Important to stay logged in to Zoom

There are several advantages to being logged in to Zoom.

Keep the account active

When you do not use your Zoom account for a period of 6 months, the account will be deleted. We have to do the deletion to meet Zoom's demands on us and to ensure that we have Zoom licenses available to those who use Zoom at the university.

You need to log in to Zoom to count as active. You can log in to the Zoom program or through the Zoom web to be counted as active.

We recommend all of you to always keep the Zoom program running on your computer and to always be logged in. It offers several advantages.

When the account is deleted, everything owned by the account will be deleted. Upcoming meetings and recurring meetings, polls, whiteboards, etc. will be deleted and after that they cannot be found or restored. They must be re-created.

Benefits of being logged in

It is important to ensure that you are logged in to Zoom, otherwise you will not be able to access licensed functions.
When logged in, you can, among other things:

  • hold meetings that are longer than 40 minutes
  • become an alternate host in a meeting where you have been assigned that role in advance
  • enter meetings with higher security settings
  • be listed in the participant list with verified name

If you're not logged in, Zoom doesn't know who you are, and if you've been assigned a role or to a breakout room in advance, Zoom cannot place you correctly. A meeting can also be limited to only admitting participants from Uppsala University, etc. and then you need to be logged in.
Therefore, it is rarely good to connect as a non-logged-in guest.

Zoom team chat and presence

Once you're logged in, you'll be visible with presence status, in Zoom team chat and your coworkers can see if you're available for a chat or live meeting.

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