Circus Interdisciplinary Summer School

Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (Circus) offer an enriching three-day school where participants will have the opportunity to further develop their skills in cross-disciplinary collaborations.

This course is aimed at

  • Doctoral student
  • Researcher with a doctoral degree


  • Career support

Possibilities, challenges and opportunities when engaging in cross-cutting research collaborations

Are you also dreaming of warm summer days filled with inspiring discussions on inter, multi and cross disciplinary research? Then do not miss out on CIRCUS’ Interdisciplinary Summer School.

Who can apply to the summer school?

Senior PhD students (year three and beyond), junior researchers, seasoned tenured lecturers and professors, employed at Uppsala University.

There is room for 18 participants. We aim to have a mixed group of different disciplines, genders, seniorities and different national and international research backgrounds. We will, in case of oversubscription, favour early submissions while also striving for a fruitful diversity.

A priceless summer school at no cost

  • Free of charge (lunch, dinner and activities included!)
  • For participants employed at Campus Gotland: Travel from Gotland and three nights at a modest Uppsala hotel are provided for. This is funded in collaboration between CIRCUS and the Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor for Campus Gotland.

Aim of the summer school

  • To provide opportunities for capacity-building regarding different kinds of cross- cutting research.
  • To provide a thorough orientation about the literature on different forms of interdisciplinarity as well as some ‘hands-on’ experience.
  • To examine the possibilities, challenges and opportunities that come with research collaborations across disciplinary boundaries.

Learning objectives

  • Scholarship: Participants should be able to describe the key concepts used in discussions about interdisciplinarity and summarise some broad tenets of key literature within cross-cutting research.
  • Practice: Participants should be able to relate common challenges in cross- disciplinary research to tools and practices that can address these challenges.

  • Lectures/seminars discussing relevant research on the aforementioned topics.
  • Practice-oriented and interactive workshops.
  • Language: Flexible with Swedish when possible, English when necessary.
  • Single and parallel sessions.
  • Summer school faculty is from UU as well as other universities.

Course occasions and sign-up

1416 augusti 2024
The Summer School Alumni is warmly welcome to attend our newly-added module on the afternoon of 15 August 2024
Room: Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS), Kyrkogårdsgatan 8A (The Old Observatory)
Language of instruction
Application deadline: 2024-05-07
Application to attend CIRCUS’ Interdisciplinary Summer School 2024


