Raziye Salari
Forskare vid Institutionen för folkhälso- och vårdvetenskap; Socialmedicin/CHAP
- Telefon:
- 018-471 66 23
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-469 76 37
- E-post:
- raziye.salari@uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- BMC, Husargatan 3, Uppsala
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- Box 564
751 22 Uppsala
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Kort presentation
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I am an associate professor of psychology and work as a researcher in CHAP (Child Health and Parenting research group). My research has mainly focused on parenting and early prevention and intervention of mental health problems in children and adolescents.
I am the course director for the "community interventions" course offered as part of the Master's Programme in Public Health at Uppsala University. I also supervise Ph.D. students (four current and two graduated) as well as thesis students.
- child and adolescent mental health
- intervention
- parenting
- parenting programs
- prevention
- refugee children and parents
Jag började min karriär som klinisk psykolog och arbetade med familjer och ungdomar i Iran. Senare blev jag involverad i arbetet med att utvärdera en ny version av Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) för tonårsföräldrar vid University of Queensland i Australien, där jag disputerade 2009. Nu arbetar jag som forskare i CHAP (Child Health and Parenting Research Group) på Uppsala universitet.
Mina huvudsakliga forskningsintressen är prevention och tidig intervention gällande barns och ungdomars beteende- och emotionella problem. Jag arbetar framförallt med att utvärdera föräldrastödsprogram samt med att utveckla och testa marknadsföringsstrategier för dessa. Jag arbetar också med insatser för att förbättra psykiska hälsa hos flyktingbarn.
Senaste publikationer
- Can extended health communication improve newly settled refugees’ health literacy? A quasi-experimental study from Sweden (2024)
- Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques intervention among newcomer students in Swedish schools (2024)
- Preschool-level socio-economic deprivation in relation to emotional and behavioural problems among preschool children in Sweden (2024)
- Not attending preschool was linked to challenges in peer relationships (2024)
- Using normalisation process theory to identify factors facilitating the scaling up of parenting programs for immigrant parents (2024)
Alla publikationer
- Can extended health communication improve newly settled refugees’ health literacy? A quasi-experimental study from Sweden (2024)
- Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques intervention among newcomer students in Swedish schools (2024)
- Preschool-level socio-economic deprivation in relation to emotional and behavioural problems among preschool children in Sweden (2024)
- Not attending preschool was linked to challenges in peer relationships (2024)
- Using normalisation process theory to identify factors facilitating the scaling up of parenting programs for immigrant parents (2024)
- ”Putting words to their feelings” (2023)
- Attachment and trauma-informed programme to support forcibly displaced parents of youth in Sweden (2023)
- NICU parents' mental health (2023)
- A cross-sectional study of health and well-being among newly settled refugee migrants in Sweden–The role of health literacy, social support and self-efficacy (2022)
- Successful implementation of parenting support at preschool (2022)
- Importance of living arrangements and coparenting quality for young children's mental health after parental divorce (2021)
- Asthma and allergies correlate to mental health problems in preschool children (2021)
- Impact of a culturally tailored parenting programme on the mental health of Somali parents and children living in Sweden (2021)
- Swedish norms for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for children 3-5 years rated by parents and preschool teachers (2020)
- Facilitating implementation of an evidence-based method to assess the mental health of 3–5-year-old children at Child Health Clinics (2020)
- Evaluation of the Teaching Recovery Techniques community-based intervention for unaccompanied refugee youth experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Swedish UnaccomPanied yOuth Refugee Trial; SUPpORT) (2020)
- Evaluation of the teaching recovery techniques community-based intervention for accompanied refugee children experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms (Accompanied refugeeS In Sweden Trial; ASsIST) (2020)
- SDQ in the Hands of Fathers and Preschool Teachers (2019)
- Outside the norm (2019)
- Is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire with a Trauma Supplement a Valuable Tool in Screening Refugee Children for Mental Health Problems? (2019)
- Is the Refugee Health Screener a Useful Tool when Screening 14- to 18-Year-Old Refugee Adolescents for Emotional Distress? (2019)
- Preschool children living in joint physical custody arrangements show less psychological symptoms than those living mostly or only with one parent (2018)
- Agreement between mothers', fathers', and teachers' ratings of behavioural and emotional problems in 3-5-year-old children (2018)
- Evaluation of a group intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors with PTSD symptoms in Sweden (2018)
- Teaching Recovery Techniques (2018)
- Validity of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in non-clinical samples of parents and teachers (2017)
- Mental health and academic failure in Swedish adolescents (2017)
- Inter-rater agreement between parent and teacher SDQ ratings in Swedish 3-5-year-olds (2017)
- The computer-assisted interview In My Shoes can benefit shy preschool children's communication (2017)
- Qualitative evaluation of a group intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors with PTSD symptoms (2017)
- Effects of a culturally tailored parenting support programme in Somali-born parents' mental health and sense of competence in parenting (2017)
- Direct marketing of parenting programs (2017)
- Neuropsychological functioning and attachment representations in early school age as predictors of ADHD symptoms in late adolescence (2017)
- Using the Health Belief Model to Explain Mothers’ and Fathers’ Intention to Participate in Universal Parenting Programs (2017)
- Screening for PTSD symptoms in unaccompanied refugee minors (2017)
- Pilot study of a group intervention for unaccompanied refugee minors with symptoms of PTSD in Sweden (2017)
- Using CRIES-8 to screen for post-traumatic stress disorder in unaccompanied refugee minors (2016)
- Mothers’ and fathers’ attendance in a community-based universally offered parenting program in Sweden (2016)
- Parental monitoring in late adolescence (2015)
- Cost and effects of a universal parenting programme delivered to parents of preschoolers (2015)
- An efficacy trial: Positive Parenting Program for parents of teenagers (2014)
- Child behaviour problems, parenting behaviours and parental adjustment in mothers and fathers in Sweden (2014)
- The Children and Parents in Focus project (2013)
- Uppsala Triple P trial (2012)
- Parenting Scale (2012)
- Parenting interventions as a population-based approach (2012)