Joakim Kreutz
Universitetslektor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
- Mobiltelefon:
- 070-288 27 62
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- Besöksadress:
- Östra Ågatan 19
753 22 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FK
- CV:
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- 0000-0003-0650-2127
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Kort presentation
Jag är docent och universitetslektor vid statsvetenskapliga institutionen i Uppsal. Min forskning handlar mest om politiskt våld och internationella förhållanden.
Jag ansvarar också för två dataset. Det första (UCDP CONFLICT TERMINATION DATA) kodar hur väpnade konflikter slutar. Det andra (M-IND DATA) har information om individuella medlare i väpnade konflikter och mellanstatliga dispyter,
Urval av publikationer
- Violence and Civil Society in Southeast Asia (2023)
- The Women and Men that Make Peace (2023)
- To Buy a War but Sell the Peace? (2022)
- Respect for Human Rights and Civil War Recurrence (2020)
- ¿Voz, derechos, o dinero en efectivo? ¿Qué factores determinan el éxito de los procesos de DDR? (2020)
- Natural resource wars in the shadow of the future (2019)
- Destroying Trust in Government (2019)
- A responsibility to talk: mediation and violence against civilians (2018)
- New Rebels in Postconflict Settings (2018)
- Debating the East Asian Peace (2017)
- Heritage under Attack (2017)
- Communication Technology and Reports on Political Violence (2017)
- Human Rights, Geostrategy, and EU Foreign Policy, 1989–2008 (2015)
- How and when armed conflicts end (2010)
Senaste publikationer
- Conflict prevention in post-conflict settings (2024)
- Online repression and transnational social movements (2024)
- Violence and Civil Society in Southeast Asia (2023)
- The Women and Men that Make Peace (2023)
- To Buy a War but Sell the Peace? (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Online repression and transnational social movements (2024)
- The Women and Men that Make Peace (2023)
- To Buy a War but Sell the Peace? (2022)
- To Buy a War but Sell the Peace? (2022)
- ¿Voz, derechos, o dinero en efectivo? ¿Qué factores determinan el éxito de los procesos de DDR? (2020)
- Natural resource wars in the shadow of the future (2019)
- Destroying Trust in Government (2019)
- New Rebels in Postconflict Settings (2018)
- Heritage under Attack (2017)
- Communication Technology and Reports on Political Violence (2017)
- Women, peace and intervention (2017)
- The war that wasn't there (2015)
- Human Rights, Geostrategy, and EU Foreign Policy, 1989–2008 (2015)
- Separating dirty war from dirty peace (2015)
- Outsiders matter: External actors and the decline of armed conflict in Southeast Asia (2015)
- Rising powers and the responsibility to protect (2015)
- EU menar allvar med sin kamp mot krig (2013)
- A responsibility to talk (2013)
- From Tremors to Talks (2012)
- Introducing the UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset (2012)
- How and when armed conflicts end (2010)
- Protracted conflicts (2010)
- Estimating War Deaths (2009)
- Reviewing the EU Arms Embargo on China (2004)
- Provocation by Design?
- Conflict prevention in post-conflict settings (2024)
- Violence and Civil Society in Southeast Asia (2023)
- Respect for Human Rights and Civil War Recurrence (2020)
- A responsibility to talk: mediation and violence against civilians (2018)
- Peace by external withdrawal (2017)
- Introduction (2017)
- The East Asian Peace (2017)
- How Civil Wars End (and Recur) (2014)
- Lethal Instruments (2012)
- Regaining state control (2012)
- Calling a conflict a conflict (2008)
- Colombia (2007)
- Burma/The Union of Myanmar (2007)
- Issues in Global Conflict Data (2005)
- Venezuela (2005)
- Argentina (2005)
- Colombia (2005)
- Myanmar's Economic Potential (2013)
- Myanmar's Economic Potential: Peace Making or Peace Breaking (2013)
- Where do they go (2008)
- Saving face or saving lives? (2008)
- Civil war outcomes and successful peace (2015)
- A New Start for EU Peacemaking? (2010)
- EU Policy Towards Belarus and Cuba (2009)
- Hard measures by a soft power? (2006)