirth experience-what matters most? (2022)
- Pregnancy-related hormones and COMT genotype (2021)
- Ulipristal Acetate for Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2021)
- Neuroimaging the menstrual cycle (2021)
- Early initiation of anti-androgen treatment is associated with increased probability of spontaneous conception leading to childbirth in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2021)
- Maternal lithium use and the risk of adverse pregnancy and neonatal outcomes (2021)
- The Peritoneal Cancer Index is a Strong Predictor of Incomplete Cytoreductive Surgery in Ovarian Cancer. (2021)
- Validation of F-18-FDG PET/MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI for estimating the extent of peritoneal carcinomatosis in ovarian and endometrial cancer (2021)
- Advanced gynaecological cancer (2021)
- Brain reactivity during aggressive response in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder treated with a selective progesterone receptor modulator (2021)
- Friend vs. Foe (2021)
- Associations of ultrasound estimated early mid pregnancy visceral and subcutaneous fat depths and early pregnancy BMI with adverse neonatal outcomes (2021)
- Peritoneal cancer index predicts severe complications after ovarian cancer surgery (2021)
- Gray matter increases within subregions of the hippocampal complex after pregnancy (2021)
- Significant increases of the amygdala between immediate and late postpartum (2021)
- Postpartum Gray Matter Changes in the Auditory Cortex (2021)
- Towards individualised contraceptive counselling (2021)
- Higher blood pressure in normal weight women with PCOS compared to controls (2021)
- Higher risk of type 2 diabetes in women with hyperandrogenic polycystic ovary syndrome (2021)
- Ultrasound estimated subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue thicknesses and risk of pre-eclampsia (2021)
- Waist circumference measurement for prediction of preeclampsia (2021)
- Shaping of the Female Human Brain by Sex Hormones (2021)
- Estradiol administration modulates neural emotion regulation (2021)
- Authors' reply re (2021)
- Antimullerian hormone and spontaneous preterm birth (2021)
- Blood pressure and adiposity in midlife Singaporean women (2021)
- Pregnancy outcome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome in relation to second-trimester testosterone levels (2021)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome and risk of stillbirth (2021)
- Polycystic ovary syndrome and extremely preterm birth (2021)
- Self‐rated health before pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes in Sweden (2021)
- Associations Between Maternal Depression, Antidepressant Use During Pregnancy, and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes (2021)
- Low- and Fully N-Glycosylated Gonadotropins Circulating in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (2021)
- Probability of Major Depression Classification Based on the SCID, CIDI, and MINI Diagnostic Interviews (2021)
- Inflammatory markers in women with postpartum depressive symptoms (2020)
- Neuroimaging premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2020)
- Placental glucocorticoid receptors are not affected by maternal depression or SSRI treatment. (2020)
- Association of maternal attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and preterm birth (2020)
- Safety and Efficacy of an Oxytocin Gel and an Equivalent Gel but Without Hormonal Ingredients (Vagivital® Gel) in Postmenopausal Women with Symptoms of Vulvovaginal Atrophy (2020)
- Quantification of aromatase binding in the female human brain using [11 C]cetrozole positron emission tomography. (2020)
- Impact of maternal central adiposity on infant anthropometry and perinatal morbidity: A systematic review (2020)
- Association of maternal central adiposity measured by ultrasound in early mid pregnancy with infant birth size (2020)
- From baby brain to mommy brain (2020)
- Perceptions of care after end-of-treatment among younger women with different gynecologic cancer diagnoses (2020)
- Pregnancy in metabolic healthy and unhealthy obese women (2020)
- Use of an estradiol-based combined oral contraceptives has no influence on attentional bias or depressive symptoms in healthy women (2020)
- SSRI use during pregnancy and risk for postpartum haemorrhage (2020)
- Toward improved research on peripartum depression (2020)
- Progesterone - Friend or foe? (2020)
- Risk factors for insulin resistance in midlife Singaporean women (2020)
- Factors associated with re-initiation of antidepressant treatment following discontinuation during pregnancy (2020)
- Thromboinflammatory changes in plasma proteome of pregnant women with PCOS detected by quantitative label-free proteomics (2019)
- Cohort profile (2019)
- Investigating the association between neuroticism and adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes (2019)
- Neuroticism is associated with higher antenatal care utilization in obstetric low-risk women (2019)
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness, startle response, and sensorimotor gating in late pregnancy (2019)
- Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory markers in plasma (2019)
- Abstract # 3143 Inflammatory markers in postpartum depression (2019)
- Constitutive serotonin transporter reduction resembles maternal separation with regard to stress-related gene expression (2019)
- The effect of antenatal depression and antidepressant treatment on placental tissue (2019)
- Objective measures of physical performance associated with depression and/or anxiety in midlife Singaporean women (2019)
- Blood plasma metabolic profiling of pregnant women with antenatal depressive symptoms (2019)
- Spring peaks and autumn troughs identified in peripheral inflammatory markers during the peripartum period (2019)
- Neighborhood deprivation and adverse perinatal outcomes in Sweden (2019)
- Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI, and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum (2019)
- Serum retinol-binding protein 4 levels in polycystic ovary syndrome (2019)
- Use of metformin to treat pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PregMet2) (2019)
- Maternal body mass index moderates antenatal depression effects on infant birthweight (2019)
- Fecundity among women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)-a population-based study (2019)
- Circulating antimüllerian hormone and steroid hormone levels remain high in pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome at term (2019)
- Awareness of polycystic ovary syndrome among obstetrician-gynecologists and endocrinologists in Northern Europe (2019)
- Stress-related genetic polymorphisms in association with peripartum depression symptoms and stress hormones (2019)
- Association of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder With Teenage Birth Among Women and Girls in Sweden (2019)
- Cell Cycle Regulator p27 Mediates Body Mass IndexEffects in Ovarian Cancer in FIGO-stages I-II (2019)
- Negative Association Between Allopregnanolone and Cerebral Serotonin Transporter Binding in Healthy Women of Fertile Age (2019)
- Pregnancy and neonatal complications in women with polycystic ovary syndrome in relation to second-trimester anti-Müllerian hormone levels (2019)
- Prenatal exposures and birth indices, and subsequent risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (2019)
- Psychiatric disorders in women and men up to five years after undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatment (2019)
- Ongoing or previous mental disorders predispose to adverse mood reporting during combined oral contraceptive use (2018)
- Expression of calcium release-activated and voltage-gated calcium channels genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is altered in pregnancy and in type 1 diabetes (2018)
- Antenatal Depression and Placental Function (2018)
- Hormonal Cycle and Contraceptive Effects on Amygdala and Salience Resting-State Networks in Women with Previous Affective Side Effects on the Pill. (2018)
- Hyaluronan-binding protein 2 (HABP2) gene variation in women with recurrent miscarriage (2018)
- Differences in secretome in culture media when comparing blastocysts and arrested embryos using multiplex proximity assay (2018)
- Potential Brain Age Reversal after Pregnancy (2018)
- Sexual function and combined oral contraceptives (2018)
- Women treated for gynaecological cancer during young adulthood (2018)
- Assessment of cerebral perfusion and edema in preeclampsia with intravoxel incoherent motion MRI (2018)
- Cerebral osmolytes and plasma osmolality in pregnancy and preeclampsia (2018)
- Elevated prenatal anti-Mullerian hormone reprograms the fetus and induces polycystic ovary syndrome in adulthood (2018)
- AMPA, NMDA and kainate glutamate receptor subunits are expressed in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) where the expression of GluK4 is altered by pregnancy and GluN2D by depression in pregnant women (2017)
- Treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder with the GABA(A) receptor modulating steroid antagonist Sepranolone (UC1010)-A randomized controlled trial (2017)
- The clinical and prognostic correlation of HRNPM and SLC1A5 in pathogenesis and prognosis in epithelial ovarian cancer (2017)
- Inflammatory markers in late pregnancy in association with postpartum depression-A nested case-control study. (2017)
- Lower inflammatory markers in women with antenatal depression brings the M1/M2 balance into focus from a new direction (2017)
- Different patterns of attentional bias in antenatal and postpartum depression (2017)
- Emotional anticipation after delivery - a longitudinal neuroimaging study of the postpartum period (2017)
- Allopregnanolone levels and depressive symptoms during pregnancy in relation to single nucleotide polymorphisms in the allopregnanolone synthesis pathway (2017)
- Associations between a polymorphism in the hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 1 gene, neuroticism and postpartum depression (2017)
- Tracer kinetic analysis of [C-11] Cetrozole as a PET tracer for aromatase in the human brain (2017)
- Maternal and female fetal testosterone levels are associated with maternal age and gestational weight gain (2017)
- Bone markers in polycystic ovary syndrome (2017)
- Combined oral contraceptive use is associated with both improvement and worsening of mood in the different phases of the treatment cycle - A double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial (2017)
- The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is not increased in normal-weight women with PCOS (2017)
- Normo- and hyperandrogenic women with polycystic ovary syndrome exhibit an adverse metabolic profile through life (2017)
- Sex differences in depression during pregnancy and the postpartum period (2017)
- Neuroticism-related personality traits are associated with posttraumatic stress after abortion (2017)
- Sleep duration, depression, and oxytocinergic genotype influence prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in postpartum women (2016)
- Anxiety, Depressed Mood and the Use of Labor Analgesia (2016)
- Suicides during pregnancy and one year postpartum in Sweden, 1980–2007 (2016)
- The effect of combined hormonal contraceptives use on brain reactivity during response inhibition (2016)
- Tandem mass spectrometry determined maternal cortisone to cortisol ratio and psychiatric morbidity during pregnancy-interaction with birth weight (2016)
- Mid-pregnancy corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in association with postpartum depressive symptoms (2016)
- Fourth consensus of the International Society for Premenstrual Disorders (ISPMD) (2016)
- Effects of fluoxetine on human embryo development (2016)
- Histidine-rich glycoprotein derived peptides affect endometrial angiogenesis in vitro but has no effect on embryo development (2016)
- The effect of a specific histidine-rich glycoprotein polymorphism on male infertility and semen parameters. (2016)
- Should we individualize lipid profiling in women with polycystic ovary syndrome? (2016)
- Gene Expression in Placentas From Nondiabetic Women Giving Birth to Large for Gestational Age Infants (2015)
- The mRNA expression of GABA-A, GABA-B receptor subunits and chloride transporters in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is influenced by gender, pregnancy and depression (2015)
- Expression of GABA receptors subunits in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is gender dependent, altered in pregnancy and modified by mental health (2015)
- Drug Sensitivity Testing in Cytoreductive Surgery and Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy of Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (2015)
- Supraphysiological hormonal status, anxiety disorders, and COMT Val/Val genotype are associated with reduced sensorimotor gating in women (2015)
- Pregnancy, anxiety symptoms and catecholaminergic genotype are associated with prepulse inhibition of the startle response in women (2015)
- Neuroimaging the Menstrual Cycle and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2015)
- Emotion Reactivity Is Increased 4-6 Weeks Postpartum in Healthy Women (2015)
- Iodine deficiency in a study population of pregnant women in Sweden (2015)
- Treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors during pregnancy is associated with elevated corticotropin-releasing hormone levels (2015)
- Prenatal and Postpartum Evening Salivary Cortisol Levels in Association with Peripartum Depressive Symptoms (2015)
- Personality and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- The effect of antenatal depression and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment on nerve growth factor signaling in human placenta (2015)
- Vaginal gene expression during treatment with aromatase inhibitors (2015)
- Placental STAT3 signaling is activated in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2015)
- Antenatal depression and antidepressants during pregnancy (2015)
- The effects of antenatal depression and antidepressant treatment on placental gene expression (2015)
- Androgen Profile Through Life in Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (2015)
- How do women perceive abortion care (2015)
- Comparative analysis of the effects of nomegestrol acetate/17 beta-estradiol and drospirenone/ethinylestradiol on premenstrual and menstrual symptoms and dysmenorrhea (2015)
- Androgen levels during adjuvant endocrine therapy in postmenopausal breast cancer patients (2014)
- GABA-A receptor subunit expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (2014)
- Functional and molecular neuroimaging of menopause and hormone replacement therapy (2014)
- Emotional fronto-cingulate cortex activation and brain derived neurotrophic factor polymorphism in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2014)
- The histidine-rich glycoprotein A1042G polymorphism and recurrent miscarriage (2014)
- Social stimulation and corticolimbic reactivity in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2014)
- Targeted Thyroid Testing During Pregnancy in Clinical Practice (2014)
- Association between trefoil factor 3 gene variants and idiopathic recurrent spontaneous abortion (2014)
- Low Serum Allopregnanolone Is Associated with Symptoms of Depression in Late Pregnancy (2014)
- Menstrual cycle influence on cognitive function and emotion processing-from a reproductive perspective (2014)
- Emotional and cognitive functional imaging of estrogen and progesterone effects in the female human brain (2014)
- Neuroticism-related personality traits are associated with post-abortion posttraumatic stress (2014)
- Pre-pregnancy Restless Legs Syndrome (Willis-Ekbom Disease) Is Associated with Perinatal Depression (2014)
- Periodic Limb Movements are Associated with Vasomotor Symptoms (2014)
- Prefrontal activity during response inhibition decreases over time in the postpartum period (2013)
- Sexual dysfunction in women on adjuvant endocrine therapy after breast cancer (2013)
- Socioeconomic characteristics, housing conditions and criminal offences among women with cervical neoplasia (2013)
- Influence of catechol-O-methyltransferase Val158Met polymorphism on startle response in the presence of high estradiol levels (2013)
- Adipocytokines levels at delivery, functional variation of TFAP2 beta, and maternal and neonatal anthropometric parameters (2013)
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder and prefrontal reactivity during anticipation of emotional stimuli (2013)
- Trait Anxiety Affects Amygdala Reactivity in the Follicular Phase for Women with Previous Emotional Side Effcts of Oral Contraceptices (2013)
- Oral contraceptive use changes brain activity and mood in women with previous negative affect on the pill (2013)
- Thyroid Testing and Management of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy (2013)
- Socioeconomic Characteristics, Housing Conditions and Criminal Behavior in Women with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (Cin) Between 1960 and 2006 (2013)
- Cortisol awakening response in late pregnancy in women with previous or ongoing depression (2013)
- Cortisol awakening response in late pregnancy in women with previous or ongoing depression (2013)
- 1843 – Depression in the peripartum period in association with salivary cortisol levels (2013)
- Clinical subtypes of core premenstrual disorders (2013)
- Treatment with aromatase inhibitor acts indirectly through the estrogen receptor pathway causing decreased junction plakoglobin mRNA expression and vaginal atrophy (2013)
- Aromatase inhibitors affect vaginal proliferation and steroid hormone receptors (2013)
- 1546 – Personality traits and postpartum depression: results from basic study in sweden (2013)
- Histidine-rich glycoprotein gene polymorphism in patients with recurrent miscarriage (2013)
- ISPMD consensus on the management of premenstrual disorders (2013)
- The effects of maternal depression and maternal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor exposure on offspring (2013)
- Allopregnanolone serum concentrations and diurnal cortisol secretion in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2013)
- Premenstrual syndrome and dysphoric disorder as risk factors for postpartum depression (2013)
- Thyroid function tests at delivery and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms (2013)
- Posttraumatic stress among women after induced abortion (2013)
- The prevalence of posttraumatic stress among women requesting induced abortion (2013)
- Steroid hormone receptor expression, proliferative activity and microvessel density in the endometrium of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2012)
- The effect of premenstrual dysphoric disorder and menstrual cycle phase on brain activity during response inhibition (2012)
- Socioeconomic characteristics, housing conditions and criminal behavior in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) between 1960 and 2006 (2012)
- Pseudomyxoma Peritone (2012)
- Prediction of Preeclampsia by Combining Serum Histidine-Rich Glycoprotein and Uterine Artery Doppler (2012)
- Influence of COMT val158met polymorphism on startle response during pregnancy (2012)
- The A118G Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Human μ–Opioid Receptor Gene and Use of Labor Analgesia (2012)
- Menstrual cycle effects on amygdala reactivity to emotional stimulation in premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2012)
- Phosphodiesterase 8B gene polymorphism in women with recurrent miscarriage (2012)
- Decreased startle modulation during anticipation in the postpartum period in comparison to late pregnancy (2012)
- Low serum allopregnanolone is associated with elevated depressive symptoms in late pregnancy (2012)
- Long-term Reproductive and Metabolic Consequences of PCOS (2012)
- Women with acute intermittent porphyria have a defect in 5α-steroid production during the menstrual cycle (2012)
- Higher than expected estradiol levels in aromatase inhibitor-treated, postmenopausal breast cancer patients (2012)
- Biological aspects of postpartum depression (2012)
- Adverse mood symptoms with oral contraceptives (2012)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder among women requesting induced termination of pregnancy (2012)
- Patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder have increased startle modulation during anticipation in the late luteal phase period in comparison to control subjects (2011)
- Urogenital disorders in women with adjuvant endocrine therapy after early breast cancer (2011)
- Postpartum depressive symptoms and the BDNF Val66Met functional polymorphism: effect of season of delivery (2011)
- Postpartum depression symptoms (2011)
- Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome have lower levels of IgM anti-phosphorylcholine antibodies than healthy women (2011)
- Sympathetic reactivity in late pregnancy is related to labour onset in women (2011)
- Androgen levels, insulin sensitivity, and early insulin response in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2011)
- Diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome-a long term follow-up (2011)
- Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in women with a previous diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (2011)
- No difference in markers of adipose tissue inflammation between overweight women with polycystic ovary syndrome and weight-matched controls (2011)
- Ultrasonographic findings in spontaneous miscarriage (2011)
- Efficacy and tolerability of a monophasic combined oral contraceptive containing nomegestrol acetate and 17beta-oestradiol in a 24/4 regimen, in comparison to an oral contraceptive containing ethinylestradiol and drospirenone in a 21/7 regimen (2011)
- Prevalence of violence exposure in women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder in comparison with other gynecological patients and asymptomatic controls (2011)
- Newborn gender as a predictor of postpartum mood disturbances in a sample of Swedish women (2011)
- Seasonality patterns in postpartum depression (2011)
- Allopregnanolone, a GABA(A) receptor agonist, decreases gonadotropin levels in women (2011)
- Lower levels of prepulse inhibition in luteal phase cycling women in comparison with postmenopausal women (2010)
- Different SNP combinations in the GCH1 gene and use of labor analgesia (2010)
- Plasma Levels of beta-Endorphin During Pregnancy and Use of Labor Analgesia (2010)
- Neuroticism-related personality traits are related to symptom severity in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder and to the serotonin transporter gene-linked polymorphism 5-HTTPLPR (2010)
- Endothelial function in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (2010)
- A randomized controlled study of taper-down or abrupt discontinuation of hormone therapy in women treated for vasomotor symptoms (2010)
- Tissue plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 in obese and lean patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (2010)
- Down-regulation of progesterone receptor membrane component 1 (PGRMC1) in peripheral nucleated blood cells associated with premature ovarian failure (POF) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (2010)
- Personality traits associated with depressive and anxiety disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (2010)
- Risk factors for psychiatric disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (2010)
- Health-related quality of life and restless legs syndrome among women in Sweden (2010)
- Long-term follow-up of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (2009)
- Allopregnanolone has no effect on startle response and prepulse inhibition of startle response in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder or healthy controls (2009)
- Evaluation of different add-back estradiol and progesterone treatments to gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (2009)
- Prevalence of psychiatric disorders and premenstrual dysphoric symptoms in patients with experience of adverse mood during treatment with combined oral contraceptives (2009)
- Risk of postpartum depression in association with serum leptin and interleukin-6 levels at delivery (2009)
- Patients with adverse mood effects from combined oral contraceptives have lower levels of prepulse inhibition than healthy controls (2008)
- Adverse mood effects of combined oral contraceptives in relation to personality traits (2008)
- Lower levels of prepulse inhibition of startle response in pregnant women compared to postpartum women (2008)
- Allopregnanolone impairs episodic memory in healthy women (2008)
- Patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder have increased startle response across both cycle phases and lower levels of prepulse inhibition during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (2008)
- Prevalence of symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (2008)
- Effect of sibutramine on weight reduction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (2008)
- Action of progesterone and progesterone metabolites in menstrual-cycle-related disorders (2008)
- Prevalence of psychiatric disorders in infertile women and men undergoing in vitro fertilization treatment (2008)
- Restless legs syndrome among women: prevalence, co-morbidity and possible relationship to menopause (2008)
- Measurement of direct ethanol metabolites suggests higher rate of alcohol use among pregnant women than found with the AUDIT (2008)
- Increased cortisol responsivity to adrenocorticotropic hormone and low plasma levels of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (2007)
- Allopregnanolone decrease with symptom improvement during placebo and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist treatment in women with severe premenstrual syndrome (2007)
- Sulfonation and sialylation of gonadotropins in women during the menstrual cycle, after menopause, and with polycystic ovarian syndrome and in men (2007)
- Allopregnanolone serum concentrations and neurosteroid sensitivity during withdrawal from postmenopausal hormone therapy (2007)
- Depression and anxiety during pregnancy and six months postpartum (2006)
- Allopregnanolone concentration and mood--a bimodal association in postmenopausal women treated with oral progesterone. (2006)
- Adverse mood effects during postmenopausal hormone treatment in relation to personality traits. (2006)
- Patients with psychiatric disorders in gynecologic practice--a three year follow-up. (2006)
- Action by and sensitivity to neuroactive steroids in menstrual cycle related CNS disorders. (2006)
- No difference in length of hospital stay between laparoscopic and abdominal supravaginal hysteroctomy - a preliminary study (2006)
- Psychophysically determined thresholds for thermal perception and pain perception in healthy women across the menstrual cycle (2006)
- Pharmacokinetic and behavioral effects of allopregnanolone in healthy women (2006)
- Neonatal outcome following maternal antenatal depression and anxiety (2004)
- Implications of antenatal depression and anxiety for obstetric outcome. (2004)
- Neuroticism is not independently associated with adverse obstetric or neonatal outcomes
- The effect of antenatal depression and antidepressant treatment on placental tissue: a protein-validated gene expression study
- White matter integrity upon progesterone antagonism in individuals with premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a randomized placebo-controlled diffusion tensor imaging study
- Selective progesterone receptor modulation and brain activity at rest in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder
- Hypertension and dyslipidaemia in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a population based register study in Sweden
- Association between parity, histopathological tumor features and survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer
- Biomarkers for cardiovascular disease in women with spontaneous preterm birth – A case control study
- Polycystic ovary syndrome and gestational diabetes mellitus association to pregnancy outcomes