Yaroslav Kvashnin
Forskare vid Institutionen för fysik och astronomi; Materialteori
- E-post:
- Yaroslav.Kvashnin@physics.uu.se
- Besöksadress:
- Ångströmlaboratoriet, Lägerhyddsvägen 1
- Postadress:
- Box 516
751 20 UPPSALA
- CV:
- Ladda ned CV
- 0000-0002-4238-5733
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Kort presentation
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
I study magnetic materials using first principles methods based on density functional theory. For this purpose, I develop computational methods and run simulations, whose outcomes are then directly compared with experiment. The final goal is to be able to predict all the main properties of an arbitrary material, such as its ordering temperature, coercive field or its excitation spectra. I am particularly interested in the magnets with non-collinear ordering and strong electron correlations.
- correlated electron systems
- density functional theory
- dynamical mean field theory
- magnetic materials
- magnetism
Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.
- ab initio modelling of magnetic materials, their dynamics and finite temperature properties
- Non-collinear magnetism: theoretical modelling and applications
- Interplay between magnetism and strong electron correlations in 3d metals, oxides and rare-earths
- Theoretical interpretation of XAS / XES / XPS spectra
- Physics of magnetic materials under high pressure
Urval av publikationer
- Electronic structure, magnetism, and exchange integrals in transition-metal oxides (2018)
- Magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic CuCrO2 studied by means of ab initio calculations and Monte Carlo simulations (2017)
- Band Filling Control of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Weakly Ferromagnetic Insulators (2017)
- The Bethe-Slater curve revisited; new insights from electronic structure theory (2017)
- Theory of L-edge spectroscopy of strongly correlated systems (2017)
- Microscopic Origin of Heisenberg and Non-Heisenberg Exchange Interactions in Ferromagnetic bcc Fe (2016)
- Exchange parameters of strongly correlated materials (2015)
- Electronic topological transition and noncollinear magnetism in compressed hcp Co (2015)
Senaste publikationer
- Unraveling the connection between high-order magnetic interactions and local-to-global spin Hamiltonian in noncollinear magnetic dimers (2023)
- Magnetic circular dichroism in the dd excitation in the van der Waals magnet CrI3 probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (2023)
- Resistive switching in graphene (2023)
- Short nanometer range optically induced magnetic fluctuations accompanying ultrafast demagnetization of nanoscale ferromagnetic domains (2023)
- Quantitative theory of magnetic interactions in solids (2023)
Alla publikationer
- Unraveling the connection between high-order magnetic interactions and local-to-global spin Hamiltonian in noncollinear magnetic dimers (2023)
- Magnetic circular dichroism in the dd excitation in the van der Waals magnet CrI3 probed by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (2023)
- Resistive switching in graphene (2023)
- Short nanometer range optically induced magnetic fluctuations accompanying ultrafast demagnetization of nanoscale ferromagnetic domains (2023)
- Quantitative theory of magnetic interactions in solids (2023)
- Uniaxial pressure effects in the two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnet CrI3 (2022)
- Comment on "Proper and improper chiral magnetic interactions" (2022)
- Unusual Magnetic Features in Two-Dimensional Fe5GeTe2 Induced by Structural Reconstructions (2022)
- Exotic magnetic and electronic properties of layered CrI3 single crystals under high pressure (2022)
- Dynamical correlations in single-layer CrI3 (2022)
- Spin-lattice couplings in two-dimensional CrI3 from first-principles computations (2022)
- Magnetism between magnetic adatoms on monolayer NbSe2 (2022)
- Nonequilibrium sub-10 nm spin-wave soliton formation in FePt nanoparticles (2022)
- Heisenberg and anisotropic exchange interactions in magnetic materials with correlated electronic structure and significant spin-orbit coupling (2021)
- 2p x-ray absorption spectroscopy of 3d transition metal systems (2021)
- Monolayer CrCl3 as an Ideal Test Bed for the Universality Classes of 2D Magnetism (2021)
- Nature of the magnetic moment of cobalt in ordered FeCo alloy (2021)
- Perpendicular and In-Plane Hole Asymmetry in a Strained NiFe2O4 film (2021)
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in the half-metallic Heusler alloy Co2FeAl (2021)
- A DMI Guide to Magnets Micro-World (2021)
- Connection between magnetic interactions and the spin-wave gap of the insulating phase of NaOsO3 (2021)
- Quantifying Spin-Mixed States in Ferromagnets (2021)
- First-principles Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in a non-collinear framework (2020)
- Analysis of the linear relationship between asymmetry and magnetic moment at the M edge of 3d transition metals (2020)
- Magnetic two-dimensional electron liquid at the surface of Heusler semiconductors (2020)
- Relativistic exchange interactions in CrX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) monolayers (2020)
- Coexistence of Superconductivity and Charge Density Waves in Tantalum Disulfide (2020)
- Direct light-induced spin transfer between different elements in a spintronic Heusler material via femtosecond laser excitation (2020)
- Large easy-axis anisotropy in the one-dimensional magnet BaMo(PO4)(2) (2019)
- Analytical and numerical investigations of noncollinear magnetic ordering in the frustrated delafossite CuCrO2 (2019)
- Spin polaronics (2019)
- Cation ordering, ferrimagnetism and ferroelectric relaxor behavior in Pb(Fe1-xScx)(2/3)W1/3O3 solid solutions (2019)
- Charge disproportionate antiferromagnetism at the verge of the insulator-metal transition in doped LaFeO3 (2019)
- Microscopic theory of ultrafast out-of-equilibrium magnon-phonon dynamics in insulators (2019)
- Peculiar magnetic states in the double perovskite Nd2NiMnO6 (2019)
- Effects of Ga doping on magnetic and ferroelectric properties of multiferroic delafossite CuCrO2 (2018)
- Half-metallicity and magnetism in the Co2MnAl/CoMnVAl heterostructure (2018)
- Magnetic properties of Ruddlesden-Popper phases Sr3-& (2018)
- Electronic structure, magnetism, and exchange integrals in transition-metal oxides (2018)
- Investigation of the spectral properties and magnetism of BiFeO3 by dynamical mean-field theory (2018)
- Role of the orbital moment in a series of isostructural weak ferromagnets (2018)
- Magnetic damping in sputter-deposited Co2MnGe Heusler compounds with A2, B2, and L2(1) orders (2018)
- Nonlocal Gilbert damping tensor within the torque-torque correlation model (2018)
- Magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic CuCrO2 studied by means of ab initio calculations and Monte Carlo simulations (2017)
- Band Filling Control of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction in Weakly Ferromagnetic Insulators (2017)
- Spin-polaron formation and magnetic state diagram in La-doped CaMnO3 (2017)
- The Bethe-Slater curve revisited; new insights from electronic structure theory (2017)
- Magnetism and ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Co and CoMn alloys at finite temperature (2017)
- Evolution of the structural and multiferroic properties of PbFe2/3W1/3O3 ceramics upon Mn-doping (2017)
- Exchange interactions of CaMnO3 in the bulk and at the surface (2017)
- Theory of L-edge spectroscopy of strongly correlated systems (2017)
- Theory of noncollinear interactions beyond Heisenberg exchange (2017)
- Prediction of the new efficient permanent magnet SmCoNiFe3 (2017)
- Towards sub-nanometer real-space observation of spin and orbital magnetism at the Fe/MgO interface (2017)
- First principles studies of the Gilbert damping and exchange interactions for half-metallic Heuslers alloys (2016)
- Polar Order and Frustrated Antiferromagnetism in Perovskite Pb2MnWO6 Single Crystals. (2016)
- Microscopic Origin of Heisenberg and Non-Heisenberg Exchange Interactions in Ferromagnetic bcc Fe (2016)
- Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations of solids. (2016)
- Standard model of the rare earths analyzed from the Hubbard I approximation (2016)
- Electronic structure and exchange interactions of insulating double perovskite La2CuRuO6 (2016)
- High photon energy spectroscopy of NiO (2016)
- Structure and magnetism of cobalt at high pressure and low temperature (2016)
- Layer-resolved magnetic exchange interactions of surfaces of late 3d elements (2015)
- Exchange parameters of strongly correlated materials (2015)
- Electronic topological transition and noncollinear magnetism in compressed hcp Co (2015)
- Sensitivity to Actinide Doping of Uranium Compounds by Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering at Uranium L-3 Edge (2015)
- Origin of the magnetostructural coupling in FeMnP0.75Si0.25 (2014)
- Role of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering in high-resolution core-level spectroscopy of actinide materials (2014)
- Kinetic arrest induced antiferromagnetic order in hexagonal FeMnP0.75Si0.25 alloy (2014)
- First-principles modeling of magnetic excitations in Mn-12 (2014)
- First-principles Dzyaloshinskii-Moryia interaction in a non-collinear framework
- Doping induced site-selective Mott insulating phase in LaFeO3
- Magnetic asymmetry around the 3p absorption edge in Fe and Ni
- The standard model of the rare-earths, analyzed from the Hubbard-Iapproximation
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in half-metallic Co2FeAl Heusler alloy
- Ultrafast dynamics in Fe65Co35 alloys: Effect of Re doping
- Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in magnetically frustrated NiFe2O4 ferrimagnet