Joshua Juvrud
Biträdande universitetslektor vid Institutionen för speldesign
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621 57 VISBY - Postadress:
- Uppsala universitet, Campus Gotland
62167 Visby
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Kort presentation
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Senaste publikationer
- A deconstruction of expertise and performance through arcade games (2024)
- People overlook subtractive changes differently depending on age, culture, and task (2024)
- Gender expression and gender identity in virtual reality (2024)
- Maternal postpartum depression impacts infants' joint attention differentially across cultures (2022)
- Game or watch: The effect of interactivity on arousal and engagement in video game media (2022)
Alla publikationer
- A deconstruction of expertise and performance through arcade games (2024)
- People overlook subtractive changes differently depending on age, culture, and task (2024)
- Gender expression and gender identity in virtual reality (2024)
- Maternal postpartum depression impacts infants' joint attention differentially across cultures (2022)
- Game or watch: The effect of interactivity on arousal and engagement in video game media (2022)
- High quality social environment buffers infants’ cognitive development from poor maternal mental health (2022)
- Infants’ Selective Visual Attention Is Dependent on Maternal Affect and Emotional Context (2021)
- The teleological stance (2020)
- An embodied account of teleological processes (2020)
- Longitudinal Continuity in Understanding and Production of Giving-Related Behavior From Infancy to Childhood (2019)
- Attention during Visual Preference Tasks (2019)
- Action Prediction Allows Hypothesis Testing via Internal Forward Models at 6 Months of Age (2018)
- The Immersive Virtual Reality Lab (2018)
- "I Don't Need Help" (2017)
- Caregiving experience and its relation to perceptual narrowing of face gender (2017)
- Semantic processing of actions at 9months is linked to language proficiency at 9 and 18months. (2016)
- The neural basis of non-verbal communication - enhanced processing of perceived give-me gestures in 9-month-old girls (2015)
- Context dependent perception of apparent motion in 12-month-old infants and adults
- Relationship between Pupil and Neural Responses: Pupil Dilation as Early Marker for Infants’ Understanding of Social Interactions (2015)
- Investigating Action and Goal States Using Pupil Dilation in 9-Month-Olds (2015)
- Infants’ Differential Recognition of Female and Male Faces in a Visual Search Task (2015)
- Is Direct Gaze Contact a Necessary Prerequisit for Gaze Following in Infants? (2015)