Nils Gottfries
Professor emeritus vid Nationalekonomiska institutionen; Professorer och lektorer
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Kort presentation
Mitt huvudintresse är makroekonomi inclusive de mikroekonomiska grunder för makroteorin, pris- och lönedynamik på varu- och arbetsmarknaden, lönebildning och arbetslöshet, växelkurser och prissättning i en öppen ekonomi, studier av företagsdynamik med användning av mikrodata.
Kontakt:, +46 73 0358 101
För mer info, se min HEMSIDA
- labor economics
- macroeconomics
Filosofie doktor vid Stockholms Universitet 1985. Forskare vid Institutet för Internationell Ekonomi 1985-1994. Professor vid Uppsala Universitet 1994-. Medlem av EMU-utredningen 1995-1996. Redaktör för Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2006-2009. Se CV för ytterligare information.
Urval av publikationer
- Deep Dynamics (2018)
- The Matching Process (2016)
- Product Market Imperfections and Employment Dynamics (2013)
- Fungerar den svenska lönebildningen? (2010)
- Price and Investment Dynamics (2009)
- Prices, Productivity, and Wage Bargaining in Open Economies (2008)
- Ranking of job applicants, on-the-job search, and persistent unemployment (2005)
- Market shares, financial constraints and pricing behaviour in the export market (2002)
- Insider bargaining power, starting wages and involuntary unemployment (2000)
- EMU: A Swedish Perspective (1997)
- Sverige och EMU (1996)
- Insiders, Outsiders, and Nominal Wage Contracts (1992)
- Customer Markets, Credit Market Imperfections and Real Price Rigidity (1991)
- Wage Formation and the Persistence of Unemployment (1987)
- Price Dynamics of Exporting and Import-Competing Firms (1986)
- Multiple Perfect Foresight Equilibriums and Convergence of Learning-Processes (1985)
Senaste publikationer
- Deep Dynamics (2018)
- The Matching Process (2016)
- Product Market Imperfections and Employment Dynamics (2013)
- Preface to the Special Issue on Price and Wage Dynamics (2010)
Alla publikationer
- Product Market Imperfections and Employment Dynamics (2013)
- Preface to the Special Issue on Price and Wage Dynamics (2010)
- Price and Investment Dynamics (2009)
- Editors' Preface (2008)
- Prices, Productivity, and Wage Bargaining in Open Economies (2008)
- Macroeconomic fluctuations and the labor market - Preface (2007)
- Ranking of job applicants, on-the-job search, and persistent unemployment (2005)
- Stabilitetspaktens sammanbrott ökar risken för skuldkriser (2005)
- Euron kan inte säkra Sveriges reala konkurrenssituation (2003)
- Rätt ränta ger ekonomisk stabilitet (2003)
- Jasidans teser vacklar (2003)
- Ränta och växelkurs i och utanför EMU (2003)
- Why is Sweden not in EMU? (2002)
- Market shares, financial constraints and pricing behaviour in the export market (2002)
- Vinstdelning, vinstandelsstiftelser, löner och sysselsättning (2000)
- Insider bargaining power, starting wages and involuntary unemployment (2000)
- Comment on R.W. Cooper, Business cycles (1998)
- Nominal wage contracts and the persistent effects of monetary policy (1998)
- Kriitinen arvio EMU-jäsenyyden taloudellisista perusteista (1997)
- Discrimination and Open Unemployment in a Segmented Labour Market (1995)
- Discrimination and Open Unemployment in A Segmented Labor-Market (1995)
- Profit-Sharing, Employment Efficiency and Wage Stability (1995)
- Seniority Rules and the Persistence of Unemployment (1994)
- Insiders, Outsiders, and Nominal Wage Contracts (1992)
- The Scientific Illusion in Empirical Macroeconomics - Comment (1991)
- Customer Markets, Credit Market Imperfections and Real Price Rigidity (1991)
- Regulation, Financial Buffer Stocks, and Short-Run Adjustment (1989)
- Empirical Examinations of the Information Sets of Economic Agents (1988)
- Wage Formation and the Persistence of Unemployment (1987)
- Are Mit Students Rational (1987)
- Price Dynamics of Exporting and Import-Competing Firms (1986)
- Multiple Perfect Foresight Equilibriums and Convergence of Learning-Processes (1985)
- Fungerar den svenska lönebildningen? (2010)
- Varför finns det arbetslöshet? (1995)
- The Persistence of Unemployment in a Dynamic Insider-Outsider Model (1990)
- Deep Dynamics (2018)
- The Matching Process (2016)
- Prices, Productivity, and Wage Bargaining in Open Economies (2008)
- Testing Theories of Job Creation (2006)
- Real and nominal wage adjustment in open economies (2005)
- Price and Investment Dynamics: An Empirical Analysis of Plant Level Data (2004)
- Booms and Busts in EMU (2003)
- Comment on R.W. Cooper, Business cycles: Theory, evidence and policy implications (1998)
- Comment on "Fiscal Balance During Inflation, Disinflation and Immigration: Policy Lessons." (1996)
- Growing Government Debt - International Experiences: An Introduction (1996)
- Comment on "The Swedish Boom to Bust Cycle: Tax Reform, Consumption and Asset Structure" (1995)