Helena Wockelberg
Universitetslektor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 34 48
- E-post:
- Helena.Wockelberg@statsvet.uu.se
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753 22 Uppsala - Postadress:
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751 20 UPPSALA - Tillgänglig:
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Kort presentation
Helena Wockelberg is a political scientist working in the fields of public administration and constitutional politics. Wockelberg is Associate Professor (Docent) and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Government.
Docent (Associate Professor) 2015. Senior lecturer 2011. PhD in political science Uppsala University 2003. BA in political science Uppsala University 1997.
In her dissertation (2003) "Den svenska förvaltningsmodellen. Parlamentarisk debatt om förvaltningens roll i styrelseskicket 1975-2000", Wockelberg analysed the political debate on public administration policies and the role of central government agencies in Sweden.
Wockelberg's research is focused on public administration policy and national executives' steering of central government agencies. In addition, Wockelberg also studies the role perceptions and ethos of public servants. Wockelberg's research interest also includes the sub-field of constitutional politics: the making and breaking of governments; investiture rules, and the formal and informal institutions supporting minority governments.
Senaste publikationer
- Riksdagspartierna och finansmakten (2024)
- The Performance Information Demand Dataset: Swedish Governments’ Request for Performance Information from Central Government Agencies 1993 – 2017 (2022)
- The Nordic countries in EU public policy-making (2022)
- En enkät till! (2022)
- Förvaltningspolitiken, en match i matchen (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Riksdagspartierna och finansmakten (2024)
- Agency Autonomy and Organizational Interaction (2022)
- Agency Control or Autonomy? (2021)
- Explaining the Dynamics of Management by Objectives and Results Post-NPM (2021)
- Political Servants or Independent Experts? (2014)
- European Legal Method in Denmark and Sweden Using Social Science Theory and Methodology to Describe the Implementation of EU Law (2013)
- European Legal Method in Denmark and Sweden. (2013)
- Rewards for High Public Office in Europe and North America. Edited by Marleen Brans and B. Guy Peters 2012, London and New York: Routledge, 2012 (2013)
- The Politics of Public Administration Policy (2012)
- The Nordic countries in EU public policy-making (2022)
- En enkät till! (2022)
- Förvaltningspolitiken, en match i matchen (2022)
- Att handleda och att vara handledd (2018)
- Nordic Administrative Heritages and Contemporary Institutional Design (2016)
- Reinventing the Old Reform Agenda (2016)
- The Public Sector and the Courts (2015)
- Finns det något svenskt i förvaltningsmodellen? (2015)
- Weak Investiture Rules and the Emergence of Minority Governments in Sweden. (2015)
- Why 'multi-Level' and 'governance' are concepts of relevance for our understanding of Member State implementation of EU law (2013)
- Vilken är skillnaden mellan fängelsevistelser och kidnappningar? (2013)
- Forskaren som policyprocessens hjälpryttare, möjligheter och förutsättningar (2013)
- The Politics-Administration Dichotomy and the Failure of Symmetrical Responsibility Doctrines (2011)
- Så arbetar svenska regeringar. (2010)
- In Tranquil waters (2009)
- Ansvarsfullt ansvarsutkrävande (2008)
- Ansvarsfullt ansvarsutkrävande (2008)
- Den bortglömda förvaltningen (2006)
- Etik som politik, fler frågor än svar? (2005)
- Agency Management Accountability, ex ante and ex post instruments combined? (2018)
- Government Steering over Two Decades: A Large-N comparison (2016)
- Ex Post Control of Mature State Agencies: Swedish Governments’ Performance Information Demands over Time and Across Policy Sectors (2016)
- Mature Agencification (2015)
- Administrative Heritage and Public Management Reform (2015)
- Constitutions and the Application of Public Management Reforms (2013)
- Systematic Application of Government Steering? Public Management analyzed through a Longitudinal, Large N-Perspective (2013)
- Facilitating Minority Government. (2012)
- Facilitating Minority Government. The Importance of a Negative Investiture Rule in Swedish Government Formation Processes. Paper presented at the ECPR Research sessions, Florence 19-22 June 2012. (2012)
- Explaining Practical Implementation in EU Member States: Fragmentation, Policy Content and Role Perceptions (2011)
- Goodbye Minister? The Accountability of Swedish Members of Government in Times of Crisis (2005)
- Följsamt verktyg eller motmakt? Svensk förvaltningspolitisk debatt efter grundlagsreformen 1974 (2001)
- Maktdelning eller parlamentarism? Idédebatten om förvaltningens roll i det svenska styrelseskicket. (1999)
- Förvaltningen i den politiska filosofin. Om några demokratimodellers respektive förvaltningssyn. (1998)
- Public administration characteristics and performance in EU28: Sweden (2018)
- Interim Report on Public Administration Reform Trends and Reform Dynamics in Sweden (2016)
- Beslut under resans gång (2004)
- Demokratin och mordet på Anna Lind (2003)
- Den svenska förvaltningsmodellen (2001)
- Departementsreformer som politisk strategi. Om regeringskansliets organisatoriska indelning. (2000)