Robin Strand
Professor vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi; Vi3; Bildanalys
- Telefon:
- 018-471 34 69
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- Besöksadress:
- Hus 10, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
Forskare vid Institutionen för kirurgiska vetenskaper; Radiologi; Radiologisk bildanalys
- Besöksadress:
- Dag Hammarskjölds v 14 B Floor 2
75237 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Dag Hammarskjölds v 14 B Floor 2
75237 Uppsala
- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
- 0000-0001-7764-1787
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Kort presentation
Jag är prefekt för Institutionen för informationsteknologi och professor i datoriserad bildanalys. För information om min forskning, se min publikationslista och CV, eller kontakta mig. Se även min hemsida.
- discrete geometry
- image analysis
- image processing
- medical image analysis
Se min hemsida.
Urval av publikationer
- Voxel-wise Study of Cohort Associations in Whole-Body MRI (2020)
- Recent Advances in Large Scale Whole Body MRI Image Analysis – Imiomics (2020)
- The Minimum Barrier Distance (2017)
- A concept for holistic whole body MRI data analysis, Imiomics (2017)
- Digital topology and geometry in medical image processing (2015)
- The minimum barrier distance (2013)
- Distance Functions and Image Processing on Point-Lattices (2008)
Senaste publikationer
- Voxel-wise body composition analysis using image registration of a three-slice CT imaging protocol (2024)
- Streamlining neuroradiology workflow with AI for improved cerebrovascular structure monitoring (2024)
- Classification of rotation-invariant biomedical images using equivariant neural networks (2024)
- Deep learning segmentation of low-resolution images for prostate magnetic resonance-guided radiotherpy (2024)
- ASE-Net for Segmentation of Post-operative Glioblastoma and Patient-specific Fine-tuning for Segmentation Refinement of Follow-up MRI Scans (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Voxel-wise body composition analysis using image registration of a three-slice CT imaging protocol (2024)
- Streamlining neuroradiology workflow with AI for improved cerebrovascular structure monitoring (2024)
- Classification of rotation-invariant biomedical images using equivariant neural networks (2024)
- Deep learning segmentation of low-resolution images for prostate magnetic resonance-guided radiotherpy (2024)
- ASE-Net for Segmentation of Post-operative Glioblastoma and Patient-specific Fine-tuning for Segmentation Refinement of Follow-up MRI Scans (2024)
- Multi-level Residual Dual Attention Network for Major Cerebral Arteries Segmentation in MRA towards Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Disorders (2024)
- Improved automated tumor segmentation in whole-body 3D scans using multi-directional 2D projection-based priors (2024)
- Automatic segmentation of large-scale CT image datasets for detailed body composition analysis. (2023)
- A whole-body diffusion MRI normal atlas (2023)
- Genetics of liver fat and volume associate with altered metabolism and whole body magnetic resonance imaging (2022)
- Efficient Parallel Thinning of 3d Objects on the Body-centered Cubic Lattice (2022)
- Patient specific deep learning based segmentation for magnetic resonance guided prostate radiotherapy (2022)
- An image registration method for voxel-wise analysis of whole-body oncological PET-CT (2022)
- MIMIR (2022)
- Serum levels of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and body composition - A cross-sectional study in a middle-aged population (2022)
- Improved geometric accuracy of whole body diffusion-weighted imaging at 1.5T and 3T using reverse polarity gradients (2022)
- Faster dense deformable image registration by utilizing both CPU and GPU (2021)
- Tissue-specific glucose partitioning and fat content in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes (2021)
- Intrafractional motion models based on principal components in Magnetic Resonance guided prostate radiotherapy (2021)
- Uncertainty-Aware Body Composition Analysis with Deep Regression Ensembles on UK Biobank MRI (2021)
- Relationships between carotid artery intima-media thickness and echogenicity and body composition using a new magnetic resonance imaging voxel-based technique (2021)
- Cardiovascular-related proteins and the abdominal visceral to subcutaneous adipose tissue ratio (2021)
- PET/MRI of glucose metabolic rate, lipid content and perfusion in human brown adipose tissue (2021)
- Relationships Between Plasma Levels And Six Proinflammatory Interleukins And Body Composition Using A New Magnetic Resonance Imaging Voxel-based Technique (2021)
- Adaptive Mathematical Morphology on Irregularly Sampled Signals in Two Dimensions (2020)
- Multiple comparison correction methods for whole-body magnetic resonance imaging (2020)
- Fast graph-cut based optimization for practical dense deformable registration of volume images (2020)
- Validation of automated whole-body analysis of metabolic and morphological parameters from an integrated FDG-PET/MRI acquisition (2020)
- Patient-specific fine-tuning of convolutional neural networks for follow-up lesion quantification (2020)
- Patient-specific fine-tuning of CNNs for follow-up lesion quantification (2020)
- Large-scale biometry with interpretable neural network regression on UK Biobank body MRI (2020)
- Kidney segmentation in neck-to-knee body MRI of 40,000 UK Biobank participants (2020)
- Voxel-wise Study of Cohort Associations in Whole-Body MRI (2020)
- Conventional analysis of movement on non-flat surfaces like the plasma membrane makes Brownian motion appear anomalous (2019)
- A robust multi-variability model based liver segmentation algorithm for CT-scan and MRI modalities (2019)
- Proof of principle study of a detailed whole-body image analysis technique, "Imiomics", regarding adipose and lean tissue distribution (2019)
- Relationship between endothelium-dependent vasodilation and fat distribution using the new "imiomics" image analysis technique (2019)
- Brown adipose tissue estimated with the magnetic resonance imaging fat fraction is associated with glucose metabolism in adolescents (2019)
- Average volume reference space for large scale registration of whole-body magnetic resonance images (2019)
- Region-by-region analysis of PET, MRI, and histology in en bloc-resected oligodendrogliomas reveals intra-tumoral heterogeneity (2019)
- A whole-body FDG PET/MR atlas for multiparametric voxel-based analysis (2019)
- Automatic detection of calving events from time-lapse imagery at Tunabreen, Svalbard (2019)
- Imiomics Using Whole-body FDG PET/MR in Staging and Treatment Response Evaluation of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients Treated With CAR-T Cells (2018)
- Distance Functions Based on Multiple Types of Weighted Steps Combined with Neighborhood Sequences (2018)
- Registration-based automated lesion detection and therapy evaluation of tumors in whole body PET-MR images (2017)
- Mathematical morphology on irregularly sampled data in one dimension (2017)
- Osteochondrosis, Synovial Fossae, and Articular Indentations in the Talus and Distal Tibia of Growing Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars (2017)
- Automated analysis of liver fat, muscle and adipose tissue distribution from CT suitable for large-scale studies. (2017)
- Automated segmentation of human cervical-supraclavicular adipose tissue in magnetic resonance images (2017)
- Exact Evaluation of Targeted Stochastic Watershed Cuts (2017)
- SmartPaint (2017)
- A concept for holistic whole body MRI data analysis, Imiomics (2017)
- A new method for reconstructing brain morphology (2016)
- Fuzzy Segmentation of Synthetic and MRI Volume Data sampled on Optimal Lattices (2016)
- LatticeLibrary and BccFccRaycaster (2016)
- Brain – Endocast relationship in the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri, elucidated from tomographic data (Sarcopterygii: Dipnoi) (2015)
- A histopathological tool for quantification of biomarkers with sub-cellular resolution (2015)
- Magnetic resonance imaging cooling–reheating protocol indicates decreased fat fraction via lipid consumption in suspected brown adipose tissue (2015)
- Digital topology and geometry in medical image processing (2015)
- Efficient algorithm for finding the exact minimum barrier distance (2014)
- Multimodal histological image registration using locally rigid transforms (2014)
- Evaluation of prostate segmentation algorithms for MRI (2014)
- A Streaming Distance Transform Algorithm for Neighborhood-Sequence Distances (2014)
- Automated classification of immunostaining patterns in breast tissue from the Human Protein Atlas (2013)
- Minimal-delay distance transform for neighborhood-sequence distances in 2D and 3D (2013)
- Movement on Uneven Surfaces Displays Characteristic Features of Hop Diffusion (2013)
- The minimum barrier distance (2013)
- The Vectorial Minimum Barrier Distance (2012)
- Distance transform computation for digital distance functions (2012)
- Anti-aliased Euclidean distance transform (2011)
- Approximating Euclidean circles by neighbourhood sequences in a hexagonal grid (2011)
- Digital distance functions on three-dimensional grids (2011)
- Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid (2009)
- Weighted Distances Based on Neighborhood Sequences for Point-Lattices (2009)
- Path-Based Distance Functions in n-Dimensional Generalizations of the Face- and Body-Centered Cubic Grids (2009)
- Weighted distance transforms generalized to modules and their computation on point lattices (2007)
- Weighted distances based on neighbourhood sequences (2007)
- Distances based on neighbourhood sequences in non-standard three-dimensional grids (2007)
- Distance Transforms for Three-Dimensional Grids with Non-Cubic Voxels (2005)
- Estimating the Gradient for Images with Missing Samples Using Elliptical Structuring Elements
- Rotation-Equivariant Semantic Instance Segmentation
- Classification of Viruses in Transmission Electron Microscopy Images using Equivariant Neural Networks
- Deformable Image Registration of Volumetric Whole-body MRI: An Evaluation
- Faster dense deformable image registration by utilizing both CPU and GPU
- Deep learning-based dose prediction for magnetic resonance-guided prostate radiotherapy
- Pre-aliasing and anisotropy on the CC, BCC, and FCC sampling lattices
- Exploration of whole-body PET/MRI and clinical variables in type 2 diabetes for data-driven hypothesis generation
- Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing (2013)
- Centre for Image Analysis Annual Report 2009 (2010)
- Distance Functions and Image Processing on Point-Lattices (2008)
- Lifelong Learning with Dynamic Convolutions for Glioma (2023)
- Deep Active Learning for Glioblastoma Quantification (2023)
- Lifelong Learning with Dynamic Convolutions for Glioma Segmentation from Multi-Modal MRI (2023)
- Deep Curriculum Learning for Follow-up MRI Registration in Glioblastoma (2023)
- Introducing Spatial Context in Patch-Based Deep Learning for Semantic Segmentation in Whole Body MRI (2023)
- 3-D Attention-SEV-Net for Segmentation of Post-operative Glioblastoma with Interactive Correction of Over-Segmentation (2023)
- Topology-Aware Learning for Volumetric Cerebrovascular Segmentation (2022)
- Rotation-Equivariant Semantic Instance Segmentation on Biomedical Images (2022)
- Segmentation of Major Cerebral Vessel from MRA images and Evaluation using U-Net Family (2022)
- Segmentation of Intracranial Aneurysm Remnant in MRA using Dual-Attention Atrous Net (2021)
- Replacing data augmentation with rotation-equivariant CNNs in image-based classification of oral cancer (2021)
- Effects of distance transform choice in training with boundary loss (2021)
- Large-scale inference of liver fat with neural networks on UK Biobank body MRI (2020)
- Large-scale Inference of Liver Fat with Neural Networks on UK Biobank Body MRI (2020)
- Recent Advances in Large Scale Whole Body MRI Image Analysis – Imiomics (2020)
- Mathematical Morphology on Irregularly Sampled Data Applied to Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds of Urban Scenes (2019)
- Segmentation of Post-operative Glioblastoma in MRI by U-Net with Patient-specific Interactive Refinement (2019)
- Optimization of max-norm objective functions in image processing and computer vision (2019)
- Distance Transform Based on Weight Sequences (2019)
- New Definition of Quality-Scale Robustness for Image Processing Algorithms, with Generalized Uncertainty Modeling, Applied to Denoising and Segmentation (2019)
- Interactive segmentation of glioblastoma for post-surgical treatment follow-up (2018)
- When Can lp-norm Objective Functions Be Minimized via Graph Cuts? (2018)
- Mathematical Morphology on Irregularly Sampled Signals (2017)
- The Boolean Map Distance (2017)
- The Minimum Barrier Distance (2017)
- A New Approach to Mathematical Morphology on One Dimensional Sampled Signals (2016)
- A Toolbox for Non-parametric Deformable Registration of Volume Images (2016)
- Minimal paths by sum of distance transforms (2016)
- Holistic whole-body MRI image analysis (2016)
- Calving events detection and quantification from time-lapse images in Tunabreen glacier (2015)
- Multimodal histological image registration using locally rigid transforms (2015)
- Interactive Deformation of Volume Images for Image Registration (2015)
- A Graph-Based Implementation of the Anti-Aliased Euclidean Distance Transform (2014)
- Anti-Aliased Euclidean Distance Transform on 3D Sampling Lattices (2014)
- An interactive tool for deformable registration of volume images (2014)
- The Minimum Barrier Distance - Stability to seed point position (2014)
- A Weight Sequence Distance Function (2013)
- Dual B-spline Snake for Interactive Myocardial Segmentation (2013)
- Faster Fuzzy Connectedness via Precomputation (2013)
- Digital Distances and Integer Sequences (2013)
- Automated classification of immunostaining patterns in breast tissue from the Human Protein Atlas (2012)
- Comparison of Restoration Quality on Square and Hexagonal Grids using Normalized Convolution (2012)
- Comparison of restoration quality on square and hexagonal grids using normalized convolution (2012)
- Aliasing Properties of Voxels in Three-Dimensional Sampling Lattices (2012)
- Smart Paint (2012)
- Seeded Segmentation Based on Object Homogeneity (2012)
- Generalized Hard Constraints for Graph Segmentation (2011)
- Path-Based Distance with Varying Weights andNeighborhood Sequences (2011)
- Sparse Object Representations by Digital Distance Functions (2011)
- A weighted neighbourhood sequence distance function with three local steps (2011)
- Sampling and Ideal Reconstruction on the 3D Diamond Grid (2010)
- Interpolation and Sampling on a Honeycomb Lattice (2010)
- Sampling and Aliasing Properties of Three-Dimensional Point-Lattices (2010)
- Digital Distance Functions on a Honeycomb Point Lattice (2010)
- On Maximal Balls in Three Volume Grids (2009)
- Neighborhood Sequences on nD Hexagonal/Face-Centered-Cubic Grids (2009)
- Neighborhood Sequences in the Diamond Grid - Algorithms with Four Neighbors (2009)
- Weighted Neighbourhood Sequences - Computing the Distance Transform (2008)
- Weighted Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids (2008)
- Weighted Neighborhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids -- Parameter Optimization (2008)
- A Connection Between Zn and Generalized Triangular Grids (2008)
- The Polar Distance Transform by Fast-Marching (2008)
- Shape Representation wtih Maximal Path-Points for Path-Based Distances (2007)
- Weighted Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids (2007)
- Minimal Cost-Path for Path-Based Distances (2007)
- Topology Preserving Marching Cubes-like Algorithms on the Face-Centered Cubic Grid (2007)
- Weighted Distance Expression in Modules (2006)
- Approximating Euclidean Distance Using Distances based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Non-Standard Three-Dimensional Grids. (2006)
- Topology Preserving Digitization with FCC and BCC Grids (2006)
- Using the Hexagonal Grid for Three-Dimensional Images: Direct Fourier Method Reconstruction and Weighted Distance Transform. (2006)
- A Sequential Algorithm for Computing the Distance Transform using Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in Z³. (2006)
- Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences (2006)
- An Approximation of the Maximal Inscribed Convex Set of a Digital Obj (2005)
- A Classification of Centres of Maximal Balls in Z^3 (2005)
- The Euclidean Distance Transform Applied to the FCC and BCC Grids (2005)
- Resolution Pyramids on the FCC and BCC Grids (2005)
- Supercover of Non-square and Non-cubic Grids (2004)
- Surface skeletons in grids with non-cubic voxels (2004)
- Weighted Distances on the FCC and BCC Grids (2004)
- Annual Report 2007 (2008)
- A High-Perpormance Parallel Thinning Approach Using a Non-Cubic Grid Structure. (2006)
- Weighted Distance Transforms Generalized To Modules and Their Computation on Point Lattices. (2006)
- Simple Points on the Body-Centered Cubic Grid (2006)
- Some Properties for Distances Based on Neighbourhood Sequences in the Face-Centered Cubic Grid and the Body-Centered Cubic Grid (2006)
- The face-centered cubic grid and the body-centered cubic grid (2005)
- Centre for Image Analysis Annual Report 2003 (2004)
- Detektion av slitna strömavtagare med hjälp av datoriserad bildanalys (2003)