Only authenticated users can join
What it means to use the "Only authenticated users can join" feature.
You can choose to use or choose not to use "only authenticated user can join".

If you set "Signed in to Zoom" all users in the world with a Zoom-account and who are loggen in to the Zoom service can join your meeting. It will keep anonymous guest from joining. Anonymity feeds bad behavior.
If you set "Only UU Zoom Users signed in to Zoom" the user needs to have a Zoom account within the UU Zoom domain and logged in to that account when joining. All mail addresses within UU ends with; Example:,,,
This will prevent anonymous guests to join and alla logged in Zoom users that does not have a Zoom account within the UU Zoom account.
If you set "Swedish University Zoom Users" all joining users need to have a Zoom account at a Swedish University or högskola.
This prevents anonymous guests and all loged in Zoom users not within a Swedish University or högskola to join.
All students at UU are asked to get an UU Zoom account in the same way employees are asked to. Students will get a licensed Zoom account that are at the same level as the employees. Student activate their UU Zoom account in exact the same way as employee does.
Employee gets an UU Zoom account with their UU mail address.
Students gets an UU Zoom account with their UU student mail address.
Those students that choose not to get an UU Zoom account will not be able to join Zoom meetings/lectures that have higher security. They will neither be able to be in advance assigned when preassigning breakout rooms. The cause is that they will join the meeting as anonymous or with an account unknown to us. The result is that when you start breakout rooms, some students and other guests will be unassigned to the breakout rooms. They can be assigned before the opening of the breakout rooms though.
All students with an UU Zoom account are listed when preassigning breakout rooms on UU Zoom web. You might have to enter more than the first name to find the right student. If not found, the student does not have a UU Zoom account.
For more effective pre assigning, if you will pre assign several times, use the function to import from a CSV file. Instructions are on our Zoomweb on MP, and of course even better ones at Zoom official support site (