Two research projects funded within law and digitalisation

Research grants have been awarded to two different projects.

Research grants have been awarded to two different projects.

Two research grants have been awarded: one Wallenberg-project on how the proposed EU Data Act could affect the Swedish music industry, and one "Future Challenges in the Nordics"-project on governance of automated decision-making in the public sector.

Katja de Vries (Assistant Professor in Public Law, Department of Law, University of Uppsala), and André Holzapfel (Associate Professor at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) are joint principle investigators in the "An Empirical Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities of the European Data Act for SMEs in the Swedish Creative Industry" project (2023-25) funded by WASP-HS in the Networking Excellence Between Universities call. This call aims to advance ground-breaking scientific collaboration between researchers at different universities. The project studies how newly proposed EU legislation on fairer data access and use could impact creative industry in practice. 

Katja de Vries also got funding for the project The Automated Administration (ADM-Gov) - governance of ADM in the public sector(2022-26) which is funded within the Research programme "Future Challenges in the Nordics – People, Culture and Society" of the SLS (Society of Swedish Literature in Finland). Dr. Stefan Larsson (Associate Professor in Technology and Social Change, Lund University) is the principle investigator in the project. This research project examines how automated public decision-making can be implemented without compromising good public administration, the fundamental rights of citizens, and trust in public institutions.

Maria Cicilaki

