Simon Davidsson Kurland
Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper; Vindenergi
- Telefon:
- 018-471 83 71
- E-post:
- Besöksadress:
- Campus Gotland, Cramérgatan 3
62157 Visby - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
62167 Visby
- 0000-0003-0794-5536
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Kort presentation
Jag undersöker hur man kan uppnå en omställning till mer hållbara energisystem. Ett viktigt forskningsintresse är att utforska olika tidsperspektiv på energiomställningar och betydelsen av teknisk förändring, särskilt sambanden mellan teknik och användning av naturresurser och utsläpp av växthusgaser. Min forskning har behandlat flera olika teknologier från olika delar av energisystemet, inklusive vindenergi, solceller, batterier och elfordon.
- critical raw materials
- energy storage
- energy system analysis
- energy transition
- energy transitions
- green technology
- interdisciplinarity
- interdisciplinary research
- macro-energy systems
- natural resources
- renewable energy
- sustainable developement
- technological change
Senaste publikationer
- Carbon footprint impacts of banning cars with internal combustion engines (2021)
- Energy use for GWh-scale lithium-ion battery production (2019)
- The energetic implications of introducing lithium-ion batteries into distributed photovoltaic systems (2019)
- Macro-Energy Systems (2019)
- Material requirements and availability for multi-terawatt deployment of photovoltaics (2017)
Alla publikationer
- Carbon footprint impacts of banning cars with internal combustion engines (2021)
- Energy use for GWh-scale lithium-ion battery production (2019)
- The energetic implications of introducing lithium-ion batteries into distributed photovoltaic systems (2019)
- Macro-Energy Systems (2019)
- Material requirements and availability for multi-terawatt deployment of photovoltaics (2017)
- Energy modeling approach to the global energy-mineral nexus (2017)
- Growth curves and sustained commissioning modelling of renewable energy (2014)
- Decline and depletion rates of oil production (2014)
- Evaluation and update of Norwegian and Danish oil production forecasts and implications for Swedish oil import (2014)
- Phosphate rock production and depletion (2014)
- Chinese coal supply and future production outlooks (2013)
- Reviewing electricity production cost assessments (2013)
- Lithium availability and future production outlooks (2013)
- A review of life cycle assessments on wind energy systems (2012)