Maya Neytcheva
Professor emeritus vid Institutionen för informationsteknologi; Beräkningsvetenskap
- Telefon:
- 018-471 29 79
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- Besöksadress:
- Hus 10, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 337
751 05 UPPSALA
- Akademiska meriter:
- PhD, Docent
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Kort presentation
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
Areas of interest and expertize: numerical solution methods for linear and nonlinear problems, iterative methods and preconditioning, High performance computations and parallelization aspects of numerical solution methods; numerical methods for partial differential equations
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Senaste publikationer
- Fine spectral analysis of preconditioned matrices and matrix-sequences arising from stage-parallel implicit Runge-Kutta methods of arbitrarily high order (2024)
- Stage-parallel preconditioners for implicit Runge-Kutta methods of arbitrarily high order, linear problems (2023)
- Preconditioning of discrete state- and control-constrained optimal control convection-diffusion problems (2023)
- Preconditioning of Discrete State- and Control-Constrained Optimal Control Convection-Diffusion Problems (2023)
- Stage-parallel fully implicit Runge-Kutta implementations with optimal multilevel preconditioners at the scaling limit (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Fine spectral analysis of preconditioned matrices and matrix-sequences arising from stage-parallel implicit Runge-Kutta methods of arbitrarily high order (2024)
- Stage-parallel preconditioners for implicit Runge-Kutta methods of arbitrarily high order, linear problems (2023)
- Preconditioning of discrete state- and control-constrained optimal control convection-diffusion problems (2023)
- Stage-parallel fully implicit Runge-Kutta implementations with optimal multilevel preconditioners at the scaling limit (2023)
- Iterative solution methods for 3D controlled-source electromagnetic forward modelling of geophysical exploration scenarios (2023)
- Cell-by-cell approximate Schur complement technique in preconditioning of meshfree discretized piezoelectric equations (2021)
- Parallel solution methods and preconditioners for evolution equations (2018)
- An efficient preconditioning method for state box-constrained optimal control problems (2018)
- Editorial (2018)
- A robust structured preconditioner for time-harmonic parabolic optimal control problems (2018)
- A preconditioner for optimal control problems, constrained by Stokes equation with a time-harmonic control (2017)
- Comparison of preconditioned Krylov subspace iteration methods for PDE-constrained optimization problems (2017)
- Function-based block multigrid strategy for a two-dimensional linear elasticity-type problem (2017)
- Comparison of preconditioned Krylov subspace iteration methods for PDE-constrained optimization problems (2016)
- Spectral analysis of coupled PDEs and of their Schur complements via Generalized Locally Toeplitz sequences in 2D (2016)
- Numerical solution of the time-dependent Navier–Stokes equation for variable density–variable viscosity (2015)
- Applications for ultrascale computing (2015)
- Numerical and computational aspects of some block-preconditioners for saddle point systems (2015)
- On preconditioning of incompressible non-Newtonian flow problems (2015)
- A comparison of iterative methods to solve complex valued linear algebraic systems (2014)
- Efficient numerical solution of discrete multi-component Cahn–Hilliard systems (2014)
- Numerical and computational efficiency of solvers for two-phase problems (2013)
- A general approach to analyse preconditioners for two-by-two block matrices (2013)
- Efficient preconditioners for large scale binary Cahn–Hilliard models (2012)
- Preconditioning the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable viscosity (2012)
- On an augmented Lagrangian-based preconditioning of Oseen type problems (2011)
- On element-by-element Schur complement approximations (2011)
- Finite-element based sparse approximate inverses for block-factorized preconditioners (2011)
- Robust AMLI methods for parabolic Crouzeix–Raviart FEM systems (2010)
- Preconditioning of boundary value problems using elementwise Schur complements (2009)
- New algorithms for evaluating the log-likelihood function derivatives in the AI-REML method (2009)
- Preconditioning of nonsymmetric saddle point systems as arising in modelling of viscoelastic problems (2008)
- Schwarz methods for discrete elliptic and parabolic problems with an application to nuclear waste repository modelling (2007)
- Eigenvalue estimates for preconditioned saddle point matrices (2006)
- Robust optimal multilevel preconditioners for non-conforming finite element systems (2005)
- Numerical simulations of glacial rebound using preconditioned iterative solution methods (2005)
- Algebraic preconditioning versus direct solvers for dense linear systems as arising in crack propagation problems (2005)
- Uniform estimate of the constant in the strengthened CBS inequality for anisotropic non-conforming FEM systems (2004)
- Preconditioning methods for linear systems arising in constrained optimization problems (2003)
- Using preconditioned iterative methods in electromagnetic geophysical modelling including perfectly-matched layers
- Preconditioning of discrete state- and control-constrained optimal control convection-diffusion problems
- Schur complement-based preconditioner applied to 3D controlled-source electromagnetic forward problems of geophysical applications
- Preconditioned iterative solution methods for linear systems arising in PDE-constrained optimization (2019)
- On the impact of the heterogeneous multicore and many-core platforms on iterative solution methods and preconditioning techniques (2014)
- Canonical eigenvalue distribution of multilevel block Toeplitz sequences with non-Hermitian symbols (2012)
- An Exact Schur Complement Method for Time-Harmonic Optimal Control Problems (2022)
- PDE-Constrained Optimization: Optimal control with L1-Regularization, State and Control Box Constraints (2021)
- Numerical solution methods for implicit Runge-Kutta methods of arbitrarily high order (2020)
- PDE-constrained optimization (2020)
- Multidimensional performance and scalability analysis for diverse applications based on system monitoring data (2018)
- Schur complement matrix and its (elementwise) approximation (2015)
- CPU and GPU performance of large scale numerical simulations in Geophysics (2014)
- Parallel implementation of the Sherman–Morrison matrix inverse algorithm (2013)
- Block-preconditioners for conforming and non-conforming FEM discretizations of the Cahn–Hilliard equation (2012)
- Element-by-element Schur complement approximations for general nonsymmetric matrices of two-by-two block form (2010)
- Aggregation-based multilevel preconditioning of non-conforming FEM elasticity problems (2006)
- An agglomerate multilevel preconditioner for linear isostasy saddle point problems (2006)
- Robust preconditioners for saddle point problems (2003)
- Preconditioning of Discrete State- and Control-Constrained Optimal Control Convection-Diffusion Problems (2023)
- Preconditioners for two-by-two block matrices with square blocks (2018)
- An efficient preconditioning method for state box-constrained optimal control problems (2018)
- A robust structured preconditioner for time-harmonic parabolic optimal control problems (2017)
- Parallel solution methods and preconditioners for evolution equations (2017)
- A block multigrid strategy for two-dimensional coupled PDEs (2016)
- A preconditioner for optimal control problems, constrained by Stokes equation with a time-harmonic control (2015)
- Comparison of preconditioned Krylov subspace iteration methods for PDE-constrained optimization problems (2015)
- Comparison of preconditioned Krylov subspace iteration methods for PDE-constrained optimization problems (2015)
- On some block-preconditioners for saddle point systems and their CPU–GPU performance (2015)
- Schur complement matrix and its (elementwise) approximation (2015)
- Spectral analysis of coupled PDEs and of their Schur complements via the notion of generalized locally Toeplitz sequences (2015)
- Parallel performance study of block-preconditioned iterative methods on multicore computer systems (2014)
- A comparison of iterative methods to solve complex valued linear algebraic systems (2013)
- Numerical and computational efficiency of solvers for two-phase problems (2012)
- Numerical solution of the time-dependent Navier–Stokes equation for variable density–variable viscosity (2012)
- Efficient numerical solution of discrete multi-component Cahn–Hilliard systems (2012)
- Efficiently parallel implementation of the inverse Sherman–Morrison algorithm (2012)
- On preconditioning incompressible non-Newtonian flow problems (2012)
- Operator splittings for solving nonlinear, coupled multiphysics problems with an application to the numerical solution of an interface problem (2011)
- Efficient preconditioners for large scale binary Cahn–Hilliard models (2011)
- Solution methods for the Cahn–Hilliard equation discretized by conforming and non-conforming finite elements (2011)
- Preconditioning the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable viscosity (2011)
- A general approach to analyse preconditioners for two-by-two block matrices (2010)
- On an augmented Lagrangian-based preconditioning of Oseen type problems (2010)
- Finite-element based sparse approximate inverses for block-factorized preconditioners (2010)
- A black-box generalized conjugate gradient minimum residual method based on variable preconditioners and local element approximations (2007)
- Finite element block-factorized preconditioners (2007)
- Preconditioning of boundary value problems using elementwise Schur complements (2006)
- Eigenvalue estimates for preconditioned saddle point matrices (2004)
- Numerical solution methods for glacial rebound models (2004)
- Approaches to Reduce the Computational Cost when Solving Linear Systems of Equations Arising in Boundary Element Method Discretizations (2003)
- Uniform estimate of the constant in the strengthened CBS inequality for anisotropic non-conforming FEM systems (2002)