Christer Karlsson
Professor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
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Kort presentation
Christer Karlsson är sedan 2016 professor i statskunskap. Han disputerade 2001 på Democracy, Legitimacy and the European Union. Hans forskning har handlat om demokrati, författningspolitik och internationell klimatpolitik, med ett empiriskt fokus på EU. Hans arbeten återfinns i tidskrifter som Global Environmental Politics, Journal of Common Market Studies och Journal of European Public Policy. Han leder för närvarande projektet "The Paradox of Political Opposition in Multilevel Europe".
- climate change
- constitutional law
- democratic theory
- political opposition
Pågående och avslutade forskningsprojekt:
• The Paradox of Political Opposition in Multilevel Europe: Examining Plenary Debates in Thirteen Parliaments, finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet (2019-2022)
• Searching for Opposition in European Union Affairs, finansierat av Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse (2015-2019)
• Constitutional Amendment or Constitutional Alteration?, finansierat av Riksbankens jubileumsfond (2010-2013)
• Clipore (Climate Policy Research), finansierat av MISTRA (2007-2010)
•The Mechanisms of Democracy, finansierat av Riksbankens jubileumsfond (2002-2006)
•Reform strategies for the European Union, funded by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (2002-2006)
Urval av publikationer
- The influence of Eurosceptic challenger parties on mainstream party behaviour (2023)
- Comparing oppositional behaviour in European Union affairs (2022)
- Patterns of Parliamentary Opposition (2021)
- Eurosceptic Challenger Parties and Political Opposition in European Union Politics (2019)
- The Alleged Opposition Deficit in European Union Politics (2018)
- The UN climate change negotiations and the role of the United States (2018)
- The European Union as a global climate leader (2017)
- Explaining constitutional change (2016)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- Climate change leaders and followers (2015)
- Comparing Constitutional Change in European Union Member States (2014)
- Nationella domstolar som politiska aktörer (2013)
- Fragmented Climate Change Leadership (2012)
- Looking for Leaders (2011)
- Climate Change and the European Union’s Leadership Moment (2010)
- The illusion of accountability in the European Union (2009)
- Deliberation at the European Convention (2008)
- Democracy, legitimacy and the European Union (2001)
Senaste publikationer
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2024)
- Is Oppositional Behaviour in European Union Affairs Gendered? Evidence from Plenary Debates and Committee Deliberations in Four Legislatures (2024)
- Do Members of Parliament Express More Opposition in the Plenary than in the Committee? (2024)
- Drivers of parliamentary opposition in European Union politics: Institutional factors or party characteristics? (2024)
- The influence of Eurosceptic challenger parties on mainstream party behaviour (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Dimensions of disagreement in EU affairs (2024)
- Is Oppositional Behaviour in European Union Affairs Gendered? Evidence from Plenary Debates and Committee Deliberations in Four Legislatures (2024)
- Do Members of Parliament Express More Opposition in the Plenary than in the Committee? (2024)
- Drivers of parliamentary opposition in European Union politics: Institutional factors or party characteristics? (2024)
- The influence of Eurosceptic challenger parties on mainstream party behaviour (2023)
- Comparing oppositional behaviour in European Union affairs (2022)
- Patterns of Parliamentary Opposition (2021)
- Eurosceptic Challenger Parties and Political Opposition in European Union Politics (2019)
- The Alleged Opposition Deficit in European Union Politics (2018)
- The UN climate change negotiations and the role of the United States (2018)
- The European Union as a global climate leader (2017)
- Assessing the European Union’s global climate change leadership (2017)
- Explaining constitutional change (2016)
- Om samstämmigheten mellan generaladvokatens yttranden och EU-domstolens domar (2016)
- Constitutional change in light of European Union membership (2016)
- Dags för Lemne att lämna (2015)
- Policyprofessionella i offentlig tjänst har faktiskt ett mandat (2015)
- Climate change leaders and followers (2015)
- Akademikerförakt, härskarteknik och insinuationer (2015)
- Konstitution kan förebygga kris (2014)
- Akademi utan krisplan (2014)
- Comparing Constitutional Change in European Union Member States (2014)
- MOOCs-studenter bildar B-laget (2013)
- En högskoleledning i fritt fall (2013)
- Nationella domstolar som politiska aktörer (2013)
- The Legitimacy of Leadership in International Climate Change Negotiations (2012)
- Fragmented Climate Change Leadership (2012)
- Hotet mot det breda universitetet (2012)
- Bordlägg ny fördelning av resurser (2012)
- Book review: The Real World of EU accountability - What deficit? (2011)
- Looking for Leaders (2011)
- Resursslöseri vid universitetet (2011)
- Kontrollerna gör arbetet ineffektivare (2011)
- Hur regleras EU-medlemskapet? (2010)
- The Convention Method Revisited (2010)
- Climate Change and the European Union’s Leadership Moment (2010)
- Att leda eller inte leda? (2009)
- Transatlantiskt ledarskap i Köpenhamn - dröm eller verklighet? (2009)
- Deliberation at the European Convention (2008)
- Bortom Kyoto (2008)
- Ratificering i baklås (2005)
- Demokratisering eller status quo? (2001)
- EU-demokratin långt borta (1998)
- Den globala sanningen (1997)
- Demokrati och medborgarkultur (1995)
- Idéer om demokrati (1995)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- The illusion of accountability in the European Union (2009)
- Samtalets mekanismer (2008)
- Democracy, legitimacy and the European Union (2001)
- Parlamentet som arena för opposition i EU-politiken (2022)
- Hur mycket opposition finns det i svensk EU-politik? (2019)
- Hur bör vi utse akademiska ledare? (2016)
- Climate Leadership (2015)
- Leadership and international cooperation (2014)
- EU treaty reform and accountability (2009)
- Taking accountability seriously (2009)
- Examining the illusion of accountability (2009)
- Samtal pågår (2008)
- Tre idéer om allmänintresset (2008)
- Finns det ett gemensamt offentligt rum i Europa? (2008)
- Om samtalets politiska betydelse (2008)
- Unionens kamp för klimatet (2008)
- Sweden: In the Shadow of Enlargement? (2006)
- In the shadow of enlargement? (2006)
- Den deliberativa drömmen och politisk praktik (2003)
- Europeiska unionens nuvarande problem och framtida vägval (2002)
- Utökad tillämpning av majoritetsbeslut - frälsning eller undergång? (2001)
- Hur mycket opposition finns det i svensk EU-politik? (2018)
- Global Climate Change Leadership in the Eyes of the Beholders (2009)
- A new beginning? (2008)
- The Climate Change Challenge and the Need for Global Governance (2008)