Malena Lidar
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningssociologi
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- 018-471 76 42
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- Akademiska meriter:
- Docent
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Kort presentation
Jag är docent i didaktik. Mina forskningsintressen handlar om olika aspekter av undervisning och lärande i naturvetenskap, tex. hur undervisningen i naturvetenskap kan förändras som konsekvens av utbildningsreformer, hur kunskap och värden är sammanlänkade i klassrummet och hur undervisningsutvecklande forskning kan bedrivas. För närvarande arbetar jag i projektet "Undervisning för och lärande av handlingskompetens i utbildning om antibiotikaresistens" finansierat av Skolforskningsinstitutet.
Jag medverkar för närvarande i projektet “Undervisning för och lärande av handlingskompetens i utbildning om antibiotikaresistens”. finansieras av Skolforskningsinstitutet 2019-2021. Projektledare: Eva Lundqvist.
Tidigare har jag medverkat i projekten:
“Betyg och nationella prov i skolår 6 – hur påverkas undervisningen i NO?”. Projektledare: Malena Lidar. Finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet (2013-2019).
“Etik i teknikundervisningen”. Projektledare: Malena Lidar. Partnerskoleprojekt, finansierat av Institutionen för pedagogik, didaktik och utbildningsstudier (2017-2019).
”Kunskapens makt: Hur lärare möjliggör elevers deltagande och kunskapande i NO- och teknikklassrum”. Projektledare Anna Danielsson, finansierat av Vetenskapsråden (2013-2015).
“Nationella prov i biologi, fysik och kemi: eventuell betydelse för lärares undervisning och bedömning”. Projektledare: Eva Lundqvist. finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet (2011-2013).
Urval av publikationer
- Introduction of national tests in biology, physics and chemistry and teachers' choice of teaching content (2013)
- Meaning making and the development of action competence (2012)
- Manner of teaching and teaching traditions in Science Education (2012)
- National tests and teachers’ practice (2012)
- Classroom meaning making with text (2011)
- Erfarenhet och sociokulturella resurser (2010)
- A Pragmatist Approach to Meaning Making in Children's Discussions About Gravity and the Shape of the Earth (2010)
- Nationella prov i biologi, fysik och kemi - hur påverkas undervisningen? (2010)
- Comparative studies of manners of teaching (2010)
- Teaching and learning in the science classroom (2006)
- Learning a New Attentiveness (2005)
Senaste publikationer
- Undervisningsutveckling genom analyser av elevers lärande av handlingskompetens gällande antibiotikaresistens (2024)
- The potential and challenges involved in collaborative analyses within teacher-researcher partnerships (2024)
- When teaching habits meet educational innovation (2024)
- Teaching Traditions in Classroom Practice (2023)
- Rädda antibiotikan med kunskap och handling. (2022)
Alla publikationer
- Undervisningsutveckling genom analyser av elevers lärande av handlingskompetens gällande antibiotikaresistens (2024)
- When teaching habits meet educational innovation (2024)
- Functional coordination between present teaching and policy reform in Swedish science education (2021)
- Storylines in the physics teaching content of an upper secondary school classroom (2020)
- Sustainable food choices? A study of students’ actions in a home and consumer studies classroom (2020)
- What is construed as relevant knowledge in physics teaching? Similarities and differences in how knowledge and power are staged in three lower secondary classrooms (2020)
- The Transformation of Teaching Habits in Relation to the Introduction of Grading and National Testing in Science Education in Sweden (2020)
- The Transformation of Teaching Habits in Relation to the Introduction of Grading and National Testing in Science Education in Sweden (2020)
- Undervisningstraditioner i naturvetenskaplig undervisning i relation till utbildningsreformer i NO i årskurs 6 (2019)
- Knowledge and power in the technology classroom: (2018)
- Teaching Traditions in Science Teachers’ Practices and the Introduction of National Testing (2018)
- Expressions of agency within complex policy structures (2018)
- Teaching, Learning and Governance in Science Education and Physical Education: A Comparative Approach (2015)
- Teaching for action competence (2014)
- Nationella prov i NO och lärares val av undervisningsinnehåll (2013)
- A Pragmatist Approach to Meaning Making in Children's Discussions About Gravity and the Shape of the Earth (2010)
- Teaching and learning in the science classroom (2006)
- Classroom meaning making with text
- The coordination of teaching habits in doing and undergoing policy reform
- Teaching Traditions in Classroom Practice (2023)
- Nationella prov som undervisningsutveckling? (2020)
- Studier i en främmande skolkultur (2019)
- Betyg och nationella prov i skolår 6 – hur påverkas undervisningen i NO? (2018)
- Att göra elevers erfarenheter till ett lärandeinnehåll i NO-undervisningen. (2018)
- Lärarens roll för att rikta uppmärksamheten (2014)
- Laborationen som innehåll: en analys av elevers lärande (2003)
- The potential and challenges involved in collaborative analyses within teacher-researcher partnerships (2024)
- Taste as means for teaching sustainability regarding food consumption in home and consumer studies (2021)
- Teaching antimicrobial resistance (2021)
- The teaching and learning of action competence in antimicrobial resistance education (2021)
- Functional coordination between present teaching and policy reform in Swedish science education (2019)
- Methodological considerations in the analysis of the co-production of knowledge and power in secondary school physics classrooms (2018)
- Powerful Stories in the Physics Classroom (2017)
- Power in Teaching and Learning Processes in the Physics Classroom (2017)
- Powerful Stories in the Physics Classroom (2016)
- Scientific Norms And Evaluative Language Use – A Lesson Example From Grade 9 (Physics) (2016)
- Power in Teaching and Learning Processes in the Physics Classroom (2016)
- Kunskap och makt i fysikundervisningen (2016)
- Investigating power in teaching and learning processes in the physics classroom (2016)
- The influence on teaching and assessment practices from national tests in Science in Y6 (2016)
- Science Teachers’ Teaching Habits in the Enactment of Reform (2016)
- The teacher´s voice in education policy: Responses to national curriculum and assessment reforms in Sweden (2016)
- The power within the 'didactical contract': An exploration of questions in science and technology classrooms (2015)
- The power within 'didactical contracts' of classroom teaching (2015)
- Teaching traditions in science education and the impact on educational ereform (2015)
- Science teachers’ experiences from the introduction of grading and national testing in Year 6 in Sweden (2015)
- Teaching content and national tests in Science Education (2014)
- Constructions of power and knowledge in the technology classroom (2014)
- A bridge to understanding? An approach for analysing the construction of power/knowledge in a technology classroom. (2014)
- Power and Knowledge in the Technology Classroom: The Development and Illustration of a Conceptual Framework. (2014)
- Studying Power and Knowledge in the Technology Classroom: Towards a Conceptual Framework. (2014)
- Effects of national assessment on teaching in science education (2014)
- Teachers’ responses to the introduction of grading and national testing in Sweden (2014)
- What is tested? (2014)
- What content is assessed in the Swedish national tests in biology, chemistry and physics? (2013)
- New national tests and teachers' professional development in science education (2013)
- Introduction of national tests in biology, physics and chemistry and teachers' choice of teaching content (2013)
- Meaning making and the development of action competence (2012)
- Manner of teaching and teaching traditions in Science Education (2012)
- National tests and teachers’ practice (2012)
- Classroom meaning making with text (2011)
- Nationella prov i biologi, fysik och kemi - hur påverkas undervisningen? (2010)
- Comparative studies of manners of teaching (2010)
- Practical Epistemology Analysis: Cognitive learning (2008)
- Vad man kan lära sig av att studera elevers samtal om/i naturvetenskap (2005)
- Learning a New Attentiveness (2005)
- Sex år av lärande
- Situations and artefacts
- Regler i praktiken
- Teaching antimicrobial resistance: Educating young people to be change agents. In: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance through Behavior Change: Pre-conference report, Uppsala Health Summit (2020)
- Analysing validity (2019)
- Analysing validity (2019)