Per Johansson
Professor vid Statistiska institutionen
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Kort presentation
Per Johanssons forskningsintresse är kausal inferens i vid mening. Han har publicerat sig I tidskrifter som Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Human Resources, Economic Journal, Journal of Transportation och Journal of health economics. Han är en associerad medlem av priskommittén till Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobel.
Urval av publikationer
- Absenteeism, Gender and the Morbidity–Mortality Paradox (2017)
- Proxy variables and nonparametric identification of causal effects (2017)
- Early Interventions and Disability Insurance (2017)
- Parenthood and the Gender Gap in Pay (2016)
- Privatization and quality (2016)
- Sjukskrivningarnas anatomi (2016)
- Onyanserad kritik av rehabiliteringsgarantin (2016)
- Kan vi jobba tills vi blir 75? (2016)
- Är en höjning av pensionsåldern ensidigt positiv? (2015)
- Health, Work Capacity and Retirement in Sweden (2015)
- Testing for nonparametric identification of causal effects in the presence of a quasi-instrument (2014)
- Hur har portvaktsfunktionen i förtidspensionssystemetförändrats över tid? (2014)
- Hur har portvaktsfunktionen i förtidspensionssystemet förändrats över tid? (2014)
- Screening Stringency in the Disability Insurance Program (2014)
- Pathways to Retirement and the Role of Financial Incentives in Sweden (2014)
- Cross-border health and productivity effects of alcohol policies (2014)
- Social stratification and out-of-school learning (2013)
- Tidiga insatser för sjukskrivna – rätt medicin för lägre sjukfrånvaro? (2013)
- Vad är värst - dålig hälsa, utländsk bakgrund eller 55+? (2013)
- Effects of eligibility screening in the sickness insurance (2013)
- Social Behaviour in Work Absence (2013)
- Rehabiliteringsgarantins effekter på hälsa och sjukfrånvaro (2013)
- Höjd metodkunskap viktigare än experiment (2013)
- Hälsan hos nybeviljade förtidspensionärer över tid (2013)
- Can sickness absence be affected by information meetings? (2013)
- Gränshandel med alkohol och dess effekter på hälsa (2013)
- The medical doctors as gatekeepers in the sickness insurance? (2012)
- What is the right profile for getting a job? (2012)
- Income inequality and health (2012)
- Locking-In Effects Due to Early Interventions? (2012)
- Foreign ownership and investment (2011)
- Can we buy time? Evaluation of the Swedish government's grant to remediation of contaminated sites (2011)
- Virtues of SIN (2011)
- Arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering (2010)
- Samverkan i Resursteam (2008)
- Välja fritt och välja rätt (2008)
- Graphical diagnostics of endogeneity (2008)
- Påverkas individen av omgivningens sjukfrånvaro? (2008)
- Comment on Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric regression models with censored data by Zeng and D.Y. Lin (2007)
- Exogeneity in Structural Equation Models (2006)
- Kan anställningsstöd minska arbetslösheten? (2005)
- Monitoring sickness insurance claimants: Evidence from a social experi-ment, (2005)
- Hur påverkar kravet på läkarintyg sjukfrånvaron? Erfarenheter från ett soci-alt experiment (2005)
- Exogeneity in Structural Equation Models (2005)
- Moral hazard and sickness insurance: Empirical evidence from a sickness insurance reform in Sweden (2005)
- Latent Variables in a Travel Mode Choice Model (2005)
- Comment on Philip de Jong and Maarten Lindeboom: (2004)
- Economic Incentives and Gender Differences in Work Absence Behavior (2004)
- An Economic Analysis of Track Maintenance Costs (2004)
- Assessing the effects of a compulsory sickness insurance on worker absenteeism (2002)
- Varför lyckades det nationella IT-programmet, Swit? (2001)
- Weighted derivative estimation of quantal response model (2000)
- A houshold model for work absence (1998)
- Sjukförsäkringen ur ett genusperspektiv (1998)
- Count data regression using series expansions with applications (1997)
- Speed limitation and motorway road casualties (1996)
- Panel data regression for counts (1996)
- The value of travel time (1996)
- Do economic incentives affect work absence? (1996)
- Tests for serial correlation and overdispersion in a count data regression model (1995)
- Time series count data regression (1994)
Senaste publikationer
- Is Fisher inference inferior to Neyman inference for policy analysis? (2024)
- Novel hormonal therapy versus standard of care (2024)
- Misconceptions Hinder the Progress of Evidence-based Interdisciplinary Treatment (2024)
- The consequences of the Swedish rent control system on labor income (2023)
- Causal inferences and real-world evidence (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Is Fisher inference inferior to Neyman inference for policy analysis? (2024)
- Novel hormonal therapy versus standard of care (2024)
- Misconceptions Hinder the Progress of Evidence-based Interdisciplinary Treatment (2024)
- The consequences of the Swedish rent control system on labor income (2023)
- Causal inferences and real-world evidence (2023)
- Sickness Absence and Disability Pension Among Patients With Chronic Pain in Interdisciplinary Treatment or Unspecified Interventions (2023)
- Inference in Experiments Conditional on Observed Imbalances in Covariates (2022)
- Rerandomization (2022)
- Model-based Bayesian inference under computer assisted balance-improving designs (2022)
- Study protocol for a comparative effectiveness evaluation of abiraterone acetate against enzalutamide (2021)
- On optimal rerandomization designs (2021)
- Sick of family responsibilities? (2020)
- The Impact of CBT on Sick Leave and Health (2020)
- Rerandomization Strategies for Balancing Covariates Using Pre-Experimental Longitudinal Data (2020)
- Practical causal analysis for the treatment timing effect on doubly censored duration (2019)
- Sex differences in sickness absence and the morbidity-mortality paradox (2019)
- Forward-looking moral hazard in social insurance (2019)
- Worker absenteeism (2019)
- Economic status, air quality, and child health (2018)
- Self-screening Effects of Monitoring (2018)
- Absenteeism, Gender and the Morbidity–Mortality Paradox (2017)
- Proxy variables and nonparametric identification of causal effects (2017)
- Early Interventions and Disability Insurance (2017)
- What is the right profile for getting a job? (2017)
- Parenthood and the Gender Gap in Pay (2016)
- Privatization and quality (2016)
- Onyanserad kritik av rehabiliteringsgarantin (2016)
- Kan vi jobba tills vi blir 75? (2016)
- Is an early retirement offer good for your health? (2015)
- Är en höjning av pensionsåldern ensidigt positiv? (2015)
- Testing for nonparametric identification of causal effects in the presence of a quasi-instrument (2014)
- Hur har portvaktsfunktionen i förtidspensionssystemetförändrats över tid? (2014)
- Hur har portvaktsfunktionen i förtidspensionssystemet förändrats över tid? (2014)
- Screening Stringency in the Disability Insurance Program (2014)
- Cross-border health and productivity effects of alcohol policies (2014)
- Social stratification and out-of-school learning (2013)
- Tidiga insatser för sjukskrivna – rätt medicin för lägre sjukfrånvaro? (2013)
- Vad är värst - dålig hälsa, utländsk bakgrund eller 55+? (2013)
- Effects of eligibility screening in the sickness insurance (2013)
- Social Behaviour in Work Absence (2013)
- Rehabiliteringsgarantins effekter på hälsa och sjukfrånvaro (2013)
- Höjd metodkunskap viktigare än experiment (2013)
- Can sickness absence be affected by information meetings? (2013)
- Gränshandel med alkohol och dess effekter på hälsa (2013)
- The medical doctors as gatekeepers in the sickness insurance? (2012)
- Income inequality and health (2012)
- Locking-In Effects Due to Early Interventions? (2012)
- Do you want your child to have a certified teacher? (2011)
- Foreign ownership and investment (2011)
- Can we buy time? Evaluation of the Swedish government's grant to remediation of contaminated sites (2011)
- Can we buy time? Evaluation of the Swedish government's grant to remediation of contaminated sites. (2011)
- Virtues of SIN (2011)
- Non-parametric inference for the effect of a treatment on survival times with application in the health and social sciences (2010)
- Sick of Your Colleagues' Absence? (2009)
- Misreporting in register data on disability status (2009)
- Graphical diagnostics of endogeneity (2008)
- Dynamic Treatment Assignment (2008)
- Påverkas individen av omgivningens sjukfrånvaro? (2008)
- The importance of employer contacts (2008)
- Comment on Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric regression models with censored data by Zeng and D.Y. Lin (2007)
- Exogeneity in Structural Equation Models (2006)
- Kan anställningsstöd minska arbetslösheten? (2005)
- Exogeneity in Structural Equation Models (2005)
- Moral hazard and sickness insurance: Empirical evidence from a sickness insurance reform in Sweden (2005)
- Comment on Philip de Jong and Maarten Lindeboom: (2004)
- Economic Incentives and Gender Differences in Work Absence Behavior (2004)
- An Economic Analysis of Track Maintenance Costs (2004)
- Assessing the effects of a compulsory sickness insurance on worker absenteeism (2002)
- Varför lyckades det nationella IT-programmet, Swit? (2001)
- Weighted derivative estimation of quantal response model (2000)
- A houshold model for work absence (1998)
- Count data regression using series expansions with applications (1997)
- Speed limitation and motorway road casualties (1996)
- Panel data regression for counts (1996)
- The value of travel time (1996)
- Do economic incentives affect work absence? (1996)
- Tests for serial correlation and overdispersion in a count data regression model (1995)
- Time series count data regression (1994)
- A study protocol for a comparative effectiveness evaluation of antiandrogenic medications against Standard of Care
- Health, Work Capacity and Retirement in Sweden (2015)
- Pathways to Retirement and the Role of Financial Incentives in Sweden (2014)
- Sjukförsäkringen ur ett genusperspektiv (1998)
- On optimal re-randomization designs (2019)
- Re-randomization strategies for balancing covariates using pre-experimental longitudinal data (2019)
- Asymptotic Inference for Optimal Re-Randomization Designs (2019)
- Re-randomization (2019)
- A Comparison of Methods of Inference in Randomized Experiments from a Restricted Set of Allocations (2019)
- Sjukskrivningarnas anatomi (2016)
- Hälsan hos nybeviljade förtidspensionärer över tid (2013)
- What is the right profile for getting a job? (2012)
- Arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering (2010)
- Samverkan i Resursteam (2008)
- Välja fritt och välja rätt (2008)
- Monitoring sickness insurance claimants: Evidence from a social experi-ment, (2005)
- Hur påverkar kravet på läkarintyg sjukfrånvaron? Erfarenheter från ett soci-alt experiment (2005)
- Latent Variables in a Travel Mode Choice Model (2005)