Ingrid Demmelmaier
Forskare Docent fysioterapi vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Folkhälsa, arbetsliv och rehabilitering
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- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent. Ergonom, Leg. Sjukgymn.
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Kort presentation
Docent i fysioterapi. Forskning i beteendemedicin med fokus på fysisk aktivitet vid långvariga sjukdomstillstånd som ledgångsreumatism och cancer. Undervisar bl.a. på mastersprogrammet i folkhälsa vid Uppsala universitet, kandidatprogrammet och forskarutbildning i idrottsvetenskap vid universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand (Norge) och masterprogrammet i fysioterapi vid Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, Winterthur (Schweiz).
Senaste publikationer
- Effects of heavy-load strength training during (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy on muscle strength, muscle fiber size, myonuclei, and satellite cells in women with breast cancer (2024)
- Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors (2024)
- Cost-effectiveness of different exercise intensities during oncological treatment in the Phys-Can RCT (2023)
- Does inflammation markers or treatment type moderate exercise intensity effects on changes in muscle strength in cancer survivors participating in a 6-month combined resistance- and endurance exercise program? (2023)
- Evaluation of an individually tailored smoking-cessation intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis in an outpatient clinic (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Effects of heavy-load strength training during (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy on muscle strength, muscle fiber size, myonuclei, and satellite cells in women with breast cancer (2024)
- Dropout from exercise trials among cancer survivors (2024)
- Cost-effectiveness of different exercise intensities during oncological treatment in the Phys-Can RCT (2023)
- Does inflammation markers or treatment type moderate exercise intensity effects on changes in muscle strength in cancer survivors participating in a 6-month combined resistance- and endurance exercise program? (2023)
- Evaluation of an individually tailored smoking-cessation intervention for patients with rheumatoid arthritis in an outpatient clinic (2023)
- The Role of Long-Term Physical Activity in Relation to Cancer-Related Health Outcomes (2023)
- Reallocating sedentary time to physical activity (2023)
- Disability digital divide (2023)
- Pre-treatment levels of inflammatory markers and chemotherapy completion rates in patients with early-stage breast cancer (2023)
- How many days of continuous physical activity monitoring reliably represent time in different intensities in cancer survivors (2023)
- Long-term resource utilisation and associated costs of exercise during (neo)adjuvant oncological treatment (2022)
- Patterns and determinants of adherence to resistance and endurance training during cancer treatment in the Phys-Can RCT (2022)
- Development, preliminary validation and reliability testing of SEDA - Self-Efficacy in Daily Activities for children with pain (2022)
- Exploring Moderators of the Effect of High vs. Low-to-Moderate Intensity Exercise on Cardiorespiratory Fitness During Breast Cancer Treatment - Analyses of a Subsample From the Phys-Can RCT (2022)
- The Phys-Can study (2022)
- Immediate increase in perceived energy after exercise during the course of chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer (2022)
- The Work Environment during Coronavirus Epidemics and Pandemics (2022)
- Identification and Prediction of Fatigue Trajectories in People With Rheumatoid Arthritis (2022)
- Who makes it all the way? (2022)
- Effects of High and Low-To-Moderate Intensity Exercise During (Neo-) Adjuvant Chemotherapy on Muscle Cells, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Muscle Function in Women With Breast Cancer (2022)
- Motivation for physical activity in adolescents with asthma (2021)
- Does exercise intensity matter for fatigue during (neo)adjuvant cancer treatment? (2021)
- Effect of self-regulatory behaviour change techniques and predictors of physical activity maintenance in cancer survivors (2021)
- Exercise intensity and markers of inflammation during and after (neo-) adjuvant cancer treatment (2021)
- Effects of heavy-load resistance training during (neo-)adjuvant chemotherapy on muscle cellular outcomes in women with breast cancer (2021)
- Mobilizing device-mediated contributions in interaction involving beginner users of eye-gaze-accessed speech-generating devices (2021)
- Lifestyle and Empowerment Techniques in Survivorship of Gynaecologic Oncology (LETSGO study) (2021)
- Association between health care utilization and musculoskeletal pain (2020)
- Exercise Adherence and Effect of Self-Regulatory Behavior Change Techniques in Patients Undergoing Curative Cancer Treatment (2020)
- "A Necessary Investment in Future Health" (2020)
- Creating a response space in multiparty classroom settings for students using eye-gaze accessed speech-generating devices (2020)
- The Phys-Can observational study (2020)
- A single exercise session improves side-effects of chemotherapy in women with breast cancer (2019)
- "Finding my own motivation" - A Mixed Methods Study of Exercise and Behaviour Change Support During Oncological Treatment (2019)
- How Are Behavioral Theories Used in Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis? (2018)
- Concurrent Validity and Stability of Subgroup Assignment to Three Levels of Pain Condition Severity in Patients With Musculoskeletal Pain (2018)
- Design of a randomized controlled trial of physical training and cancer (Phys-Can) - the impact of exercise intensity on cancer related fatigue, quality of life and disease outcome (2017)
- A 10-year follow-up of tailored behavioural medicine treatment and exercise-based physiotherapy in persistent musculoskeletal pain (2017)
- Exercise during and after curative oncological treatment (2017)
- Comparison between logbook-reported and objectively-assessed physical activity and sedentary time in breast cancer patients (2017)
- Physical Therapists' Assessments, Analyses And Use Of Behavioral Change Techniques In Initial Consultations On Musculoskeletal Pain (2016)
- Physical therapists' assessments, analyses and use of behavior change techniques in initial consultations on musculoskeletal pain (2016)
- Development of a web-based and mobile app to support physical activity in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (2015)
- From Clinical Expert to Guide (2014)
- WHO MAKES IT TO THE BASE?, Selection procedure for a physical activity trial targeting people with RA - the PARA 2010 study. (2014)
- Development of a Web and Mobile Application (WeMApp) to support physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis (2014)
- Current and maintained health-enhancing physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis (2013)
- Step-Up (2013)
- Step-Up (2013)
- Tailored skills training for practitioners to enhance assessment of prognostic factors for persistent and disabling back pain (2012)
- Long-term health-enhancing physical activity in rheumatoid arthritis - the PARA 2010 study (2012)
- Physiotherapists' telephone consultations regarding back pain (2010)
- Biopsychosocial predictors of pain, disability, health care consumption, and sick leave in first-episode and long-term back pain (2010)
- The associations between pain intensity, psychosocial variables, and pain duration/recurrence in a large sample of persons with nonspecific spinal pain (2008)
- Concurrent validity and stability of subgroup assignment based on three levels of pain condition severity in patients with musculoskeletal pain
- Features of Social Action that Mobilize Response when Professionals Interact with Young Beginner Users of Eye-gaze Accessed Speech Generating devices
- Classroom Interaction Involving Students with Cerebral Palsy using Eye-gaze Accessed Speech-Generating Devices