Martin Sahlberg
Professor vid Institutionen för kemi - Ångström; Oorganisk kemi
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Ladda ned kontaktuppgifter för Martin Sahlberg vid Institutionen för kemi - Ångström; Oorganisk kemi
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
- 0000-0002-6486-5156
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Kort presentation
Min forskning är inriktad på syntes och karaktärisering av nya bulkmaterial för energilagring och energiöverföring, som jag särskilt studerar med olika diffraktionstekniker, men också med absorptions-/desorptionsmätningar samt med elektrokemiska metoder. De viktigaste tillämpningarna finns inom vätelområdet (lagring och kompression) samt magnetiska material.
Senaste publikationer
- Residual Ferromagnetic Regions Affecting the First-Order Phase Transition in Off-Stoichiometric Fe-Rh (2024)
- Phase Stability and Magnetic Properties of Compositionally Complex n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites (2024)
- Stress related magnetic imaging of iron-based metallic glass produced with laser beam powder bed fusion (2024)
- Spin glass states in multicomponent layered perovskites (2024)
- Revisiting the hydrogenation behavior of NdGa and its hydride phases (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Residual Ferromagnetic Regions Affecting the First-Order Phase Transition in Off-Stoichiometric Fe-Rh (2024)
- Phase Stability and Magnetic Properties of Compositionally Complex n=2 Ruddlesden-Popper Perovskites (2024)
- Stress related magnetic imaging of iron-based metallic glass produced with laser beam powder bed fusion (2024)
- Spin glass states in multicomponent layered perovskites (2024)
- Revisiting the hydrogenation behavior of NdGa and its hydride phases (2024)
- Intermetallics of 4:4:1 and 3:3:1 series in La-(Co,Ni)-M (M = Bi, Pb, Te, Sb, Sn and Ga, Al) systems and their properties (2024)
- Single-crystal neutron diffraction study on the Ho 13.6 Au 61.1 Al 25.3 quasicrystal approximant (2024)
- In Situ Mapping of Phase Evolutions in Rapidly Heated Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass with Oxygen Impurities (2024)
- Crack reduction in laser powder bed fusion of MnAl(C) using graphene oxide coated powders (2024)
- Site-specific atomic substitution in a giant magnetocaloric Fe2P-type system (2023)
- Giant magnetocaloric effect in the (Mn,Fe)NiSi-system (2023)
- Influence of Mn content on the magnetic properties of the hexagonal Mn (Co,Ge)2 phase (2023)
- Implementation of time of flight polarized neutron imaging at IMAT-ISIS (2023)
- Additive Manufacturing of MnAl(C)-Magnets (2023)
- Honeycomb Constructs in the La-Ni Intermetallics (2023)
- Towards Pareto optimal high entropy hydrides via data-driven materials discovery (2023)
- Tuning skyrmions in B20 compounds by 4d and 5d doping (2022)
- Precipitation Kinetics During Post-heat Treatment of an Additively Manufactured Ferritic Stainless Steel (2022)
- Magnetic and Structural Properties of the Fe5Si1-xGexB2 System (2022)
- Revealing the Magnetic Structure and Properties of Mn(Co,Ge)2 (2022)
- Simulation of phase evolution in a Zr-based glass forming alloy during multiple laser remelting (2022)
- Production of AB5 materials from spent Ni-MH batteries with further tests of hydrogen storage suitability (2022)
- On the relationship between laser scan strategy, texture variations and hidden nucleation sites for failure in laser powder-bed fusion (2022)
- Magnesium- and intermetallic alloys-based hydrides for energy storage (2022)
- Magnetism and magnetic structure determination of a selected (Mn,Co)(23)B-6-compound (2022)
- Compositional effects on the hydrogen storage properties in a series of refractory high entropy alloys (2022)
- Phase stability and structural transitions in compositionally complex LnMO(3) perovskites (2021)
- Vibrational properties of High Entropy Alloy based metal hydrides probed by inelastic neutron scattering (2021)
- Elucidating the Effects of the Composition on Hydrogen Sorption in TiVZrNbHf-Based High-Entropy Alloys (2021)
- Crystallization of a Zr-based metallic glass produced by laser powder bed fusion and suction casting (2021)
- Improving the hydrogen cycling properties by Mg addition in Ti-V-Zr-Nb refractory high entropy alloy (2021)
- Structural and magnetic properties of new members of the 3:29 phase from the Ce-Fe-Mn system and 1:11 from the Ce-Co-Mn (2021)
- Variants of the X-phase in the Mn-Co-Ge system (2021)
- Influence of nano-VC on the structural and magnetic properties of MnAlC-alloy (2021)
- Data-driven design of a new class of rare-earth free permanent magnets (2021)
- Data-driven discovery and synthesis of high entropy alloy hydrides with targeted thermodynamic stability (2021)
- Interstitial carbon in bcc HfNbTiVZr high-entropy alloy from first principles (2020)
- Electrocatalytic activity of Pd-Au nanoalloys during methanol oxidation reaction (2020)
- Transient nucleation in selective laser melting of Zr-based bulk metallic glass (2020)
- Additive manufacturing of the ferritic stainless steel SS441 (2020)
- Development of process parameters for selective laser melting of a Zr-based bulk metallic glass (2020)
- The effect of laser scanning strategies on texture, mechanical properties, and site-specific grain orientation in selective laser melted 316L SS (2020)
- Hydrogen storage properties of the refractory Ti-V-Zr-Nb-Ta multi-principal element alloy (2020)
- Local order in high-entropy alloys and associated deuterides - a total scattering and Reverse Monte Carlo study (2020)
- Thermal stability and crystallization of a Zr-based metallic glass produced by suction casting and selective laser melting (2020)
- Magnetocaloric effect in Fe2P (2019)
- Magnetic and mechanical effects of Mn substitutions in AlFe2B2 (2019)
- On the structural and magnetic properties of the double perovskite Nd2NiMnO6 (2019)
- Hydrogen induced structure and property changes in Eu3Si4 (2019)
- Insights into phase transitions and magnetism of MnBi crystals synthesized from self-flux (2019)
- Cation ordering, ferrimagnetism and ferroelectric relaxor behavior in Pb(Fe1-xScx)(2/3)W1/3O3 solid solutions (2019)
- Binder jetting of the AlCoCrFeNi alloy (2019)
- Elemental segregation in an AlCoCrFeNi high-entropy alloy (2019)
- Measured and calculated properties of B-doped τ-phase MnAl (2019)
- Thermal simulation and phase modeling of bulk metallic glass in the powder bed fusion process (2019)
- TiVZrNb Multi-Principal-Element Alloy (2019)
- Hydrogen storage in high-entropy alloys with varying degree of local lattice strain (2019)
- Counting electrons - A new approach to tailor the hydrogen sorption properties of high-entropy alloys (2019)
- Thermal Stability of the HfNbTiVZr High-Entropy Alloy (2019)
- One step towards MnAl-based permanent magnets (2019)
- Hydrogen sorption in TiZrNbHfTa high entropy alloy (2019)
- Influence of cobalt substitution on the magnetic properties of Fe5PB2 (2018)
- Structural, microstructural and magnetic evolution in cryo milled carbon doped MnAl (2018)
- Temperature-dependent structural and magnetic properties of R2MMnO6 double perovskites (R=Dy, Gd; M=Ni, Co) (2018)
- Structure and Hydrogenation Properties of a HfNbTiVZr High-Entropy Alloy (2018)
- Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of Fe5PB2 and its alloys with Co and 5d elements (2018)
- Insights into formation and stability of tau-MnAlZ(x) (Z = C and B) (2017)
- Magnetic properties of the Fe5SiB2−Fe5PB2 system (2017)
- AlM2B2 (M =Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) (2017)
- Boosting the thermal stability of emulsion–templated polymers via sulfonation (2016)
- Magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound AlFe2B2 (2016)
- Low temperature magneto-structural transitions in Mn3Ni20P6 (2016)
- Mössbauer study of the magnetocaloric compound AlFe2B2 (2016)
- Magnetostructural transition in Fe5SiB2 observed with neutron diffraction (2016)
- Magnetically driven anisotropic structural changes in the atomic laminate Mn2GaC (2016)
- Directly obtained tau-phase MnAl, a high performance magnetic material for permanent magnets (2016)
- Tailoring Magnetic Behavior in the Tb-Au-Si Quasicrystal Approximant System (2016)
- Hydrogenation induced structure and property changes in GdGa (2016)
- Real-time in situ monitoring of the topotactic transformation of TlCu5Se3 into metastable o-TlCu4Se3 (2016)
- Superior hydrogen storage in high entropy alloys (2016)
- Magnetic properties of Fe5SiB2 and its alloys with P, S, and Co (2016)
- Hydrogenation-Induced Structure and Property Changes in the Rare-Earth Metal Gallide NdGa (2016)
- Formation of Tavorite-Type LiFeSO4F Followed by In Situ X-ray Diffraction (2015)
- Phase diagram, structures and magnetism of the FeMnP1-xSix-system (2015)
- Irreversible structure change of the as prepared FeMnP1−xSix-structure on the initial cooling through the curie temperature (2015)
- Detailed study of the magnetic ordering in FeMnP0.75Si0.25 (2015)
- Sample cell for in-field X-ray diffraction experiments (2015)
- Electrochemical fabrication and characterization of Cu/Cu2O multi-layered micro and nanorods in Li-ion batteries (2015)
- Real-time in-situ monitoring of the topotactic transformation of TlCu3Se2 into TlCu2Se2 (2015)
- Hydrogen-sorption properties of Nb4M0.9Si1.1 (M = Co,Ni) hydrides (2015)
- Long range ordered magnetic and atomic structures of the quasicrystal approximant in the Tb-Au-Si system (2014)
- Thermodynamics around the first-order ferromagnetic phase transition of Fe2P single crystals (2014)
- Activation effects during hydrogen release and uptake of MgH2 (2014)
- Magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the magnetocaloric effect in Fe2P (2013)
- A monolithic device for solar water splitting based on series interconnected thin film absorbers reaching over 10% solar-to-hydrogen efficiency (2013)
- Effect of mixing tool on magnetic properties of hematite nanoparticles prepared by sol-gel method (2013)
- Hydrogen storage properties of the pseudo binary Laves phase (Sc1-xZrx)(Co1-yNiy)2 system (2013)
- Structure and hydrogen storage properties of the hexagonal Laves phase Sc(Al1-xNix)2 (2012)
- Strongly enhanced magnetic moments in ferromagnetic FeMnP0.5Si0.5 (2011)
- Order–disorder induced magnetic structures of FeMnP0.75Si0.25 (2011)
- The crystal and magnetic structure of the magnetocaloric compound FeMnP0.5Si0.5 (2011)
- Magnetic and interface properties of Fe0.82Ni0.18/Co(001) superlattices (2011)
- Fully reversible hydrogen absorption and desorption reactions with Sc(Al1-xMgx), x=0.0, 0.15, 0.20 (2011)
- Hydrogen absorption and desorption properties of a novel ScNiAl alloy (2011)
- Influence of Titanium and Vanadium on the Hydrogen transport through amorphous alumina films (2010)
- Hydrogen sorption properties of a Mg-Y-Ti alloy (2010)
- Sc2MgGa2 and Y2MgGa2 (2009)
- A new material for hydrogen storage; ScAl0.8Mg0.2 (2009)
- YMgGa as a hydrogen storage compound (2009)
- Hydrogen desorption studies of the Mg24Y5–H system (2008)
- Hydrogen absorption in Mg–Y–Zn ternary compounds (2007)
- YMgGa (2007)
- Single crystal growth, structure determination and magnetic behavior of RE-Au-Si quasicrystal approximants (RE = Ho and Tb)
- Magnetocaloric properties of nonstoichiometric Fe2P-type intermetallics near room temperature
- Magneto-structural coupling strength dependent giant magnetocaloric effect in (Mn,Fe)NiSi-system
- Laser powder bed fusion process development and magnetic imaging of melt pool characteristics in a Fe-based bulk metallic glass
- Hydrogen Absorption in Rare-Earth-Gallide Zintl-Phases LnGa (Ln=Nd, Gd)
- Using neutron diffraction to reveal the effect of build direction and laser scan strategy on texture formation in an additively manufactured magnesium alloy (2023)
- Synthesis and characterization of HfNbTiVZr high entropy alloy thin films (2017)
- Electrochemical fabrication of 3D Cu/Cu2O multilayered nanostructures (2015)
- Quasicrystals for Hydrogen Storage (2012)