Daniel Nohrstedt
Professor vid Statsvetenskapliga institutionen; Forskare och lärare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 34 47
- Mobiltelefon:
- 073-650 33 01
- E-post:
- Daniel.Nohrstedt@statsvet.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Östra Ågatan 19
753 22 Uppsala - Postadress:
- Box 514
751 20 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- FD
- 0000-0003-1042-3616
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Kort presentation
Daniel Nohrstedt is Professor in Political Science at Uppsala University and research coordinator in CNDS. His research interests include the policy process, collaborative governance, policy networks, crisis management, and natural hazards. He is editorial board member for Policy Studies Journal; European Policy Analysis; Risks, Hazards, and Crisis in Public Policy; Oxford UP Encyclopedia of Crisis Analysis; Public Policy series of Palgrave; and Natural Hazards series of Springer.
- collaborative governance
- crisis management
- emergency management
- learning
- natural hazards
- policy networks
- policy process
- public policy
- reform
- sustainable development
Urval av publikationer
- Explaining Mobilization and Performance of Collaborations in Routine Emergency Management (2016)
- Does Adaptive Capacity Influence Service Delivery? (2015)
- Understanding the Political Context of Nuclear Energy Policy Change in Sweden (2014)
- The Public Policy Dimension of Resilience in Natural Disaster Management (2014)
- Advocacy coalitions in crisis resolution (2013)
- The Advocacy Coalition Framework (2012)
- Uncertainty, Accountability, and the Conduct of Postcrisis Inquiries (2011)
- Shifting Resources and Venues Producing Policy Change in Contested Subsystems (2011)
- A Quarter Century of the Advocacy Coalition Framework (2011)
- Do Advocacy Coalitions Matter? (2010)
- Converging under pressure? (2010)
- The Logic of Policy Change after Crisis (2010)
- The Politics of Crisis Policymaking (2008)
- Crisis and Policy Reformcraft (2007)
- External shocks and policy change (2005)
- The Kursk Submarine Accident: Coping with Value Complexity and Credibility Loss in Crisis (2001)
- Crisis Management Abroad: The Brolin Kidnap (2000)
Senaste publikationer
- Advocacy coalitions as political organizations (2024)
- Assessing the myth of disaster risk reduction in the wake of catastrophic floods (2024)
- Revisiting the role of disasters in climate policy-making (2024)
- Collaboration and individual performance during disaster response (2023)
- Challenges for environmental governance (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Advocacy coalitions as political organizations (2024)
- Assessing the myth of disaster risk reduction in the wake of catastrophic floods (2024)
- Revisiting the role of disasters in climate policy-making (2024)
- Collaboration and individual performance during disaster response (2023)
- Challenges for environmental governance (2023)
- A diagnostic for evaluating collaborative responses to compound emergencies (2022)
- Choose your collaborators wisely (2022)
- When do disasters spark transformative policy change and why? (2022)
- Exploring disaster impacts on adaptation actions in 549 cities worldwide (2022)
- Disaster risk reduction and the limits of truisms (2022)
- Assessing Policy Issue Interdependencies in Environmental Governance (2021)
- Policy issue interdependency and the formation of collaborative networks (2021)
- Exposure to natural hazard events unassociated with policy change for improved disaster risk reduction (2021)
- Beliefs, social identity, and the view of opponents in Swedish carnivore management policy (2020)
- Collective Action Problem Characteristics and Partner Uncertainty as Drivers of Social Tie Formation in Collaborative Networks (2020)
- Collaborative crisis management (2020)
- Sharpening Advocacy Coalitions (2020)
- Covid-19 and the policy sciences (2020)
- Improving network approaches to the study of complex social–ecological interdependencies (2019)
- Working at the "speed of trust" (2019)
- An Integrative Research Framework to Unravel the Interplay of Natural Hazards and Vulnerabilities (2018)
- Networking and Crisis Management Capacity: A Nested Analysis of Local-Level Collaboration in Sweden (2018)
- Bonding and Bridging Relationships in Collaborative Forums Responding to Weather Warnings (2018)
- Political drivers of epidemic response (2018)
- Managing Crisis Collaboratively: Prospects and Problems (2018)
- A policymaking perspective on disaster risk reduction in Mozambique (2017)
- Formation and performance of collaborative disaster management networks (2016)
- Explaining Mobilization and Performance of Collaborations in Routine Emergency Management (2016)
- Collaborative Governance Regimes (2016)
- A review of applications of the Advocacy Coalition framework in Swedish policy processes (2016)
- Does Adaptive Capacity Influence Service Delivery? (2015)
- Review of The National Origins of Policy Ideas: Knowledge Regimes in the United States, France, Germany, and Denmark (2015)
- Do Floods Drive Crisis Mitigation Policy? (2015)
- Policy Change in Comparative Contexts (2014)
- Evolutionary Dynamics of Crisis Preparedness Collaboration (2014)
- Advocacy coalitions in crisis resolution (2013)
- Shifting Resources and Venues Producing Policy Change in Contested Subsystems (2011)
- A Quarter Century of the Advocacy Coalition Framework (2011)
- Do Advocacy Coalitions Matter? (2010)
- Converging under pressure? (2010)
- The Logic of Policy Change after Crisis (2010)
- The Politics of Crisis Policymaking (2008)
- External shocks and policy change (2005)
- Crisis Management in Transitional Democracies (2002)
- Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries (2022)
- Collaborative Crisis Management (2019)
- Crisis and Policy Reformcraft (2007)
- Crisis Management Abroad: The Brolin Kidnap (2000)
- The Advocacy Coalition Framework (2023)
- Advocacy Coalition Framework (2022)
- Comparing policy processes (2020)
- The Advocacy Coalition Framework: (2017)
- Katastrofrisreducering och samverkan: teoretiska perspektiv och exempel från Sverige (2016)
- The Politics of Hydraulic Fracturing in Sweden (2016)
- Paradigms and Unintended Consequences (2015)
- Complexity theory and collaborative crisis governance in Sweden (2015)
- The Advocacy Coalition Framework: Foundations, Evolution and Future Challenges (2014)
- Understanding the Political Context of Nuclear Energy Policy Change in Sweden (2014)
- The Public Policy Dimension of Resilience in Natural Disaster Management (2014)
- The Advocacy Coalition Framework (2012)
- Uncertainty, Accountability, and the Conduct of Postcrisis Inquiries (2011)
- The Kursk Submarine Accident: Coping with Value Complexity and Credibility Loss in Crisis (2001)