Anna Jarstad
Professor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
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- 018-471 23 58
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753 22 Uppsala - Postadress:
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751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD, docent i freds- och konfliktforskning
- CV:
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- 0000-0001-8048-1868
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Kort presentation
Anna Jarstad leder det internationella forskarnätverket Varieties of Peace ( Hon forskar om fred och demokratisering i multietniska stater samt stater som nyligen genomlevt inbördeskrig.
- afghanistan
- bosnia-herzegovina
- cyprus
- democratization
- kosovo
- new zealand
- peace
- post-war
- power sharing
- south africa
Aktuell forskning handlar om olika typer av fred, såsom territoriell fred, fred mellan etniska grupper, olika fredssnormer – enhet och mångfald – om hur man kan leva tillsammans i fred i multietniska stater. Jarstad forskar även om visuella uttryck för fred, så som fredsymboler, fotografier och illustrationer av hur människor interagerar i relationell fred, samt den konceptuella uttunning av begreppet fred som uppstått i dagens forskning. Tidigare har hon främst forskat om powersharing/consociationalism samt demokratisering efter inbördeskrig i länder såsom Sydafrika, Afghanistan, Bosnien, Kosovo, Makedonien, Cypern, Nya Zeland.
Living in Contested Land
There remains a glaring lack of attention on the existing peace that coexists alongside unresolved territorial disputes. To analyze peace beyond the mere absence of war, I focus on the various actors and their interrelations, aiming to discern the different facets of peaceful coexistence. The concept of Relational Peace (Jarstad et al., 2023; Söderström et al., 2021) offers a framework that places actors at the forefront, elucidating the diverse manifestations of both peaceful and antagonistic relationships. The overarching research objective is to explore the phenomenon of peace amid adversity: How does the issue of contested land manifest in Cyprus and Kosovo?
Varieties of Peace
Today’s headlines show that peace in South Africa is very different from peace in Cambodia or Sri Lanka. However, research thus far has not managed to analyze and explain the different varieties of peace that evolve after civil war. In the project Varieties of peace: a relational peace, we suggest that taking a relational approach to peace seriously is a fruitful avenue for expanding current theoretical frameworks surrounding peace as a concept as well as providing more theoretically grounded empirical work. This project focuses on describing and explaining the varieties of peace from a relational approach in countries such as Cambodia, Myanmar/Burma, South Africa and Sri Lanka. The project is funded by RJ 2020-2022. The project includes the following researchers: project leader Anna Jarstad, Elisabeth Olivius, Nilanjana Premaratna, Johanna Söderström, and Malin Åkebo. An open access book came out 2023:
Why do we study peace? Watch at
Varför studera fred?
En film med framstående fredsforskare om varför vi studerar fred.
Senaste publikationer
- Peace with Adjectives (2024)
- Relational peace practices (2023)
- Peace, Development, and the Unresolved Land Issue in South Africa (2021)
- Revisiting the local turn in peacebuilding (2021)
- Friends, Fellows, and Foes (2021)
Alla publikationer
- Peace with Adjectives (2024)
- Peace, Development, and the Unresolved Land Issue in South Africa (2021)
- Revisiting the local turn in peacebuilding (2021)
- Friends, Fellows, and Foes (2021)
- Grasping the empirical realities of peace in post-war northern Mitrovica (2019)
- Making and keeping promises: regime type and powersharing pacts in peace agreements (2018)
- Local violence and politics in KwaZulu-Natal: perceptions of agency in a post-conflict society (2015)
- Costly democracy: peacebuilding and democratization after war, edited by Christoph Zürcher, Carrie Manning, Kristie Evenson, Rachel Hayman, Sarah Riese, and Nora Roehner, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2013, 189 pp., index, £24.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-8047-8197-8 (2014)
- Unpacking Friction in Security Sector Reform in Afghanistan (2014)
- Review – The Peace In Between (2013)
- Introducing Hybrid Peace Governance (2012)
- Hybrid Peace Ownership in Afghanistan (2012)
- Toward Electoral Security (2011)
- Local Peace Agreements (2010)
- The Predicament of Elections in War-Torn Societies (2009)
- The predicament of elections in war-torn societies (2009)
- The Prevalence of Power-Sharing (2009)
- From words to deeds (2008)
- Osäker valutgång om Cyperns enande (2004)
- Cypern ger EU nya problem (2004)
- Relational peace practices (2023)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- Det hotade universitetet (2016)
- From war to democracy (2008)
- Democratization after Civil War (2016)
- Sharing Power to Build States (2013)
- När kan demokratisering leda till krig? (2013)
- Local ownership of peace (2011)
- Dilemmas of war-to-democracy transitions (2008)
- Power sharing (2008)
- Introduction (2008)
- Ur askan i elden? Om etnisk kvotering som medel för politisk integration (2004)
- Powersharing for Peace and Democracy? (2006)
- Dilemmas of Democratization and Peace-building in War-Torn Societies (2006)
- Political Pacts- No Promise of Peace? (2006)
- Peace by Pact (2006)
- Powersharing for Peace and democracy? (2005)
- Powersharing for Peace and Democracy? (2005)
- Peace Agreements and Power Sharing (2005)
- Democratisation in postconflict societies: Lessons from the Balkans, Prospects for Iraq (2005)
- Consociational Theory and Ethnic Quotas in the Future Re-Unified Cyprus: Striking a balance between a functional state and the equality of two constituent states (2004)
- Kunskapslägesrapport på kärnavfallsområdet 2010 (2010)
- International assistance to democratisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2005)
- International assistance to democratisation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia (2005)