Hannah Bradby
Professor i sociologi vid Sociologiska institutionen; Lärare och forskare
- Telefon:
- 018-471 51 83
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- hannah.bradby@uu.se
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- 0000-0002-0664-1170
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Since the early 1990s, Hannah's research has looked at identity and inequalities around ethnicity, migration status and gender, with a particular focus on health. This work has been widely published in book and article form.
Having published her doctoral research as a novella, she maintains an interest in fiction as a form of evidence and as a research method for understanding health and illness in social context.
More information at http://hannah.bradby.info/
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for further details
Together with Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert and Beth Maina Ahlberg: 'Understanding racism in healthcare: Developing and implementing anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation’ funded by Vetenskapsrådet.
The research has been discussed at a webinars organised by the Equal opportunities board of Lund Medical Faculty https://www.med.lu.se/intramed/min_anstaellning/vaerdegrund_likabehandling_och_trakasserier/lika_moejligheter_samma_raettigheter and by the Swedish Medical Association https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRyQMuXpA8g and on an edition (Särbehandling i vården – om rasism och minoritetsstress) of the long-running P1 radio program Kropp & Själ https://sverigesradio.se/avsnitt/1582449
An ongoing collaboration with the Universities of North Carolina and Jonköping is exploring means of teaching caring professions how to recognise and undo the harms of racism.
Project publications
Hannah Bradby, Suruchi Thapar Björkert, Sarah Hamed, Beth Maina Ahlberg. 2023. ‘“You Are Still a Guest in This Country!”: Understanding Racism through the Concepts of Hospitality and Hostility in Healthcare Encounters in Sweden’ Sociology.
Sarah Hamed, Beth Maina Ahlberg, Suruchi Thapar Björkert, Hannah Bradby. 2022. 'Racism in healthcare: a scoping review' BMC Public Health. 22: 988.
Beth Maina Ahlberg, Sarah Hamed, Hannah Bradby, Cecilia Moberg, and Suruchi Thapar-Björkert. 2022 ‘“Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going”: Emotional Labor when Ethnic Minority Healthcare Staff Encounter Racism in Healthcare’ Frontiers in Sociology.
Hannah Bradby, Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Beth Maina Ahlberg. 2021 ‘Designing an education intervention for Understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden – development and implementation of anti-racist strategies through shared knowledge production and evaluation’ Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
additional case study material available here: http://uu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1638696&dswid=6320
Sarah Hamed, Suruchi Thapar-Björkert, Hannah Bradby and Beth Maina Ahlberg 2020. ‘Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond’ Qualitative Health Research.
Ahlberg, B.M., Hamed, S., Thapar-Björkert, S., Bradby, H. 2019. ‘Invisibility of Racism in the Global Neoliberal Era: Implications for Researching Racism in Healthcare’ Frontiers in Sociology.
Hannah Bradby, Suruchi Thapar Björkert, Sarah Hamed and Beth Maina Ahlberg. 2019 ‘Undoing the unspeakable: researching racism in Swedish healthcare using a participatory process’ BMC Health Research Policy and Systems. 17 (43)n European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond’
Together with colleagues from the Universities of Birmingham, Melbourne & Bilkent: ‘Sexual and Gender-based Violence in the Refugee Crisis: Vulnerabilities, Inequalities and Responses’ funded by the Europe and Global Challenges 4th call, Riksbankjubileum, Volkswagen, Wellcome.
Hannah Bradby, Anna Papoutsi, Selin Akyuz, Hoayda Darkal, Jenny Phillimore. ‘Something is (still) missing: Feminist services for forced migrants surviving sexual and gender-based violence in Sweden, Australia, Turkey and United Kingdom?’ Women’s Studies International Forum. [DOI]
Past funders of research: the Economic and Social Research Council, The Welfare State Futures Norface programme and National Institute for Health Research.
Senaste publikationer
- “Sleepless nights are a daily reality for us” how mothers experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia describe street life (2025)
- Healthcare staff's racialized talk (2024)
- Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden (2023)
- Something is (still) missing? (2023)
- ‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’ (2023)
Alla publikationer
- “Sleepless nights are a daily reality for us” how mothers experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia describe street life (2025)
- Healthcare staff's racialized talk (2024)
- Designing an education intervention for understanding racism in healthcare in Sweden (2023)
- Something is (still) missing? (2023)
- ‘You are Still a Guest in This Country!’ (2023)
- Assessing the contribution of migration related policies to equity in access to healthcare in European countries (2023)
- Discourses and practices of the ‘New Normal’ (2023)
- Discussing racism in healthcare (2023)
- Forced Migration, Sexual and Gender-based Violence and Integration (2023)
- Contradictions hindering the provision of mental healthcare and psychosocial services to women experiencing homelessness in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2023)
- Addressing the needs of Ethiopia's street homeless women of reproductive age in the health and social protection policy (2023)
- Ethnic, racial and regional inequalities in access to COVID-19 vaccine, testing and hospitalization (2022)
- “Just Throw It Behind You and Just Keep Going” (2022)
- Editorial (2022)
- The Dynamics of Spiritual Care Among Swedish Hospital Chaplains (2022)
- Racism in healthcare (2022)
- Adverse pregnancy outcome disclosure and women's social networks (2022)
- Geographies of Shame (2022)
- Editorial (2022)
- Seeing the value of experiential knowledge through COVID‑19 (2021)
- Marie Sépulchre, Disability and citizenship studies. Routledge, 2021. (2021)
- Structural and Symbolic Violence Exacerbates the Risks and Consequences of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence for Forced Migrant Women (2021)
- Exploring health-seeking behavior among adolescent mothers during the Ebola epidemic in Western rural district of Freetown, Sierra Leone (2021)
- The Conceptualization problem in research and responses to sexual and gender-based violence in forced migration (2021)
- Depressive symptoms and perception of risk during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)
- Universalism, diversity and norms (2020)
- Policy Makers', NGO, and Healthcare Workers' Accounts of Migrants' and Refugees' Healthcare Access Across Europe (2020)
- ‘If there were doctors who could understand our problems, I would already be better’ (2020)
- Racism in European Health Care: Structural Violence and Beyond (2020)
- After encounters (2020)
- Migrants' and refugees' health status and healthcare in Europe (2020)
- Superdiversity, migration and use of internet-based health information (2020)
- “It's the First Barrier” (2020)
- Invisibility of Racism in the Global Neoliberal Era (2019)
- Visibility, resilience, vulnerability in young migrants (2019)
- Making Gendered Healthcare Work Visible (2019)
- Undoing the unspeakable (2019)
- Access to healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods (2019)
- Superdiversity, population health and health care (2019)
- Health providers as bricoleurs (2019)
- Bricolage as conceptual tool for understanding access to healthcare in superdiverse populations (2019)
- Healthcare bricolage in Europe’s superdiverse neighbourhoods (2019)
- Conditions for Religious Pluralism in Swedish Hospital Chaplaincy (2019)
- Unmet needs for healthcare in superdiverse neighbourhoods (2018)
- Immigrants and refugees' principal characteristics across Europe (2018)
- Researching health in diverse neighbourhoods: (2018)
- Moving on: Transitions out of care for young people with learning disabilities in England and Sweden (2018)
- Language is still a major obstacle when accessing and/or providing healthcare services in several European countries (2018)
- Transnational healthcare usage in superdiverse neighbourhoods (2018)
- Review: La Fille Inconnue (The Unknown Girl) (2017)
- A Fortunate Man (2017)
- Taking Story Seriously (2017)
- Is Superdiversity a Useful Concept in European Medical Sociology? (2017)
- Asylsökande barns hälsobehov i Sverige (2017)
- Moving on (2017)
- Research Agenda in Medical Sociology (2016)
- Migration and danger (2016)
- Understanding healthcare practices in superdiverse neighbourhoods and developing the concept of welfare bricolage (2015)
- International medical migration (2014)
- Pathways to care (2014)
- ‘Having a different conversation around death’ (2013)
- Medicine, health and illness (2012)
- Race, ethnicity and health (2012)
- ‘What do we mean by ‘racism’? (2010)
- Understanding and apprehending institutional racism in mental health services (2010)
- Experiences of Acute Mental Health Care in an Ethnically Diverse Inner City (2010)
- ”Racism without racists”: How health care staff obfuscate racism in health care
- Exploring Welfare Bricolage in Europe's Superdiverse Neighbourhoods (2021)
- Medicine, Health and Society (2012)
- Global Perspectives on War, Gender and Health (2010)
- Hälsoojämlikheter i ljuset av välfärds- och invandringspolitiken (2021)
- Ethnicity and health (2021)
- Subjectivity, Experience and Evidence (2020)
- Human Rights and citizenship-based claims for access to healthcare (2020)
- International medical migration (2019)
- Refugee and Migrant Health (2019)
- Health Status of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Europe (2017)
- Public Policy, Immigrant Experiences, and Health Outcomes in the United Kingdom (2016)
- Public Policy, Immigrant Experiences, and Health Outcomes in Sweden (2016)
- Public Policy, Immigrant Experiences, and Health Outcomes in Sweden (2016)
- Margaret Stacey (2015)
- Health, ethnicity and race (2010)
- Understanding racism in Swedish healthcare (2019)
- Understanding racial discrimination in healthcare (2018)
- Att förstå och åtgärda diskriminering inom hälso-och sjukvården (2017)
- Spatialisation & racialization (2015)
- Putting together services to meet everyday health needs (2015)
- Therapeutic itineraries and politics of belonging in the context of superdiversity (2014)
- Health and discrimination (2014)
- Intersections of race and class (2014)
- Pathways to care (2014)
- Religion, deceased donation and disparities in transplantation among ethnic minority groups in the UK (2014)
- Diversity and health care access (2012)
- Pathways through health care (2012)
- Teaching material (2022)
- Scarred for life (2016)
- Howling together alone: Scandi-noir (2016)
- Conceptualizing the ‘migrant crisis’ in Europe (2015)
- Alan Kurdi (2015)
- What is the point of hospitals? (2015)
- Cracked (2015)
- Dimensions of Diversity (2015)
- Public health aspects of migrant health: a review of the evidence on health status for refugees and asylum seekers in the European Region (2015)
- Screening, stigma and risk (2014)
- Trouble in social democratic paradise (2014)
- Healthcare heroes – Raed Arafat (#1 in an occasional series) (2014)
- Holiday parasites and furry friends (2014)
- Is Care Unsafe for People with a Learning Disability? (2014)
- 'Akuten' (2013)
- Counting the cost of heroic surgical intervention (2013)
- Surgery for breakfast (2013)
- Unequal Health (2013)
- A review of research and policy documents on the international migration of physicians and nurses (2013)
- Much ado about nothing? (2012)
- Idiot’s guide to ethical publishing in a competitive world (2012)
- Funny bodies (2012)
- Exercise: how much is enough? (2012)
- Waiting for the Xenografts... (2012)