Work Together: Using a systems approach to update an occupational health service and reduce the health gap

WORK TOGETHER is a unique research programme that aims to improve the inclusiveness and effectiveness of occupational health prevention work through co-creation with stakeholders and end-users. The research programme intends to study the micro and macro processes that need to be considered to reduce health inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding underrepresented and high-risk groups. Long-term, nationwide use of the updated programme is likely, based on the close collaboration with existing infrastructure, which will enable knowledge transfer to key stakeholders and end-users.


  • Funder: Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare

Project description

The overall aim of the programme is to improve the inclusiveness and effectiveness of an existing and nationally implemented occupational health programme with the aim of reducing health inequalities by focusing on high-risk groups that need the programme most. The programme consists of three interrelated work packages (WP) and five projects.

WP1: Evaluation of the reach and effectiveness of the existing programme (project 1)

To study the inclusiveness and effectiveness of the existing programme over the last 30 years, specifically focusing on under-represented and high-risk groups.

WP2: Programme evaluation and development (projects 2, 3 and 4)

To identify barriers and opportunities to participation in, and implementation and delivery of, the existing programme (WP2A); to conduct a content analysis of the existing programme and contrast this with evidence-based theory and research (WP2B); to use the knowledge generated from WP2A and WP2B to create, together with partners, an updated programme, specifically adapted to target under-represented and high-risk groups (WP2C).

WP3: Implementation, effectiveness and experience of the updated programme (project 5)

To study the implementation of the updated programme, as well as the effectiveness and experience of the updated programme, focusing on underrepresented and high-risk groups.

In WP1, existing individual-level data from n≈550,000 individuals who have participated in the existing programme since 1988, linked to national registers, will be analysed. In WP2, using a co-creative approach, we will conduct semi-structured individual and focus group interviews (WP2A), a content analysis of the existing programme and compare with evidence-based theoretical frameworks and taxonomies (WP2B), and subsequently adapt and update the programme (WP2C). WP3 includes a feasibility study, a randomised controlled trial, and semi-structured individual interviews.

Project members

Project leader: Elin Ekblom Bak, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa
Co-investigators: Andreas Stenling, Umeå universitet, Daniel Väisänen, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa, Erik Hemmingsson, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa, Kate Bolam Enarsson, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa, Lena Kallings, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa, Linnea Eriksson, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa, Magnus Svartengren, Uppsala universitet, Magnus Lindwall, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa, Vice projektledare, Robert Lundmark, Umeå universitet, Therese Hellman, Uppsala universitet, Victoria Blom, GIH, Institutionen för fysisk aktivitet och hälsa

