Tips for successful digital meetings

Here you will get tips and recommendations on how to get the most out of your e-meeting/digital meeting in Zoom.

Zoom can be used for much more than a regular meeting

In addition to digital meetings, Zoom can be used in many other contexts. Here, the most common and requested ones are described.

Enkel, illustrerad bild i ljusa färger som visar tre personer som är samlade runt en skärm som en raket skuts upp ifrån

9 tips for good digital meetings

  1. Talk one at a time and maybe a little slower than usual.
  2. Turn off your microphone when not talking.
  3. Use a headset for better sound quality.
  4. Confirm who is talking by nodding head movements, not by talking.
  5. Make sure your face looks good in the picture with the right light, etc. so that those who need to read your lips get a chance to keep up.
  6. Make sure you have sent out the agenda before the e-meeting.
  7. Come to the e-meeting a little in advance so you can check your headset and camera, close open windows and make sure the light is good.
  8. Use a headset (can't be said enough times).
  9. Use UU's background image.

