Swedish for Academics 3, 7,5 hp

The department of Scandinavian Languages offers Swedish courses for employees at Uppsala University.
This course is aimed at
- All employees
- Language
About the course
General provisions
The course is offered as contract education for international researchers, lecturers and doctoral students at Uppsala University.
- Please note that the number of participants is limited on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Swedish for Academics is free of charge.
Entry requirements
General entry requirements (except the Swedish language requirement). The course Swedish for Academics 2 (or the equivalent skill in Swedish) is also required. Students registered in any of the courses Swedish for Academics 1, 2, or 3 are given the opportunity to take a diagnostic test at most every third term.
Learning outcomes
Upon completing the course, international researchers, lecturers and doctoral students with foreign education backgrounds and native languages other than the Scandinavian languages and Finnish, will have to acquired basic skills in the Swedish language and some knowledge about Swedish culture and society.
The instruction consists of seminars and group exercises. Teaching language is Swedish.
This course provides a systematic orientation in and practice of fundamental structures in the Swedish language on a basic level through reading simple texts and fiction, writing exercises, and exercises in pronunciation, listening comprehension, and oral communication. This course contains a variety of tasks and exercises, individually and in groups.
Part 1. Reading Comprehension and Writing Proficiency (4.5 credits)
After completing the course, students will:
- be able to demonstrate knowledge of and apply fairly accurately the rules of Swedish language structure
- have such a developed vocabulary that they can deal with situations beyond everyday life
- be able to read and comprehend newspaper articles and other authentic Swedish texts
- be able to respond in writing and comment on various facts/opinions.
Part 2. Listening Comprehension and Oral Proficiency (3 credits)
After completing the course, students will:
- be able to hold presentations about and explain factual topics, and in doing so, use more developed language
- be able to participate in conversations and discussions about both familiar and unfamiliar topics and events
- be able to understand what is said on the radio and the TV, such as news or entertainment programs, but also some factual programs that don't make excessive demands of the student's prior knowledge.
The course objectives are examined through four final exams, oral and written.
A two-grade scale (Pass, Fail) is used for this course.
For students who fail to pass the regular exam, a re-exam is organized within a reasonable time after the first one. After contacting the head of the department, a student who has failed a particular exam twice has the opportunity to change the examiner or the form of examination.
If there are special reasons, the examiner may make exceptions to the specified examination method and allow a student to take a different test. Special reasons can, e.g., be notified of special educational support from the university's coordinator.
Course occasions and sign-up
Course occasions and sign-up
- Once a week, three hours, Campus Engelska parken
- The course is given autumn and spring semester.
The application for the next semester's courses in Swedish for Academics 1, 2, 3 and 4 will open September 15th, 2024. Sign-up is done via the form.
Please note that the number of participants is limited on a first-come, first-served basis.