Opening the black box of demand response: Exploring the cognitive processes
Ingår i Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2024
Serving two masters: How dual price signals can undermine demand flexibility
Ingår i Energy Policy, 2024
Dansmästaren: Dansar elbilsägare efter det lokala elnätets pipa?
Evaluating demand charges as instruments for managing peak-demand
Ingår i Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2023
Ingår i Energy Research & Social Science, 2023
Scaling-up digital disconnection practices in service of sustainability
Ingår i BEHAVE 2023, s. 62-62, 2023
Evaluating user understanding and exposure effects of demand-based tariffs
Ingår i Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 2022
- DOI för The relationship between peak electricity demand, peak to off-peak price ratio and enabling technology: A commentary to Arcturus 2.0: A meta-analysis of time-varying rates for electricity
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av The relationship between peak electricity demand, peak to off-peak price ratio and enabling technology: A commentary to Arcturus 2.0: A meta-analysis of time-varying rates for electricity
Why do people pursue goals sequentially when they try to balance cost and utility?
Ingår i Journal of Cognitive Psychology, s. 931-950, 2021
Ingår i Energy Research & Social Science, 2020
- DOI för Different strokes for different folks?: Comparing pro-environmental intentions between electricity consumers and solar prosumers in Sweden
- Ladda ner fulltext (pdf) av Different strokes for different folks?: Comparing pro-environmental intentions between electricity consumers and solar prosumers in Sweden
Ingår i Energy Research & Social Science, 2020
Ingår i Energy Research & Social Science, s. 236-246, 2019
Identifying and estimating the effects of a mandatory billing demand charge
Ingår i Applied Energy, s. 885-895, 2019
Good things come in small packages: is there a common set of motivators for energy behaviour?
Ingår i Energy Efficiency, s. 1599-1615, 2018
Marknadsstyrd effekttariff: Efterfrågeflexibilitet i kundgruppen 35-63A
Ingår i Behave 2018: Book of Abstracts, s. 30-31, 2018
Ingår i Utilities Policy, s. 28-40, 2015
Further exploring the potential of residential demand response programs in electricity distribution
Ingår i Applied Energy, s. 39-59, 2014
Key Actor Perspectives on Smart Grids
Ingår i ICT4S-WS 2014, s. 24-25, 2014