Strategic management of research results

The course provides you with the fundamentals of identifying, controlling, and packaging knowledge assets generated in research. The aim is to enhance your foundation for ongoing research, while newfound insights better equip you to contribute to the application of your results, creating value in society.
This course is aimed at
- Doctoral student
- Researcher with a doctoral degree
- Docent
- Career support
- Intellectual property
- Innovation
About the course
Quick facts
Contents of the course: Three mandatory half-day seminars (9.15-12.00 hours) in the form of physical on-campus meetings at Uppsala University. Learn more about the content of each seminar below.
Course is offered: Twice a year, in the spring and the autumn semester.
Course provider: UU Innovation.
Who can participate: All researchers, from doctoral students to professors, at Uppsala University, University of Gävle and Dalarna University.
Credits: Doctoral students who successfully complete the course will receive 3 ECTS credits.
To pass the course you need to: Participate in all three seminars and complete the three assignments that will be handed out during the course.
Language: The course is given in English.
Number of places: Max. 30 participants.
After the course: You will have a better understanding of what knowledge assets you produce and be better equipped to make good use of them. You will have basic knowledge of intellectual property rights and agreements, and why it can be important to take control of your knowledge assets.
For participants from all disciplines
This course is tailored for doctoral students and researchers and is crafted to accommodate participants from diverse disciplines.
At UU Innovation, our extensive experience in supporting researchers across various subject areas in idea development underscores the importance of strategic management of research results.
Why take the course?
This course is ideal for those curious about utilising and innovating with their research. Gain a foundational understanding of diverse knowledge assets produced in research, and learn how to control and regulate their use through intellectual property protection.
The structured method taught will help you identify, control, and prioritise knowledge assets in your research, enhancing your everyday work. Strengthen your ability to extract additional value from your results and improve your research by understanding its potential applications, increasing your chances of securing funding. Furthermore, connect with doctoral and research colleagues outside your field for new perspectives.
Tre content-rich half-day seminars
Each seminar includes a practical segment where you can directly apply your newly acquired knowledge, gaining fresh perspectives on your own research and how you could create value from the results in society.
Seminar 1: Identifying knowledge assets
In our first session, we'll delve into key course concepts like "knowledge assets," "valorization," and "innovation." We'll demystify the "Professors' privilege" and review secondary employment rules. Practical tools for identifying and categorising knowledge assets will be introduced, allowing you hands-on application to your research project. We'll emphasise the researcher's pivotal role in controlling knowledge assets, highlighting the possibilities and potential consequences of not doing so.
Seminar 2: Controlling knowledge assets
After identifying knowledge assets, our focus shifts to control mechanisms. We'll provide an overview of common intellectual property protections (patent, trademark, copyright, and design). Then, tailored to your research field, you'll explore relevant protection forms. We'll discuss ownership of research results and touch on essential agreement principles when regulating ownership. This session equips you with foundational knowledge for navigating ownership complexities.
Seminar 3: Packaging knowledge assets
Having clarified your knowledge assets and their regulatory aspects, we'll now evaluate which are worth further development and how to proceed. We'll explore diverse utilisation models and discuss creating financial sustainability for value creation. To conclude, you'll gain insight into support functions available to researchers interested in advancing and leveraging their research results.
Course occasions and sign-up
Contact us
Do you have questions about the course and want more information?
Email Nhils Forslund, course coordinator at UU Innovation.