Sara Sylvén
Forskare vid Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper; Klinisk psykiatri
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- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10, plan 3
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- Akademiska sjukhuset, ingång 10, plan 3
751 85 UPPSALA
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Specialist i psykiatri, verksam vid akutmottagningen för vuxenpsykiatri och post doc-forskare vid Institutionen för Medicinska Vetenskaper, Uppsala Universtitet. Min forskning fokuserar på psykisk hälsa hos personer som är gravida eller nyligen har fött barn.
Jag är läkare, specialistutbildad i psykiatri. Jag disputerade 2012 på en avhandling om postpartumdepression, och har därefter gjort min ST inom psykiatri (inom ramen för en forskar-ST-tjänst på Akademiska sjukhuset) parallellt med flertalet forskningsprojekt som fokuserar på kvinnors psykiska hälsa. Sedan 2021 arbetar jag som specialistläkare vid akutmottagningen för vuxenpsykiatri, Akademiska sjukhuset, och forskar deltid genom en av sjukhusets sk Gullstrandtjänster. Jag har ett tätt samarbete med kollegor på Institutionen för Kvinnors och Barns Hälsa, Uppsala universitet, och pågående projekt om bland annat psykisk hälsa hos föräldrar till förtidigt födda barn. Jag samarbetar också med kollegor inom psykiatrin kring forskning om transpersoner, där jag fokuserar på transpersonernas anhöriga och deras upplevelse av transvården, bland annat.
Jag har dessutom engagerat mig i flera tvärvetenskapliga projekt tillsammans med kollegor från Litteraturvetenskapen och Centrum för genusvetenskap, Uppsala universitet. Däribland kan nämnas projektet Mamma hursomhelst med finansiering från Vetenskapsrådet samt det pågående projektet MotherNet, ett EU-finansierat projekt som knyter samman forskare från Litauen, Irland och Sverige.
Urval av publikationer
- Incidence of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in Individuals With Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue Treatment for Gender Dysphoria in Sweden (2023)
- Breastfeeding as a balancing act (2020)
- Transcranial magnetic intermittent theta-burst stimulation for depression in pregnancy - A case series (2020)
- Cohort profile (2019)
- Antenatal depressive symptoms and early initiation of breastfeeding in association with exclusive breastfeeding six weeks postpartum (2019)
- Meteorological parameters and air pollen count in association with self-reported peripartum depressive symptoms (2018)
- Adult attachment's unique contribution in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptoms, beyond personality traits (2017)
- Psychometric properties of the attachment style questionnaire in Swedish pregnant women (2017)
- Risk factors for exclusive breastfeeding lasting less than two months-Identifying women in need of targeted breastfeeding support (2017)
- Seasonal patterns in self-reported peripartum depressive symptoms (2017)
- Correlates of postpartum depression in first time mothers without previous psychiatric contact (2017)
- Sleep duration, depression, and oxytocinergic genotype influence prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in postpartum women (2016)
- Mid-pregnancy corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in association with postpartum depressive symptoms (2016)
- Association between parental depressive symptoms and impaired bonding with the infant (2016)
- Emotion Reactivity Is Increased 4-6 Weeks Postpartum in Healthy Women (2015)
- Prenatal and Postpartum Evening Salivary Cortisol Levels in Association with Peripartum Depressive Symptoms (2015)
- Personality and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Experience of the First Breastfeeding Session in Association with the Use of the Hands-On Approach by Healthcare Professionals (2014)
- Depressive symptoms postpartum among parents are associated with marital separation (2014)
- Depressive symptoms postpartum among parents are associated with marital separation – A Swedish cohort study (2014)
- Prefrontal activity during response inhibition decreases over time in the postpartum period (2013)
- 1843 – Depression in the peripartum period in association with salivary cortisol levels (2013)
- Premenstrual syndrome and dysphoric disorder as risk factors for postpartum depression (2013)
- Thyroid function tests at delivery and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms (2013)
- Biological aspects of postpartum depression (2012)
- Biological and Psychosocial Aspects of Postpartum Depression (2012)
- Postpartum depressive symptoms and the BDNF Val66Met functional polymorphism: effect of season of delivery (2011)
- Postpartum depression symptoms (2011)
- Newborn gender as a predictor of postpartum mood disturbances in a sample of Swedish women (2011)
- Seasonality patterns in postpartum depression (2011)
- Risk of postpartum depression in association with serum leptin and interleukin-6 levels at delivery (2009)
- Risk factors of exclusive breastfeeding less than two months
Senaste publikationer
- Incidence of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in Individuals With Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue Treatment for Gender Dysphoria in Sweden (2023)
- Breastfeeding as a balancing act (2020)
- Transcranial magnetic intermittent theta-burst stimulation for depression in pregnancy - A case series (2020)
- Cohort profile (2019)
- Antenatal depressive symptoms and early initiation of breastfeeding in association with exclusive breastfeeding six weeks postpartum (2019)
Alla publikationer
- Incidence of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in Individuals With Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue Treatment for Gender Dysphoria in Sweden (2023)
- Breastfeeding as a balancing act (2020)
- Transcranial magnetic intermittent theta-burst stimulation for depression in pregnancy - A case series (2020)
- Cohort profile (2019)
- Antenatal depressive symptoms and early initiation of breastfeeding in association with exclusive breastfeeding six weeks postpartum (2019)
- Meteorological parameters and air pollen count in association with self-reported peripartum depressive symptoms (2018)
- Adult attachment's unique contribution in the prediction of postpartum depressive symptoms, beyond personality traits (2017)
- Psychometric properties of the attachment style questionnaire in Swedish pregnant women (2017)
- Risk factors for exclusive breastfeeding lasting less than two months-Identifying women in need of targeted breastfeeding support (2017)
- Seasonal patterns in self-reported peripartum depressive symptoms (2017)
- Correlates of postpartum depression in first time mothers without previous psychiatric contact (2017)
- Sleep duration, depression, and oxytocinergic genotype influence prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex in postpartum women (2016)
- Mid-pregnancy corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in association with postpartum depressive symptoms (2016)
- Association between parental depressive symptoms and impaired bonding with the infant (2016)
- Emotion Reactivity Is Increased 4-6 Weeks Postpartum in Healthy Women (2015)
- Prenatal and Postpartum Evening Salivary Cortisol Levels in Association with Peripartum Depressive Symptoms (2015)
- Personality and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone and postpartum depression (2015)
- Experience of the First Breastfeeding Session in Association with the Use of the Hands-On Approach by Healthcare Professionals (2014)
- Depressive symptoms postpartum among parents are associated with marital separation (2014)
- Prefrontal activity during response inhibition decreases over time in the postpartum period (2013)
- 1843 – Depression in the peripartum period in association with salivary cortisol levels (2013)
- Premenstrual syndrome and dysphoric disorder as risk factors for postpartum depression (2013)
- Thyroid function tests at delivery and risk for postpartum depressive symptoms (2013)
- Biological aspects of postpartum depression (2012)
- Postpartum depressive symptoms and the BDNF Val66Met functional polymorphism: effect of season of delivery (2011)
- Postpartum depression symptoms (2011)
- Newborn gender as a predictor of postpartum mood disturbances in a sample of Swedish women (2011)
- Seasonality patterns in postpartum depression (2011)
- Risk of postpartum depression in association with serum leptin and interleukin-6 levels at delivery (2009)
- Risk factors of exclusive breastfeeding less than two months